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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. As I feel a bit eerie leaving a review on a story that’s in my name…. (as organizer), I’ll drop my reviews here. Polled, GeorgeGlass Creepy, I agree with Tahn. Trick or Treat, Tahn Creepy, and good.
  2. First review to hit the inbox. George, this is for you.
  3. George, did you mess up on the recaptcha? I had forgotten to temporarily whitelist the recaptcha provider in NoScript (I’ve got AFF on the permanent whitelist, BTW).
  4. I was surprised that you could edit the TOC (I was anticipating having to do this when I get the chance.) BTW, It’s shift+enter that does the carriage return in the numbered item. I’ll clean it up when I’m done with my little trip (which is why internet’s spotty). As to why you can’t contribute, I double checked and it’s set to allow from other authors. (Though this is my first time at setting up the round robin, so I might’ve goofed) If a mod/specialist can assist, that’d be helpful until I’m done with my trip. - DP
  5. My internet is going to be quite limited this weekend, so I went ahead and posted early, figuring nobody would mind - DP
  6. Witches and Warlocks, this is the review thread for the 2016 AFF Tales from the ChatBox. (I keep wanting to call it the Shoutbox)
  7. And my halloween fic has been finished!  Now,  the usual week for it to age properly, and I’ll be posting it next weekend.  :)


    1. BronxWench


      Awesome! I’m working on mine…:lol:


    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      My habit has been a week, finding that to be about the right balance to forget enough so that a proofreading catches most of the cruft.

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