Wow, this is a question I've been dying to ask for a while too. Thanks Soulie!
Um, well, up untill recently all I ever did was my bikini line in summer. For the past year or so tho I've started trimming down to about 1/4" with my trusty Wahl electric clippers and sugaring (Moom) the bikini line and my bum (don't we have a blushie?)
Now, my 10th anniversary is coming up in August and I've decided as a special treat for my hubby that I'm gonna take it all off. The question remains as to how tho.... I've thought about shaving but I know teh bumps and itchies would drive me insane the next few days. I could do the Brazilian with the sugar because the bumps and itchies would be a lot less when it finally does start to grow back in, but the pain factor makes me nervous. I suppose I could try Nair or something like that....
Q. For those of you who shave: Um, preferences for shaving creams/razors and how do you avoid all those nasty little red bumpies?