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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. 2158
  2. O: Oh my god! Orgasms
  3. 2156
  4. 2154
  5. Oooh yeah! I get M: Masturbation
  6. 2152
  7. What letter are we on? K: Kink
  8. Because You think You sound more important when You use them. Why are tube tops back in style?
  9. Sorry, wrong tune. Dazzled!
  10. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am happy Dazzled is getting somewhere with her fic. I am looking forward to reading the next chapter. I am wishing I was getting somewhere with my fic. I am thinking I should work on it again soon.
  11. I am no longer allowed to leave my erotic anthologies out on my nightstand.
  12. 2132
  13. ^ Is the Queen of misleading people. < Will only buy the bridge if it's shiny. V Couldn't bs their way out of a paper bag.
  14. (That was my choice for Q too. ) Rosanne
  15. Wood
  16. Wow! You're good. Redsilver?
  17. 2130
  18. Yup! Melody?
  19. Waffles for dinner, mmmm. I love resturants that serve breakfast all day. Has eaten pizza for breakfast.
  20. That was an unwise wager. Would it be cliche if I say Melody?
  21. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am regretting caving in to my sister-in-law's plea that I make my niece's christening dress because it's eating up all my forum time. I am sorry I missed out on the chocolate covered Snapes & Gambits. I am telling Dazzled that if she's old then I'm ancient.
  22. Yeah, Polly's always good for a laugh or two. My kids don't get any allowance. Now, before ya'll start shouting at me about how unfair that is, let me say that they have generous grandparents and get plenty of money for just about every major holiday and their birthdays. Anything they need we buy for them. We shop cheap. No $200 shoes here. Of course, they're 11, 8, & 4 so they really don't need much and since we homeschool there's no peer pressure. They're also awfully innocent and I'm damn proud of that fact. It's hard to find an 11 yr. old as naive as mine these days. That said, the other day I left a book of erotic art and literature lying on my bed and when I came back later it was gone. Guess where I found it? Yup. Hidden under the covers at the foot of the 11 yr. old's bed. When I asked him how it got there he said he didn't know. I had to get thru to him that he wasn't in trouble before he finally admitted to taking it. Then we had a short talk about respecting other people's property. The next day we went to the library and checked out some books on puberty and sex for him to read. Curiosity is natural. Sex is natural. It was bound to happen at some point. I'm older than prolly most of you here and I remember what I was like at that age and it wasn't naive! I was masturbating before I knew there was a word for it. I lost my virginity at 14 because I was tired of it, but I was the first of my friends to do it. Yeah, perhaps it's starting a bit younger these days, but not much. Blame it on the media, parents, hormones, or what you will but it's just another fact of life.
  23. Nope. Redsilver?
  24. 2067
  25. Horse
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