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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. Queen
  2. Nanaea

    Title Share

    Love is a Battlefield (song)
  3. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am guessing Polly doesn't know that I broke Snapeybot. I am no longer putting off cleaning. I am still waiting for my database to be moved....
  4. ^ Thinks that I have some mystical power over crows. < Hates passive/aggressive reviews. < Admits that stringing plot between the good parts is annoying at best. < Has waaaay too many plot bunnies hopping around in her head. < Has waaaay too much stuff to do around the house to be writing, V Thinks I should hire a maid, a cook, a nanny, a tutor, and a chauffeur so I can write more smut.
  5. Tiara
  6. Um, nope, but she should be on soon as she has no life. Dazzled (glad you like the avatar )
  7. Sorry, I'm late again.... Polly?
  8. 2001: Hijackers ram jetliners into twin towers of New York City's World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A fourth hijacked plane crashes 80 mi outside of Pittsburgh (Sept. 11).
  9. Hitler, Adolf (Germany 1933-1945)
  10. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    I have, when I was young and stupid. I have never gotten ticketed for a traffic violation.
  11. ^ Is correct, I have never heard Josh Joplin. < Is wondering if Josh Joplin is related to Janis Joplin? V Doesn't know the answer to that either.
  12. Well, since SJ guessed me and I didn't show, it only makes sense that I show up now, right...? Redsilver?
  13. Yes, 'tis I! Dazzled?
  14. Anne Rice doesn't allow fanfics either....
  15. Art of Erotica: Make your "moaner" story a "screamer"! Another great article by Quint....
  16. Some links: The Erotic Thesaurus - A Guide to Purple Prose for the Literary Artist The Amatory Ink - Thesaurus I Pushed My Pud Up Her Poop-Chute & other phrases to avoid in stories. Erotic Synonyms Erotica 101: Part 2 - You Called it a What? (Make sure you read the rest of the articles too!) Dictionary of Sexual Terms and Expressions (Type in "penis" and scroll down to "see also" - all I can say is WOW! You can even switch the dictionary to F-words via the drop-down for a whole new level of slang. ) Sexual Synonyms Mondoerotica Sex & Porn Thesaurus
  17. Absolutely! StoryJunkie?
  18. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am a card carrying member of the clutter club. I am wishing for a new house with a library in it so I can buy more books. I am seriously neglecting my housecleaning.
  19. Nanaea

    Title Share

    Life Serial (BtVS episode)
  20. Nope, redsilver is still lazing about in bed but we should expect to see him here shortly.... Right? (paging redsilver)
  21. Nope. Let's try Polly....
  22. 1988: US & Canada reach a free trade agreement.
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