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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. Surprise! Dazzled?
  2. ^ Is jealous that I own the CD with said sonnet on it. *sigh* < Hates feta but loves harvati V Has never had harvati and doesn't realize what s/he is missing.
  3. Because you forgot to pay your bill. Why am I so tired lately?
  4. Me too, Dazzled, me too.... *sigh* Samantha a.k.a. Sam (Bewitched) Oh, and Serena too.
  5. Mystique, because she can be anyone you want.... No wait, she's not a superhero. Batman, where does he get those toys? No wait, that's not a superpower.... Superman, because he's the man of steel! Oh man, I'm going to regret this one aren't I?
  6. ^ Shares my love of all things Henson. < Actually doesn't own an iPod or any other MP3 player. Only listens to MP3's on her computer using WinAmp; or burns them onto CDs and plays them w/her MP3 capable CD player. V Believes ignorance is bliss.
  7. Well, that certainly was an interesting article. Because I had to know who wrote it before I could give it any real consideration I tracked down the author.... Lloydian Aspects Sounds like an interesting fellow. I have to give him props for getting his lactation information mostly correct. Still not sure what to think of his theory 'tho.
  8. I agree with taker that you don't have to be sexually experienced to experience love. My earliest memories of being in love with someone was a boy that I had gone to school with since kindergarten. When we were in junior high we would call each other up and talk until the wee hours of the morning about the mysteries of life. I still recall those long talks fondly. We were friends all throughout school but we never really dated and although were comfortable with physical affections like hugs and cuddling, it was a purely platonic relationship. I've actually had a lot of guy friends that I loved deeply (even one that I swore I would marry someday) where sex was not even a factor or, it was only a minor part of the relationship. I've learned over the years that there are many different kinds of love, even in het relationships. Some of them are platonic, some are obsessive, some are spiritual, some are brotherly/sisterly, but they're all shades of love.... When I did find my soul-mate I was 19. It was love at first sight and he was all those wonderful shades of love rolled into one package. I realized that everyone up until I found him was practice - like rehearsing for a play, one scene, one emotion at a time.
  9. Cordelia Chase (BtVS)
  10. Susan Sarandon (double points! )
  11. Guilty. Danced naked?
  12. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    Wooh hoo! I bow down to your greatness, Snowfall! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Now I have to go change my sig. Back to the game.... I have never cheated on anyone.
  13. Solid
  14. Nanaea

    Title Share

    Dog & Butterfly (song)
  15. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    I have, but I was able to talk my way out of a ticket. I have never been on an airplane.
  16. I write whatever I'm in the mood for. Like Rani, I tend to write what I know, which, being a straight chick, means I mostly write het. I've done only a little bit of slash because I really, really, really enjoy reading it but I'm not too confident with writing it yet. I can also see myself branching out in the future to write some femslash because I really enjoy that too.
  17. Hello! I'm Nanaea (I pronounce it Nan-A-ah but I'm prolly a bit off). I discovered Harry Potter fanfiction late last fall and it totally consumed my life - lol! It didn't take long for me to start coming up with ideas for my own stories but they were all way too smutty for most of the fanfic sites I knew of at that point. Imagine my delight upon discovering aff.net! I love to read Harry/Draco and Draco/Hermione. When I set out to write something, my first idea was for a Lupin/Tonks one-shot. I quickly got frustrated with it and decided to work on something else for a while. My best friend and fellow HP fanfic addict was quickly becoming a whore for the Snape/Hermione pairing so I wrote Hermione's Detention for her and the rest, as they say, is history. I enjoy reading BtVS (Spuffy all the way!) and Farscape (John/Aryn) too. Perhaps I'll branch out someday. I'm also a total DevArt addict though I haven't really drawn much lately. I'm Nanaea over there as well. P.S. Anaknisatanas - Firefly rocks!
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