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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. go fish. Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a/an ______
  2. Not guilty. Has gotten a friend laid.
  3. No tiggers here, just a bored lioness.... SweetMisery
  4. ^ Not even close. < Has an idea about zipper ninja's but it makes < giggle. < Is thanking Poly for the clue and is in total agreement with her! V Is still clueless.
  5. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am wondering who changed my member title. I am betting it was Agaib. I am happy about it.
  6. Yes, it is. Cold pop tarts suck. Can one survive on pop tarts and carnation instant breakfast?
  7. Geez, I have so many, how to choose just one? Well, let's see.... There was this one time, years ago. We all used to go over to my hubby's friend's house and play D&D in his garage. It was dark and everyone was socializing on this particular night. They had a large bonfire going in the back yard and plenty of beer (which I wasn't drinking, BTW). My hubby (boyfriend at the time) dragged me out to a tree that sat about 50' back from the garage (basically in the middle of their backyard but on the edge of the property - they lived out in the middle of nowhere) and persuaded me to give in. So there I am on my hands and knees behind this tree, watching everyone off in the distance mingle.... When we were done we made our back to the crowd and got a bunch of knowing looks and a few snarky comments. I still wonder if anyone actually saw us, or if they just heard us, or if they just assumed. It's the closest I've ever gotten to exhibitionism.
  8. Serenanna - I love that movie! And she's so pretty too.... Soulsearcher - Yup, it's sooo cute. I think mine is pretty self-explanatory.... I'm a big HP fan and Lupin/Tonks was the first fanfiction I ever wrote. This is my third avatar, I think. I can't stand anything one way for too long.
  9. I have to agree with Melody, I love slipping into a freshly made bed. Quiet reading time with a cuppa. Sandy beaches.
  10. 2229 (gotta love 'em!)
  11. Phew! I feel better now. Z: Zorro and I still don't get to start one.
  12. At your service. Poly?
  13. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am waving sadly. I am going soon too.
  14. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    I have. I have never gone fly fishing.
  15. Congratulations! *Throws confetti* I have *wicked grin* it was one of my best friends and her boyfriend. I needed to know where the clean sheets were for his bed.... Has a crush on someone on this forum
  16. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    Neither have I! I have never lived with another girl (that I wasn't related to).
  17. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am feeling better now. I am ignoring the kids which I should be putting to bed. I am mad at my hubby who is downstairs on his computer ignoring the kids too.
  18. Doesn't take a psychic.... Dazzled
  19. X: (drumroll please...) X-MEN! *runs and hides from dazzled's fury*
  20. 2227, I'm feeling a bit odd tonight (tee-hee!)
  21. I am no longer allowed to talk to my husband about exactly why they shouldn't have picked Alan Rickman to play Snape if they didn't want him to be so damn appealing.
  22. V: Vampire Hunter D Argh! There was one I got a long time ago with hot vampire chicks in it and now I can't remember what it was called. Now I'm gonna have to dig through all our comic boxes.
  23. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    Neither have I and I prolly never will be. I have never ran away from home.
  24. Not guilty, thankfully! Has been caught in a compromising situation by a cop.
  25. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am forgiving you.
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