Amen, sister!
I had a friend when I was little, like four years old I think. My mom used to affectionately call her an Oreo cookie because her mom was white and her dad was black. I think if she said something like that today she'd prolly get labeled as a racist for it.
I've been trying to pay more attention to my casual observations of the people around me when I'm out and about. Wouldn't you know it. I really do notice other people's skin color/ethnicity. I was driving home yesterday and went past a factory and there were a few guys outside taking a break and my mind went, "Male, dark hair, dark skin, Hispanic; male, light skin, older, white; male, tall, dark, handsome...." Didn't raise any red flags but when I notice someone has black skin my conscious throws up a red flag and accuses me of being racist. WTF? So from now on I'm just gonna try to cut myself some slack. After all, I know I'm a good person.