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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. http://cheezburger.com/59643393 Funny, how engineers see planning meetings
  2. GITG and I've almost written the whole chapter, but I'm on my fourth pitcher and slowing down. This beer and narcotics thing is awesome...I think my lips are numb.
  3. Mmmmm, sitting in a bar drinking a beer and writing...could get interesting!
  4. Last I breads he was at sol
  5. ten is finally up <whew>
  6. Thanks BT I don't use dragon , I prefer to type, I don't seem to write very well speaking to the computer. It's like my hands pull the story from my subconscious, a lot of times I have no idea where I'm going until I see it on paper. I guess it's actually the little voices in my head that are doing the writing!
  7. He has some posted at wolf pub
  8. Yeah, if you want that would be great, I started proofing with the first four chapters of BITG but trying to do that really took away from my writing, and it's the writing that I like...I know I sound like a petulant 4 y/o but who wants to grow up anyway!
  9. Almost done, and it's a fun chapter, at least I think so
  10. So does that eye look like something, hopefully, familiar?
  11. http://www.yellowbullet.com/forum/showthread.php?p=10277231
  12. So I shouldn't stick an m-80 in my mouth and light the fuse? How about someone else's mouth?
  13. Done So my wife watched me take the survey and said everything refers to me... Is that bad?
  14. Thought the police box was blue! Don't wanna do that cause the redhead will fall for the geeky English guy
  15. Ok, Chapter 9 of Girls In The Grass is up...and the bad guys have made an appearance...or have they?
  16. OMG I just realized I have three serials going at once...somebody stop me before I kill again...um write another one actually...:/
  17. One for the cat people! Behind every cold icy stare, there's love... or a homicidal thought - do we really want to know?
  18. I like to wing it, I do take notes like eye and hair color (My character list usually gets a little out of hand) I usually have no idea where I'm going until I get there, makes the story conveluted but that just makes it fun tieing all the plot lines together, can get a little challenging at times, but that's what makes it fun - and isn't that why we do this?
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