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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. Um, guilty.... *runs and hides* G/NG: Masturbated while reading erotic fanfiction?
  2. I am no longer allowed to stay up way too late reading porn erotica, and then keep my hubby up way too late because I’m too horny aroused to actually sleep.
  3. ^ Doesn't realize that my husband calls me, "Miss Grammar." < Is anal about using proper capitalization and punctuation. < Will edit a story to fix an error, no matter how small, as soon as < notices it. V Hates it when someone edits a story just to put in a missing comma.
  4. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am procrastinating.
  5. Silicone
  6. Right again! Will this work twice? Redsliver??
  7. 2530
  8. Okay, so I had to read these stories last night.... I'm jumping on the, 'it's all a big lie' bandwagon for the simple fact that I cannot believe that everyone in her rural neighborhood bangs their kids like it's the most natural thing in the world. In one she's supposedly getting it on with two of her teachers and the principal - not to mention her fellow classmates. I mean c'mon! What alternate universe is she living in where all the adults are okay with screwing a 13 year old? Between that and the anal sex thing where they just ram it in up to their balls without any preparation at all (save for being wet from her tongue or juices) and she orgasms from it - I mean WTF? Maybe if you get off on pain because, trust me, that bloody well hurts!
  9. This is great! I'm lovin' it.
  10. I've had the key for a while but just now decided to use it.
  11. Yarn
  12. Nanaea

    Title Share

    10 Things I Hate About You (movie)
  13. ^ Thinks I know things I don't know. < Is okay with not knowing everything. < Says again, "Ignorance is bliss." V Will now ruin <'s bliss by telling < something else < is happy not knowing.
  14. Huzzah for Poly! 2526
  15. I guess the third time isn't a charm. How about...Mike?
  16. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am, once again, lmao off at Poly's new sig. I am agreeing with Poly that dancing in a gas station is good. I am amending that with a caution against flaming balls of fire. I am hoping Pixagi gets enough coffee.
  17. Oooh, I love it! More, more, more!!
  18. Nanaea

    Answers First

    Why are you licking yourself? Because I said so, that's why!
  19. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am allergic to pennicillin as well (and a bunch of other medications). I am wondering if Poly has watched the yummy AR Tango video yet...? I am going to my first pro baseball game today.
  20. Good guess. Redsliver?
  21. I agree that Thewlis is perfect for Lupin. The thing that bothered me the most was that mustache *shivers*. Now, I'm not a mustache hater, far from it. My father had one most of my life and my dh has had one as long as I've known him. But I just don't like it on Thewlis/Lupin. And yes, while he's not conventionally handsome he's still got it as far as I'm concerned. I loved him in Dinotopia, he played the slimy, greedy Crabb well, and he absolutely gave me the creeps in Dragonheart, but I just adore him as Lupin. I think he really nailed the character. I can't wait to see him in New World. And I must see Restoration at some point as well because he looks sooo dashing in the screen caps! Did you know he writes poetry as well? Fly Where, and when, and if, I die I desire to revisit this filth As a fly and on some squalid afternoon Fly smack into your bathroom, Small and black, And crawl all over Your naked young back. I know you imagine I'm a sensitive man, But I'm afraid that's just The kind of fly I am. ~David Thewlis
  22. Yes, you do. Red?
  23. I am no longer allowed to laugh at Soulsearcher's bewilderment.
  24. Here are some links I've found: Guide to Shaving @ Sexuality.org Shaving, waxing, and other ways to remove pubic hair @ SFSI Organ Grinder: News for Pervy Little Monkeys: On Bonsai Pussy
  25. enjoying sex. If enjoying sex is a sin, __________
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