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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. I found a medium size picture with a link to a larger size here.
  2. 2750 Ta-da!
  3. 2748
  4. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am enjoying two and a half blissfull hours of peace while my kids are at summer camp.
  5. Nope. Melody?
  6. Mental
  7. Nanaea


    Amen, sister! I had a friend when I was little, like four years old I think. My mom used to affectionately call her an Oreo cookie because her mom was white and her dad was black. I think if she said something like that today she'd prolly get labeled as a racist for it. I've been trying to pay more attention to my casual observations of the people around me when I'm out and about. Wouldn't you know it. I really do notice other people's skin color/ethnicity. I was driving home yesterday and went past a factory and there were a few guys outside taking a break and my mind went, "Male, dark hair, dark skin, Hispanic; male, light skin, older, white; male, tall, dark, handsome...." Didn't raise any red flags but when I notice someone has black skin my conscious throws up a red flag and accuses me of being racist. WTF? So from now on I'm just gonna try to cut myself some slack. After all, I know I'm a good person.
  8. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    I have. It was a crappy poem I wrote in high school and sent into one of those poetry contests where everyone gets an honorable mention and they publish an entire book with all the crappy poems in it and charge you 50 bucks for it. I have never kissed a frog (yes, I'm getting desperate).
  9. But what does the casual fanfic reader think slash means? That's where the problems arise. (Maybe we should make a poll?) If slash means strictly m/m pairings, whether it's supported by cannon or not, to one reader and any pairing that goes against cannon to another reader, then what good is it if I warn readers at the beginning of my chapter that it contains "slash." Absolutely nothing! So why even bother? I think using M/M or M/F or F/F or whatever is better as far as warnings go, throw in an 'anal' warning with M/M and they'd have to be an idiot to not get it whether they call it slash or just plain trash. BTW: I went to look at the AFF Story Code definitions and I didn't see "slash" anywhere. It's possible that I overlooked it, I suppose.
  10. I figured most would know that but I thought I'd throw it in just in case. If anyone's curious, this is where I got my info: Slash Fiction: Wikipedia
  11. Melody's got a good point there. Besides, anything that could be used to identify me personally and allow the powers that be to track me down is a big no-no in my book. Call me paranoid but I know what that what I'm doing here (fanfiction) isn't exactly legal in the strictest sense of the word.
  12. does that on the first date. Why would you think ______________
  13. I thought you said age doesn't matter? Who wants to go first?
  14. ^ Has been peeking at my Victoria's Secret wish list. < Spends waaaay to much money on sexy lingerie. V Thinks spending money on lingerie is frivolous since it just ends up in a pile on the floor 10-15 minutes after you've put it on.
  15. 2745
  16. Nanaea

    Title Share

    Take My Breath Away (song)
  17. I am no longer allowed to create such a stir in this thread. (And I am no longer allowed to worry about how I'm going to top that one.)
  18. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am sorry Poly has to go to work. I am putting off writing. I am celebrating my 10th anniversary today!
  19. Ancient Chinese Secret...shhh! Poly
  20. Hibernating in the winter with a fuzzy blanket, a steaming cup of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, and a good book.
  21. Nope, just me. Poly is on, I know she is....
  22. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am sorry I didn't make it back last night. I am here now.
  23. Nanaea


    I couldn't agree more.
  24. I work under the impression that "slash" means male/male homosexual pairings. The term "slash" coming from the "/" itself and dating back to the first ST Kirk/Spock fanfics. The female versions would be "femslash." I have never heard it used in the sense of changing a cannon characters orientation.
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