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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. They’re not posted yet (I’m still working on mine). If you wish to contribute, details…. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/64342-chatbox-holiday-cheer-2016/
  2. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to focus on the holiday fic, and not its sequel….

  3. Think I’ve got the new holiday story figured out… couple of hundred words to get me jumpstarted tonight.  (Had a few moments to spare this morning.)

  4. Damn, that feeling when I realize that my planned holiday fic isn't going to be a one shot.  I'll have to figure it out, later.

  5. It’s also the perils for writing in an existing universe (same as my other stories). While its nice in reusing characters, picking out minor minor notes on my timeline and making them into a oneshot. The drawback is I can’t alter as many details. Carefully, I made the primary characters 14+, but then VR happens, and the right character for the other end, I thought was 14. But when I did the math, she’s 13. I looked at changing the birthdate (too intertwined with other events), switching out the character (requiring a new character with some build out), or altering the tag. Tag was the easiest path to take.
  6. Tcr: I was on the receiving end of an just-for-spite downvoting when the ratings were still active and it fed the Ugly Self-Doubt Monster. We’re much better off w/o the ratings. The speculation is that it was the minor1 tags that tend to slip into my stories – even when I try to banish them, they’ll crop up when I miscalculate an character’s age and realize they’re actually 13 during the story. This happened to my holiday fic, *unless* sexual conduct through virtual reality doesn’t count for the tags…
  7. We can consider a like/dislike to be an express review, but we’ve seen how that system can be abused. (ie, downvote for spite, for whatever reason, being a pairing, a tag, another grudge or a blue moon). Maybe we could add some buttons, you know, common review blurbs, that autostarts a review for the reader. So a “+1” button could start a review that says “I like this.” prompting them to add in more before hitting that “Post Review” button.
  8. Overall, Tcr, you’re in the right place, even if the feedback in Original>Misc is low. I find AFF’s forums to be much more engaging than FB! Keep writing. - DP
  9. When I think about Trump’s wall, I can’t help thinking about Hadrian’s Wall.

    1. pippychick


      When I think of Trump’s wall, I think he’s lost his marbles and is off his rocker. Perhaps that’s what daddy demanded in return for making the loan…


  10. It’s tough to get feedback. My stories (ignoring the round robin), have 3 posted reviews, and those stories aren’t short either. I did delete the old first story (that’s being replaced by three) earlier this year, and that IIRC, had 3-4 reviews. And I’ve been on AFF for 2 ½ years. So, to have a one review in a month, that’s better than my average. The one thing I do, and it helps, is I record the hits about every day, and I plot them (libreoffice’s calc), and seeing the consistent jump after posting a chapter/episode does let me know that people are reading, and enjoying it enough to come back for another instalment. Now, the round robins we’ve been starting to have, in 2015, and I’m pushing on the 2016, are good because they help give you a bit of exposure, perhaps pick up a new reader or two.
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