^ Must know me from somewhere else.
< Is feeling guilty this morning.
< Is not willing to explain why.
V Will tell me that I haven't done anything wrong even though they have no idea what I did.
Yes. I think you've summed up quite nicely what I strive to do as well.
I'm still wishing I hadn't forgotten to add Mixed to the choices....
I am sorry to hear that dazzled is sick.
I am wondering why the forum slowed down again.
I am hoping it is because progress is being made.
I am hungry and should go eat breakfast now....
"No worries" (usually followed by "mate") is an Australian thing so that's prolly where you picked it up. Although, it did gain popularity here in the USofA after the release of the Crocodile Dundee movies....
^ Has more faith in me than she should have.
< Finds that hot herbal tea along with echinacea/elderberry/goldenseal capsules and massive doses of vitamin C really help stave off most illnesses.
V Likes to drink tea too.
I am lovin' dazzled's new sig.
I am wondering if anybody else had trouble with the forum being slow last night.
I am worried that we jinxed it.
I am still in my pajamas.
I am happy dazzled posted her snapeybot bit.
I am laughing at how snapeybot bit rolls off the tongue.
I am shocked that it's a bright, sun-shiny morning.
I am worried about storyjunkie imagining people naked.