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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am glad, since we could all use a little help
  2. 2065 Must have been late at night
  3. I said it thinking that bookworms didn't have much of one....pain is my enemy. And I do apologize for the "sneer" comment. I just got a little carried away. I'm in love with myself. I absolutely do not condemn anyone who's had an abortion or contemplating one. We all go through that. However, this being a legal debate, it is irrevocably a crime. Because it sure as hell isn't funny or nice.
  4. Because I wonder if the future holds happiness or grief?
  5. bite me, worm I will now go read one of your fics EDIT: er, your author's name wouldn't happen to be bookwormchick, would it?
  6. I think its a crime. Looks as if mine was the only "no" vote. However, I find this does not daunt me in the least. I think its a crime against women, I think its a crime against men, I think its a crime against the spirit. I think its a crime against humanity. I think its the worst sort of crime because you pay someone to do it. I think its a crime against the future. I think its pure arrogance to think that you are more important than those who are coming, those who would use your body for fodder. That is all our bodies are. Fodder for the next generation. I am not afraid to say this. I sneer at weaklings. Those who are afraid of raising a child. What is life for? Is it a selfish thing? or is it a thing to share? Sure, its' like one of those "lesser of 2 evils" thread, but letting life thrive can only bring reward. Cutting it off brings only regret.
  7. Hemp
  8. Crap! I skipped 11 years! Damn that time machine anyway! 2059 (sorry girls!)
  9. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am admiring Dazzled's apt use of emoticons.
  10. StoryJunkie

    Title Share

    Breath of Fire (game)
  11. the only form of communication in higher religious circles Contrary to popular belief, the quampa lump.....
  12. When the cow-caller bellows How much rain can be held in the palm of your hand?
  13. Dungeons and Dragons!
  14. oh, I am so guilty...everyone hates me now. Either that, or they've lowered their expectations of me. And hey, this is your only warning everyone. If you call, I won't call back. Its not that I don't like you. I'm just damn lazy. Ends up letting people infront of them in line at the express check-out in the grocery store if said people have fewer items.
  15. ^ thought long and hard about her last entry < Will now never use the name Carl in vain V Hopes the sock analogies are soon going to be hung out to dry.
  16. One might think so, if I spontaneously said: "Anything can be run on steam!" Nanaea?
  17. Me neither, Poly! I've never been mountaineering, or even rock climbing, and I live in BC
  18. I'm definitely introverted, with a dash of insane "Look-at-me-mom!" that comes out once in an embarrassing while. It's like I'm on drugs or something, but no, it's only high blood sugar kicked down by agressive reacting insulin. I don't know. Maybe my body naturally produces LSD or something. It's not that I hallucinate, but I certainly can enjoy life without an artificial boost. Partly genetic, I suppose. I did have an uncle who was a bit on the cuckoo side.
  19. ^ will so be the Napolean of sockdom < being a-sockist, does not believe that anything will hit her v will become a holy roller of sockists
  20. only me Dazzled?
  21. 2066 ImageShack might size it for you.
  22. S & M
  23. Yeah, did I miss something? er, Yeah, I guess it was hot, if I re-wrote what was happening in my mind. (actually, I probably do that alot) You know how when you look at an incomplete picture, and your brain will fill in the rest so that you get a complete picture?
  24. yes. So I write a prequel, or a sequel or a challenge and then the urge goes away.
  25. could have been. I think I blocked it out of my memory...nah, I just always think I'm guilty. Kicked the cat (or dog) when in a bad mood.
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