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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. When I think about Trump’s wall, I can’t help thinking about Hadrian’s Wall.

    1. pippychick


      When I think of Trump’s wall, I think he’s lost his marbles and is off his rocker. Perhaps that’s what daddy demanded in return for making the loan…


  2. It’s tough to get feedback. My stories (ignoring the round robin), have 3 posted reviews, and those stories aren’t short either. I did delete the old first story (that’s being replaced by three) earlier this year, and that IIRC, had 3-4 reviews. And I’ve been on AFF for 2 ½ years. So, to have a one review in a month, that’s better than my average. The one thing I do, and it helps, is I record the hits about every day, and I plot them (libreoffice’s calc), and seeing the consistent jump after posting a chapter/episode does let me know that people are reading, and enjoying it enough to come back for another instalment. Now, the round robins we’ve been starting to have, in 2015, and I’m pushing on the 2016, are good because they help give you a bit of exposure, perhaps pick up a new reader or two.
  3. All ready to write that holiday fic, eh?
  4. Rounding out the year, it’s the 2016 Holiday Cheer from the ChatBox collection of one shot original fiction with a holiday theme/element to them. Guidelines: One shot (50kwords) Winter Holiday Element Original Fiction Warning tags at the TOP of each story (Or, if none is required, say “No warnings required” so we know you’ve considered it) At the bottom, include a link to your profile And please, declare your intent here. You can add more than a single story, so long as they fit the winter holiday theme. On or about the weekend of the 17th/18th, I’ll start the post in the archives. If interested in contributing, please reply with your (archive) pen name, a title and a short description declaring your intent. (If these are unknown, that’s fine.) Story at: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108443 Review Replies at: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/64412-chatbox-holiday-cheer-2016-review-replies/ Participating Authors & Anticipated Stories: Author: Desiderius Price Title: Baby Shark Summary: (something) Authors: Magusfang & DirtyAngel Title: Unexpected Gift Summary: Mike and Tiffany literally run into each other and strike up a romance, but as Christmas quickly approaches they both are thinking of something special as a gift...and who is that fat man anyway.
  5. Well, give her a chance. (Maybe she had a realization, close call, or similar?)
  6. And I just came up with my holiday fic idea…..

  7. Pork loin is in the smoker

  8. Sigh, I hate it when the desktop’s water pump starts leaking…..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Some teflon tape and some sealant around the “plug” in a port, I’m testing it now.  (This pump, I’m guessing, is designed to be able to feed more than a single hose, it was seeping around the plug of a disused port, and water was seeping, a slow trickle, but I could notice it.)


    3. BronxWench
    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Seems to now be leak free…. though I may consider putting some redesign into this setup, maybe go for a bigger pump?


  9. That looks like a perfect beginner’s DIY project.
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