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Status Updates posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. If stray cats were hot girls, my life would be a harem anime.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JayDee


      You accidentally stroke a belly

      “BAKA!” *four sets of claws sink in.

    3. Strange_idea


      There's a few animes like that. One also has a grandiose swordswoman adorably scared of lightning that the protagonist always thought was a man. 

    4. Ghost-of-a-Chance
  2. What I say: "Hekapoo" (the name of a character from Star Vs. the Forces of Evil).

    What my phone hears: "Heckapoo," "pecapoo," "Hackaboo," "Packaboo," or "Hecka poop," depending on its mood.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      This phone has learned well.

    3. WillowDarkling


      Your phone lives to make your life difficult, George, it’s time to face that fact, I think :D  :sobs with laughter too: 

    4. FairySlayer


      Your phone’s predictive algorithm is hella shit :P

  3. I don’t really get dystopian scifi. Isn’t the real world bad enough? Or is the idea to make the real world look better by comparison?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      Some people find it cathartic to know worlds can be worse or else have characters strive to at least make it brighter if only by candlelight.

      You could also successfully argue any utopia by definition is also dystopian by its very nature. Collectivism is currently in vogue. While the individual is to be abhorred,  Its all so very strange.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price


      I don’t really get dystopian scifi. Isn’t the real world bad enough? Or is the idea to make the real world look better by comparison?

      It can be useful for critically examining a particular aspect of today’s society too, by making it the predominant theme of the dystopia.  For instance, my original fiction stories put evangelical Christianity on steroids, made the society a tad more conservative, and examine the possible results.  (ie, do we want to live in a society that puts the Christian Cross onto the USA’s flag?)

    4. GeorgeGlass
  4. Spent 45 minutes hanging out under a bridge today. Note to self: Check the friggin’ forecast before you decide to take your bike to work. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JayDee


      I literally clicked it for the billy goats and now I feel like I have been the victim of a troll!

      So that’s actually worked out ok. But, honestly, the next user along will be bigger and meatier than me and make a much better…

    3. FairySlayer


      Just be glad the Troll Trace guy wasn’t there for you. ;)

    4. GeorgeGlass


      As I was crouching under the bridge – where at least a little of the rain was still able to reach me – I thought, “If a billy goat comes along, I’m frickin’ eating it.”

  5. Lately, Chrome has been randomly assigning the icons for my frequently visited sites. Right now, AFF has the IMDB icon. 

    There’s a joke in there somewhere, but I can’t seem to pry it out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      God, the Parental Advisory sections would go on for pages...

    3. InvidiaRed


      Hopefully, It might mean the plague of remakes nobody wanted comes to an end.

    4. FairySlayer


      Chrome simply recognized that all mainstream entertainment is pretty much the same these days and gave up trying to keep track of the supposed differences. At this point I think a lot of straight-laced people would be delighted to revel in the sex lives of their favorite fictional characters. Expect a lot of new hits on your fanfics. :)

  6. Downside of using your phone to write porn: When you search for a restaurant called Fogo de Chao, "Fogo" autocorrects to "cock."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KoKoa_B


      I loved it! We're trying to go again very soon.

    3. GeorgeGlass


      I can't speak to its authenticity, but if you like to eat meat in quantity, it's worth checking out.

    4. KoKoa_B


      And yes, leave it to me to put more emphasis on Fogo than worrying how your phone has been trained for porn XD

  7. Latest sign that I’m too often using my phone to write porn: The first suggestion after I type “big” is “melons.”

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price
    3. GeorgeGlass


      Two from yesterday:

      After “thoroughly,” the phone suggested “lubed.”

      It tried to turn “steel-toed boots” into “steel-like hardness.”

    4. Desiderius Price
  8. I didn't used to have a favorite Disney villain. But the other night, I watched the Princess and the Frog, and now it's Dr Facilier -- the Shadow Man. Even his death is awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GeorgeGlass
    3. Strange_idea


      as a disney trivia guy i’d like to point out some of the subtleties you may or may not have enjoyed. one, his costume is, naturally, evoking baron sameidei (which is an actual ritual element to evoke a connection with the loa in question) and his name comes from the french “facile” or easy. he is a man who makes things easy.

      also, he honestly tells everybody exactly what they’ll get from him. the butler? is told that he’d be miserable married, but forced to marry anyway, and the prince is told he’ll be given all the green he needs to hop from place to place. buuuut….

      also, did you notice this?


    4. GeorgeGlass


      Schweet. One more reason why they call him the Shadow Man, I guess.

  9. My The Loud House fanfic “Whoops” surpassed 30,000 hits yesterday, which is more than double the number for any other fanfic I’ve ever written (and a lot of those have been posted for years). Not sure why this one is so popular, but I ain’t complainin’.

  10. Damn it, phone, I said "erect nipples," not "wrecked nipples." Do you do this stuff just to mess with me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      I think your phone is a masochistic

    3. GeorgeGlass


      @BronxWenchNobody’s getting this phone. It knows too much.

      When it finally dies, I’m going to zap it with an EMP, then burn it, then bury the melted remains at a crossroads.

      @InvidiaRedWell, one of us is. :)

    4. Strange_idea


      Why curse innocent passers by? 

  11. This is what I get for Googling myself: "21 Die in Lake George Glass Bottom Boat Accident"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      I sat there and was like okay but how though?

    3. GeorgeGlass



      I sat there and was like okay but how though?

      Because “George” and “Glass” appear consecutively in the headline.


    4. JayDee


      And google searches also have results based on past searches so naturally ‘bottom’ came up :p

  12. Next year, I really need to create a trick-or-treater bingo card. Items would include

    • at least 3 girls dressed as Elsa
    • at least 5 boys dressed as Batman
    • a whole family in themed costumes
    • a mom wearing a decidedly inappropriate costume while escorting her kids around (This year’s was a slutty cop.)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      I got 15 people this year. there was a kid dressed up as the ‘stay puft’ from ghostbusters! i froze my butt of but it was worth it

    3. GeorgeGlass


      We had almost 200 trick-or-treaters. I attribute this to (a) Halloween falling on a Saturday, (b) excellent weather, and (c) lots of my neighbors devising clever ways to hand out candy safely. (For my part, I built a cardboard candy-slide and dispensed the treats from my porch.)


    4. FairySlayer


      I’d meant to pick up some tongs, but instead handed stuff out with a ladle as I froze my butt off outside. (Though in fairness, the ladle was also good for smacking hands when people tried to reach into the bowl.) Though most kids on the side street stop before they get to our buildings… for various reasons.

      Anyway, if 2021 continues like 2020 then next year the kids will be in camouflaged hazmat suits and combat gear when they come to your door demanding water, canned goods, and all the toilet paper they used on your house in years past. :o

  13. So, the post-Halloween trick-or-treater tally:

    • At least one kid dressed as an internet meme -- check
    • Multiple Elsas and Harley Quinns -- check
    • A whole family in themed costumes -- check
    • A hot mom in a borderline-inappropriate outfit -- checkity-doo
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Nobody trick-or-treated to my house (I’m too far off the beaten path)

    3. InvidiaRed


      @Desiderius Price you can’t count this anomalous year though the pandemic.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @InvidiaRed It’s not like it was unexpected.  Eleven Halloweens at this house, and ZERO trick-or-treaters in that time.

  14. If it seems like I’ve been really quiet lately, it’s because I’m doing NaNoWriMo. Because reasons, I wasn’t able to write much of anything during the first 5 days of November, and I’m still trying to catch up. Luckily, my wife has all our cats to keep her company. :\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Sorry you have to miss it. Hope you can get back to it next year.

      This is only the second time I’ve done it, and it’s every bit as intense as I remembered.

    3. CloverReef


      Oh Nano season is so exciting! Are you excited?! I’m excited for you! (Too much of a commitment phobe to do it myself so I like living vicariously.) 

    4. GeorgeGlass


      I’m definitely excited. It’s tiring, though. I’m probably spending more than 2 hours a day just writing. (One wonders when I’ll get around to putting away those clean dishes that have been sitting in the dishwasher for the past day and a half.) But I’m glad I’m doing it.

  15. Every member of Congress who has been humoring Trump about his election loss for the past 2 months had a hand in what happened today.

    I have spoken.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GrayNeko


      I was beside myself as it all unfolded. And because I live in a more conservative region I know I’m going to go to work today and see people still unashamedly wearing their maga crap and I’m going to have to be polite and courteous to these people or I lose my job. The worst part is I’ve actually seen some people wearing QAnon shirts and the like. 


    3. JayDee


      Fascists storm the capitol to try and keep their autocrat in charge and the next day are saying “no, it was the anti-fascists” Christ, the doublethink.

    4. FairySlayer


      While I agree about the proximate cause of the attack that they need to be removed and punished, the truth is that Trump is merely the painful symptom of what's been destroying the U.S. for decades, not the cause. As Krystal Ball says, "The ugly truth is that Trump is as American as apple pie."

      So why is half the country so angry that they're willing to believe terrible things and blindly follow an absurdly blatant liar and criminal? Many ordinary people are angry, and it's been festering for decades. From where they're sitting, the politicians and corporations have been steadily destroying their lives and the lives of their children just to make an extra buck. The spectacular failures of the pandemic response at every level of government does not help with that anger either. And sadly Trump and many other bad actors are very good at using that anger.

      Meanwhile most news outlets have found it more profitable to keep people ignorant and polarized, ever fearful that either the bad brown man or the bad orange man is coming for us… while it's actually an entrenched corrupt system that’s slowly killing us from the inside.

      Unless we fix the many underlying problems in America we'll only be seeing more and more of this violence all around the country.

      (And the preppers are laughing their asses off right about now.)

  16. All right, this one my phone didn't learn from me: When I typed "friends with," its first suggestion was "benefits."

    Okay, yes, that was actually what I was going to type, but that's beside the point. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FairySlayer


      At least it didn’t suggest “a pickup truck,” which would mean your phone thinks you use people. No, it sounds like your phone think’s you’re a nice guy and wants you to be happy.

    3. JayDee


      or “friends with Phoebe, Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey and Monica” or it would mean your phone thinks you need to really over-specify 15 year ended sitcoms.

    4. InvidiaRed


      I turned out to be the weird one cause I didn’t know what that meant. :spank2:

      and I gave her best friend a hug. Cause apparently not everyone sleeps with their friends.

  17. I’m trying to fill a position at work, and today someone named Marcia Brady applied. Kismet?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench
    3. FairySlayer


      M… Nah, I don’t even need to say it. (BTW, decent advice if the first one you try doesn’t work out; I figure by putting this here you won’t ever need it.)

    4. GeorgeGlass


      Thanks, FS. I’m actually now hiring 2 people, and I hope to God they both turn out well, because I don’t want to go through another, “Sorry, this isn’t working out” scenario.

  18. Trying to figure out what Star Butterfly would wear when she works out.

    1. GrayNeko


      Something old timey based on her choice of swimwear. Either that or eighties era gym gear.

    2. GeorgeGlass


      Oooh, I like both ideas. The 80s one would be a little harder to explain, but Star would look adorable in leg warmers.

    3. GrayNeko


      Glad to help but yeah Star in leg warmers ala Flashback Pearl was something that popped in my head immediately.

  19. I start typing: "see you soon" -- phone suggests: "see you naked"

    I start typing "baby carrots" -- phone suggests: "babymaker"

    Never, ever borrow my phone.

    1. BronxWench


      I want your phone so badly right now…:lol:

    2. CloverReef


      If phones could talk… Well they can, evidently, but if they were sentient….


    3. FairySlayer


      Sometimes I worry about what people would think if they ever saw my custom spell-check dictionary. Nothing good I’m afraid…

  20. Ever have a story idea so stupid that you had to write it, just to see if you could pull it off?

    I have had such an idea. It’s a furry story about four boys from a racoon-like race whose island home is under occupation by tiger-like invaders. The boys manage to find an ancient artifact that they hope will give them superpowers to drive the invaders away.

    Instead, the artifact turns them into a boy band. 

    God help me, the story going to be called “Band Together.”

    1. InvidiaRed


      I thought you said stupid idea? Not awesome story prompt.

    2. WillowDarkling


      it wasn’t a story for me, but a poem… I wrote two poems when I was a teen that were scenes of candy and soda… as in “the dark Dr. Pepper night”, and marshmallow cars… Candy floss (cotton candy) clouds, etc. I think the idea came from thinking about Candy floss as clouds, and possibly imagining sneakers made of liquorice or something like that. 

      Worst part was, they actually worked. Both of them! They weren’t even half bad, if I do say so myself. 

      If that isn’t the stupidest idea ever, I don’t know what is. Even for a sixteen year old… 

    3. InBrightestDay


      I haven’t had an entire story idea that was like that, but I did have a scene recently where I was like “This is insane...and if I can pull it off it’s gonna be AWESOME!”

  21. So I’m wondering: When I finish my She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fanfic (God help me), should I request a new category for it, or should I post it with the stories from the old She-Ra show? (Last post there was in 2012.)

    1. JayDee


      Thundercats only has the one category for all the series’ so it looks like there’s some precedent for sticking new series in with 80s series! I guess it’ll take a mod to give the decision :)

    2. GeorgeGlass


      I suppose it would make sense to put it in the existing She-Ra category, as it’s just labeled “She-Ra” and doesn’t include the “Princess of Power” subtitle that would make it specific to the 80s series. 

    3. BronxWench


      I think sticking with the original She-Ra category is certainly the quickest solution.

  22. It looks like I’m actually going to finish my Christmas story “Comfort and Joy” before Christmas. Of course, I originally planned to have it finished before LAST Christmas, but you know...

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Aw, delay due to standards of excellence?  :) 

    2. FairySlayer


      She’s with Comfort now? Geesh, that Joy really does get around! I mean, first she’s with Fear, then Anger…

      Omigosh! She’s becoming a Sith! ;)

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Don’t worry, both Hate and Suffering won’t join Riley’s cast of emotions until she gets to high school. :)

  23. What happens when I make my grocery list in Google Docs on my phone:
    I start typing “bread”; phone suggests “breasts.”
    I start typing “half-and-half”; phone suggests “half-assed.”

    Have I mentioned that no one should ever borrow my phone?

    1. FairySlayer


      Yikes! I hope you keep it locked, but if someone was looking over your shoulder you could just blame it on Facebook ads or something.

      My problem is that while most people worry about their web history, I’m always terrified someone will get hold of my custom spelling dictionary. The horror!

    2. BronxWench


      I’m planning on borrowing George’s phone every chance I get. :lol:

    3. CloverReef


      Jeez, I’m lucky I don’t write on my phone. Just a lot of F bombs and the word Peen. They’ll probably just think this phone belongs to a 13 year old boy. 

  24. My evolving list of chores:

    1. Clean and polish front door
    2. Buy caulk for cabinets
    3. Laundry

    1. Swap out front-door wreath that's been there since Christmas
    2. Clean and polish front door
    3. Buy caulk for cabinets
    4. Laundry

    1. Buy poison for wasps' nest on front door frame
    2. Swap out front-door wreath that's been there since Christmas
    3. Clean and polish front door
    4. Buy caulk for cabinets
    5. Laundry

    I’m never gonna get to that laundry.

    1. JayDee


      1. Get invited to parlay with the wasp queen only to find yourself trapped as a breeding partner
      2. Somehow escape possibly involving a fellow prisoner spider, called Dave.
      3. Buy poison for wasps' nest on front door frame
      4. etc
    2. GeorgeGlass


      The good news: The wasps are dead. The front door is clean.

      The bad news: The laundry is untouched. And Dave didn’t make it.

      What am I going to tell his wife? She was planning to eat him tonight. I can’t just show up at her web with an apology and a Big Mac.

    3. JayDee


      Dave! He so wanted to be eaten by his wife. That poor guy. If a big bac is no good, take her Little Mac. Dude’s boxing career is over anyway.

  25. My Scrabble app does not recognize “jahoobs” as a word. Those 88 points were rightfully mine.

    1. InBrightestDay
    2. BronxWench


      I’d have given you that one, as long as I get “fucknugget.”

    3. Kurahieiritr


      Probably some kind of anti jargon or profanity filter at work.

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