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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. That was my last family vacation!
  2. oh crap, that whole section with Marge, Winters, and Smith is sopposed to lead this chapter and the part with marge petra and suzy is supposed to be the third subchapter wow, thay's was a big boo boo
  3. yeah, they are. It comes up in BITG, when he's bitten and they comment on the strange cells in his blood in a later chapter. I never followed up on it because that and when he sends the schematics to a university proffessor are actually a set up for the third book. I can't wait until people start scrambling back to find that reference when I start the third book.
  4. Zebras are rarely drugged outside zoos WETS
  5. Though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil - because I'm the baddest motherfucker in the valley!
  6. Nope, gotta stay with Alice, especially when she's wearing nothing but a bed sheet! ;P
  7. Actually the more I think about it, the more I like the idea...maybe with a unexpected outcome...yeah...haven't killed an MC in a while...mwahahaha
  8. Oh that will happen in the end, when the big climatic battle happens, but not yet, Max and the girls need cannon fodder. On a unrelated note, for those of you who have already read 14 of Northstar, I called Nick Max again, right in the first paragraph. I have fixed it (nod to Darthel for pointing it out) all I can say is its someone elses fault, don't know who but since I'm perfect it can't be me
  9. Eh, If I give a little advice or point out errors and get something like that, I just let it roll off my back; if you don't want my help so be it. I get constructive advice all the time and I just gotta say FU I"M PERFECT SO THERE!!!...no just kidding. I have a problem with typos, and I'm gonna blame it on large manly hands But I do make errors in the stoy line from time to time. Those that read BITG know how I accidently changed someone's eye color... But I like when people point it out because I tend to see what I wanted to write and not always what I actually wrote (I wonder does this happen to other people) and someone will point it out and I'm like no way and go check and them I'm like shit! But even if you don't agree with the review, there's no reason to get nasty; even if the review is nasty, don't lower yourself to their level, just ignore it. now before everyone slams me for this post, I know that the grammer and spelling are atrocious but I have been up for like 48 hours....(that's a pity plea in case you missed it)
  10. I see them more as fanatics, kinda like the NAZI's in WWII, or the japanese with their doomed bonzai charges
  11. because the universe is cruel oh but why?
  12. I thought it was: A bush in the hand is worth two birds at the end of the bar...or something like that...
  13. Everyone is guilty of that Ever kiss the wrong person?
  14. Maybe, but then there'd be no chicks in kevlar! That would just be a shame!
  15. Germ warefare is sketchy, delivery is uncontrolable and you leave too much behind. Max uses the small robots because they can strike surgically then retreat and be reused. Besides, this way Max gets to go in and shoot the place up.
  16. Thats what the flyers are, basically; but he only has so many. As for using nanites, by the time you give them the equipement for flying, some sort of tracking and targetting system and the power to run everything they wouldn't be nanites anymore
  17. Excellent choice of follow up ordinance; oh BTW 21 GITG is up.
  18. Nah, in fact I'm sure several of you can already guess where the next chapter is headed, just not how we'll get there. Oh quick question: is it against the law to shoot members of the school board if they're really stupid?
  19. Mmmmm, I would comment but that would be telling...
  20. Almost have the next chapter of GITG, just need to come up with a brain exploding cliffhanger
  21. Chapter 15 of Northstar is up too
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