I agree that Thewlis is perfect for Lupin. The thing that bothered me the most was that mustache *shivers*. Now, I'm not a mustache hater, far from it. My father had one most of my life and my dh has had one as long as I've known him. But I just don't like it on Thewlis/Lupin. And yes, while he's not conventionally handsome he's still got it as far as I'm concerned.
I loved him in Dinotopia, he played the slimy, greedy Crabb well, and he absolutely gave me the creeps in Dragonheart, but I just adore him as Lupin. I think he really nailed the character. I can't wait to see him in New World. And I must see Restoration at some point as well because he looks sooo dashing in the screen caps!
Did you know he writes poetry as well?
Where, and when, and if,
I die
I desire to revisit this filth
As a fly
and on some squalid afternoon
Fly smack into your bathroom,
Small and black,
And crawl all over
Your naked young back.
I know you imagine I'm a sensitive man,
But I'm afraid that's just
The kind of fly
I am.
~David Thewlis