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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am going to bed. I am expecting to see dazzled's kinky snapeybot conversation in the bright and early a.m. which will be soon if I don't scoot and most likely dark and dreary as we've entered the rainy season here. I am babbling and must shut up now. I am hungry. I am going to go have an almost-midnight snack and then go to bed.
  2. ^ Is drowning in Alan Rickman yummieness. < Is welcoming Dazzled to the club on behalf of errant Mistress Poly. < Is wondering if yummieness is really a word. < Should really go to bed before she get's even sillier. V Is laughing at me.
  3. Only if it's oral. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop?
  4. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am waiting for dazzled to post her Snapeybot results.
  5. Does it count if they were already seperated? Guilty of being the other woman many, many times. Does that make me bad? Lied about how many lovers you've had?
  6. ^ Is going to dream about kinky sex with AR/snapeybot tonight. < Loved this one most: 17. Hearing Alan's voice in your head constantly is a lot more enjoyable than hearing God's voice in your head constantly. V Thinks hearing Alan spouting Shakespeare in your head is normal
  7. 1921 - my favorite year!
  8. ^ Is making me laugh and my husband is looking at me funny. < Loved this one: Alan can look good in a greasy black wig. Can God? V Will now post her favorite....
  9. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am past 50 - w00t! I am thanking Dazzled for the reassurance. I am glad I'm not the only addict. I am sure I should be in bed but Snapeybot keeps calling me back.... I am going to regret staying up this late tomorrow.
  10. ^ Doesn't need sleep. < Should be sleeping. V Is falling asleep at the computer.
  11. Nope, it's me. Dazzled?
  12. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am getting way too addicted to this forum.
  13. 1. STDs don't exist. 2. No one practices safe sex. 3. No one uses birth control AND they only get pregnant if they A. are male, B. have been raped. 4. Males have amazing sexual stamina. They can last for an hour or more and have repeated encounters over the course of a single day/night. 5. Enemies have the hottest sex.
  14. Yeah, my bad. I meant to put that in there as an option and then just plain forgot.
  15. So, that’s my burning question. I am hoping we can come up with quite a list of alternatives in this thread and that it will become a stimulating resource for everyone here. Thus far I have been guilty of avoidance. I like to give the reader room to fill in the blanks with their word of choice. When I am cornered into naming parts my language varies. With some things I’m technical, some things I’m soft-core. I won’t do sappy romance just because I find it more amusing than erotic and I haven’t had the brazenness to go hard-core...yet. So, what are your favourite synonyms?
  16. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    I whish I could say that I hadn't. I have never been outside my birth country (USA).
  17. ^ Has no idea how happy I am. < Is still waiting for the HP database to be switched over, because.... < Has 2 chapters to upload, 2 that are being edited, and 6 more to finish writing. V Is impatiently waiting too.
  18. Nope. Red?
  19. Only if the tea was herbal. Why does it take so long for books to come out in paperback?
  20. Guilty as charged. Kept reading an awful fanfic just to see how it ends?
  21. Have a hot toddy, and don't forget the lemon! You can make it a virgin toddy if you so wish, but it won't work as well.... Why are we here?
  22. I'm petite, small busted, and fairly intelligent, (should I add that I'm a brunette and wear glasses to that too?) just call me a sterotype. I also know women who are small busted and dumber than a doorknob.... I think that if you just take the time to visit his website (see my post above) that you'll find his theories are all very tounge-firmly-in-cheek, and yet.... they often have the sting of truth behind them. Ladies, just take a deep breath and let it go.
  23. Zhaan (Farscape)
  24. Guilty. Reptiles are cool. Read Tolstoy?
  25. Yummy
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