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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. <----- BronxWench <------- magusfang
  2. ok, I'm sorry, but as mudslinging goes that's just weak! It's logical, concise, and well thought out! Frankly BronxWench I am very disappointed in you!
  3. Hmmm, sleep writing, it just might work for me...
  4. Mmmmm, some people need to review civics: This country may look like the government has become slow and ponderous, but it was designed that way. The only thing the framers feared worse than tyranny by the manority was tyranny by the majority Our government is designed to weather bad leaders, nothing can get done unless both houses of congress ant the exec utile agree- and then it could all still be undone by the judicial Our gov is designed to move slowly so that any damage by whatever group of loonies is in charge that week can be undone by next weeks loonies
  5. I love the look on the eagles face..."Why is my lunch looking at me like that?" Go get em kitty!
  6. OK, this thread has gone on for three pages so I invoke Goodwin's Law! Don't hate me, your just jealous I though of it first, now before the mud starts flying, let me step back...
  7. SPOILER ALERT FOR CHAPTER 7 "Holy crap! Nadi is preggers?!?!? Man, I must have been sleepier than I thought!
  8. The whole right/left thing is ridiculous; believe what you believe and don't try and fit in a group or you are going to have things that you don't believe just because the group believes it. Me, I'm all over the place: Weak Gov, Pro choice, gun rights, gay marriage (Why should the straight guys be the only one's who suffer? I'm gonna pay for that!) I can't go right because I'm a godless minion going to hell and I can't go left because I'm a crazy gun totiing radical, so I guess I'll start my own party! And quit picking on O'reilly - he's frickin funny as hell!
  9. Chapter seven GITG is up, whew...
  10. Nearly finished, go insomnia! So someone wanted me to write a sequel to 'Going Home' but I'm writing two books at once right now...not sure I want to start a third... But that doesn't mean I won't visit it at a latter date. Writing Northstar and GITG at the same time has slowed down the posts of both, although I think I may be posting faster then I did with BITG, its just that i'm splitting time between two stories...oh well...
  11. God! I'd never sleep again!
  12. Depends on how long this bout of insomnia lasts, not much else to do when everyone goes to sleep, so I write
  13. I have to appologize for the number of typos in the two northstar chapters (7 and 8) when I get going I tend to get a little sloppy...I should actually edit some but I start then get ideas so my editting usually ends up with me writing another chapter
  14. They were already part of the story, I'm just fleshing them out in the flashback. But the trick is to just let the main storyline sit idle while you build the characters, if you try and tell the story and build the characters, something always suffers, there's only so much you can pack into a sentence; also I found that if I try and advance the story and develope the characters, readers tend to ignore the character developement and focus on the story, so I seperate the two, give them their own chapters.
  15. Ok, watching Family Guy and Peter tells Lois he wants to "wreck her so bad she looks like an exploded hot pocket!" I wouldn't have minded so much except I was eating a hot pocket at the time!
  16. Seriously thinking about getting a bird!
  17. Untittled (Love Song) by Counting Crows
  18. OK, Chapter 8 of Northstar up, no cliffhanger this time...not really
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