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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. you just want the whole mom as a bad guy thing, i think you've been watching too much futurama
  2. Implossions are ok I guess, but they just don't give me the warm fuzzies like a good old fashion explosion, especially with a nice fireball. After all, it's not really blown up unless its blown up and burning!
  3. Already offered a job doing training, mostly classroom and firearms; nothing strenuous. Oh well, at least I still get to blow shit up on e and a while. That's where I've been all day, talking to the owner; I took it, so the girls are happy, I'll reserve judgement... Well anywho: been stuck on how to end this chapter, but I think I got it now. Wrote a whole chapter of Northstar trying to figure it out, so will post both soon, I wanna read over Northstar first, was drinking when I wrote it and all my big talk aside I'm not a big drinker usually so no telling what I wrote with booze and narcs on board . But I'll post soon Funny thing is, nothing for GITG came to but when I woke up this morning it hit me outta the blue! Thanks for the words of encouragement, guess I'll have to accept I can't be twelve forever
  4. Yeah I know him, he's a great swimmer because everyone knows as hill floats!
  5. Yeah, sorry I haven't posted, been drowning my sorrows. Had my doc appt today; evidently in retired like it or not Gave me a choice, work or walk...thinking it over. Been to much of a coward to go home and tell the girls...
  6. Soon bat friends, I am nearly finished with both a GITG and a Northstar tonight or tomorrow at the latest; am out drinking right now - don't tell the girls though!
  7. course he could have taken the job not realizing Max would be homeschooled and thats why when he had a chance to get in the house by snoggin Suzy, he jumped at it!
  8. In giant crates marked tractor Better yet, they stuck a sticker on it and listed it as a large toy! And WoW, you guys are a bloodthirsty bunch! Kill Mike Kill Mike Kill Mike...
  9. Could let Amy and Alice help, show her how they 'interogate' people In the virtual world
  10. Wouldn't it be potato and chives...I think that was a cartoon I saw once...
  11. 38 days till xmas 10 days till Thanksgiving
  12. besides he doesn't really like his parents...hmmm, come to think of it, we really don't know much aout his family....now I wonder why that is?
  13. I'm thinking chip her, she and legion strike up a friendship and the whole family is blown away as they find out she can communicate with the ala "UP" Yeah, I'm thinking she starts accompanying Max and the twins...ninja puppy her we come!
  14. Mmm, I was thinking that, but I want to delve into Max's past a little, explain some of how his father put together the batcave...you know sort of a prequel. I'm thinking David's (Max's father) old bosses rear their ugly heads and Max gives them the old bitch slap. I'm seeing the third book a lot like Northstar, flashbacks sandwiched between new events; you know two stories sort of merged with David as the hero of the fklashback story and Max and his family doing their thing in the recent events story I'm actually kinda excited about the idea and its all I can do not to rush through this book so I can start it, I'm also sort of psyched about a northstar in the grass cross over book type of thing, Max meets Nick and kicks ass sort of story. You know, old warrior meets skilled young warrior and passes on his hard won knowledge as they fight the bad guys side by side.
  15. Yep rescue, the thought police are branching out...everyone remember to goosestep together. That's why I like this place, no one freaks out when I write something outrageous. I'm not actually into ped or underage, I write those scenes just to shock people, thats whats fun! But I do have an issue with hundreds of people having to change everything because one busy body whines, my response is don't like it don't go there!
  16. writing that now, and introducing the long awaited bad guy in this book, not the big boss but the one he has to fight through to get to the big boss...football game slowing me down some though
  17. Yep in the butt and out the top of the hip, leaving a large gapping hole that even the nanites couldn't close, mia got hit in the leg, thinking it got blown off and she gets a prosthetic...the bionic dog!
  18. 39 days till Xmas - the pressure mounts So that's why rudolphs nose is red...huh... 11 days to Thanksgiving! Just so you know, this is a still from an actual movie "Thankskilling:, a definate holiday classic!
  19. Well that's for another chapter! GITG 33 is up
  20. Stella and Carol never got chips, just nanites...uh oh...
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