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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. Nanaea

    Title Share

    Big Fish (movie)
  2. 2447
  3. crimson puddles of warm, feshly spilled blood. I stared at my blood soaked clothes and hands and ____________
  4. Sorry, I can't hold a tune to save my soul. Red?
  5. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am tempted to wear sunglasses from now on when I visit the forum. I am busy, busy, busy.... I am in need of a new beta
  6. Sorry - not Him. Soulsearcher?
  7. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    I have, but then again, it was my job. I have never understood poker.
  8. White Russian - 1 1/2 oz Vodka - 3/4 oz Kahlua - 3/4 oz Light Cream or Milk Directions/Comments: Mix the vodka and kahlua together then float the cream on top. Add ice if desired.
  9. 2418 - and twinkies too....
  10. Sorry, but I was wondering the same thing. How about... Yeah, where is Agaib? Didn't I page him once already??
  11. Because you haven't found the right woman yet. Why don't guys get it?
  12. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am thanking Soulie for her review. I am agreeing to lead the Snapeybot addicts support group as long as Poly comes up with a cool acronym for it. I am telling StoryJunkie that I wasn't camping. I was in a dive motel. The hell part was no sortage of Familial drama and 3/5 of my family (including me) coming down sick. Top it off with a nice sunburn which is now peeling...and, well, you get the idea.... I am wishing I was as productive as redsliver.
  13. Um, mine is in a constant state of flux (as is my avatar) and is usually a bit of shamless self-promotion. A snippet from one of my stories to hook you into to reading more. A pic I stole from somewhere (currently PotterPuffs) that seems to fit the mood and, of course, a link. I really need to update it now that the site is fixed....
  14. I'm baaack! Agaib?
  15. Satin's Whiskers 1 1/2 oz. Dry Vermouth 1 1/2 oz. Sweet Vermouth 1 oz. Gin 1/2 oz. Grand Marnier 4 oz. Orange Juice Dash of orange bitters Mix ingredients with ice in a shaker and strain into a chilled balloon wine glass.
  16. I am no longer allowed to spend all my time in the Forum Games.
  17. 2407
  18. motive
  19. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am back from the vacation from hell. I am trying not too get re-addicted to the Forum Games as I have way too much to get done this summer. I am never going to get caught up on what I missed out on.
  20. I often dream about tornados too, usually there are multiple tornados and they are chasing me about. I've read that this means you are worried about something and I have noticed that I tend to have these dreams when I'm really stressed out about something. I did have one gender-bender dream (that I remember) it was over a decade ago and I was having sex with a woman on an open, white-carpeted staircase in a lovely (expensive) house with huge windows. It was so vivid that it seemed completely real. Past life perhaps - who knows? I also have a reaccuring dream about a huge old mansion that has tons of hidden rooms and passages in it. The layout is such that it had to have been built peicemeal or by a crazy architect. And I'm always vaugley afraid, like I'm hiding from somone or something. I think it's haunted.
  21. Wow, this is a question I've been dying to ask for a while too. Thanks Soulie! Um, well, up untill recently all I ever did was my bikini line in summer. For the past year or so tho I've started trimming down to about 1/4" with my trusty Wahl electric clippers and sugaring (Moom) the bikini line and my bum (don't we have a blushie?) Now, my 10th anniversary is coming up in August and I've decided as a special treat for my hubby that I'm gonna take it all off. The question remains as to how tho.... I've thought about shaving but I know teh bumps and itchies would drive me insane the next few days. I could do the Brazilian with the sugar because the bumps and itchies would be a lot less when it finally does start to grow back in, but the pain factor makes me nervous. I suppose I could try Nair or something like that.... Q. For those of you who shave: Um, preferences for shaving creams/razors and how do you avoid all those nasty little red bumpies?
  22. is a guilty pleasure. Flirting when married is fine as long as ___________
  23. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am hoping so too. I am really leaving now. I am going to be back in a week. I am waving goodbye to everyone again.
  24. remember, there is no such thing as 'too obvious.' Subtlety when flirting is _____________
  25. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am thinking Soulie doesn't realize my vacations are actually familial obligations. I am wishing I got to take real vacations.
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