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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. Gulity, occasionally. G/NG: Whining
  2. Right-O! Um, redsliver again?
  3. 2597
  4. Je ne sais pas. Latíne lóqueris?
  5. 2595
  6. You're cold! I am no longer allowed to put off making dinner.
  7. I am no longer allowed to tell my husband that I only keep him around for getting things down that I'm too short to reach.
  8. I am no longer allowed to say, "So...what's your point?" to my husband.
  9. Yeah, but I'm leaving now. Dazzled?
  10. Nanaea

    Title Share

    Nativity in Black (N.I.B. - song)
  11. Whoops, messed up, sorry Daz. 2579
  12. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am going to have to go pick up my kids from camp soon. I am wishing I could stay and play.
  13. 2577
  14. Nanaea

    Title Share

    Black No. 1 (song)
  15. Because he's afraid you've caught teh gay. Why can't I bring myself to work on my story?
  16. X: xiphisternum (The posterior and smallest of the three divisions of the sternum, below the gladiolus and the manubrium.) Um, yeah, I had to Google that....
  17. Yuppers Um...let's try Poly?
  18. Cheese
  19. I am no longer allowed to wonder how any woman can not know where her clit is.
  20. Right you are! StoryJunkie?
  21. Not her, sorry. Madapple?
  22. Ruins
  23. If it makes you feel any better, Poly, I was waiting for that scene too and was equally flabbergasted that they left it out. And it wasn't because I was hoping to get a glance of that carefully hidden forearm flesh either...really.... They cut so much out of the story that it left me wondering why they even bothered at all. I was incredulous that Molly wasn't in it at all - not even for Harry on parents day or whatever it was? That they left out Winky completely wasn't as shocking but, still, it annoyed me.
  24. Ego
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