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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. On the main page (adult-fanfiction.org), I tried clicking on the drop down menu “Archives” → “Main Archive” → “Fairy Tales, Fables, Folklore, Legends and Myths”. I get a 404 error for the url (http://books.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?cat=22).
  2. Episode #13, “Messy” is now posted for your reading enjoyment. Cheers, - DP
  3. Episode #12, “Swimsuits” is now posted, have fun.
  4. Yes, “but it’ll get better on its own” (well, that the typical argument). Or “the doctor’s appointment’s just a month away”, which, in the case of my namesake, meant his widow (my grandmother) returned from the funeral to pick up the reminder card from the mailbox. - DP
  5. Welcome back! I do actually have a review/discussion thread too. (http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/59549-star-rebels-review-replies/) Admiral Chicken, nice idea, but didn’t really get the airtime he deserved.
  6. Well, I decided to undo the split, merge Jefferey back together with Jeff’s Warriors, simply make them “part 1”, “part 2”, etc… I think this will also help out with Dolbourne Chronicles, because that one will have similar issues.
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