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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. So, did Thanks Giving get cancelled? And this is just unbelievable, evidently one of Santa's Elves is a vampire!
  2. Huh? So this ISN'T the department of motor vehicles? Damn no wonder I can't seem to get my licence renewed... Hi everyone, welcome to the darkside
  3. Well good luck, I spent most of my youth on my own and thought it was great, then I found someone...someones actually...and realized it had sucked by comparison. Has to be the right one, or ones as the case may be, though.
  4. Yeah, gotta be careful though, I tend to be short tempered when I'm in pain and take it out on those around me. It's not their fault, I did this to myself (ah the stupidity of youth) but thankfully I have a good family, they just ignore my surly mood and wait for the inevitable appology.
  5. I guess I made it, some annoying woman keeps coming in the poke me so I'm not copletely cut off!
  6. right now I gotta go with stupid nurses, evidently. 'I want some water, I'm thirsty.' requires a twenty minute consulation
  7. Well, evidently I survived, either that or hell looks a lot like a hospital room!
  8. Cool, you merged two of my favorite shows
  9. Hmmm, I started an avelanche on the whole whose gonna die thing. Well take a break guys, GITG 30 is up
  10. Yep, it gets cold here! I've been known to run central heat, electric heater and start a fire! Ever pee off the back porch cause your significant other is hogging the bathroom?
  11. little stoned on pain meds...yeah that's my excuse...
  12. I'll be writing a lot while I'm laid up, takes my mind off the back, the pain killers only do so much and I've been taking them so long I've built up a bit of a tollerance...yep, I'm a druggy but to be fair I do seem to get hurt a lot, maybe I need a new career path, something with less pointy objects flying around! I'll try and keep the meaderings to a minimum, but I do tend to ramble a bit when on morphine...case in point
  13. All the time...but to be fair it ussually is my fault Ever walk into a room and forget why you went there?
  14. Yeah, shouldn't be too bad, just repairing a previous surgery that I broke when I jumped...docs a bit pissed though LOL Thanks for the concern...my significant others are too busy chewing me out and saying 'told you so!' to be comforting...but they are happy that I may have to retire now...
  15. I do read my emails, but I can't seem to access my gmail account and that is the address so many have. So if you need to email me it's sewerner2012@me.com now Or if you want a definitive answer you can PM me here, I try and answer everything, but my life does get crazy sometimes... So, just a heads up, just got back from the Doc's, back's been bugging me since my last disappearing act, and I've knocked a few screws loose, (ha ha, in my back people ) so I'm going back under the knife so my next chapter may take awhile. But good news for my family is this may finally force me to settle down and retire...looks like I actually will survive my career choice bear with me guys, I should be back writing almost full time while I recover, three or four weeks at least.
  16. Ok, so hate 29...GITG 29 is up, some sex not much action though
  17. Almost have 29 done, just looking for the perfect
  18. Hmm CO, interesting... Just to drive you nuts: There are two characters that are wearing red shirts (figuratively) but who could they be...their faces seem obscured...I fear the spirits do not wish us to know just yet. Well you guys anyway, I already know who gets it But it'll still be a few chapters before the culling...more time for you to stew...god I'm an
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