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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Hi, Kiddoread, and welcome! This is actually our search thread, but we do have a thread for requests: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/forum/396-harry-potter/ While it’s never certain if someone will take up the request, you might find some people with similar tastes in stories, and perhaps end up with a good collaboration. As far as rules, they’re posted for each area of the forum. For the most part, we ask that people be civil, and that story content not be posted on the forum. We also don’t pass around hard copies of stories, unless it’s the author of the story handing it out. And we’re always happy to answer questions, so ask away!
  2. That subdomain is here: http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php
  3. Hi, I’ve checked the stories and unhidden them, since you did add the tags requested. We actually do take it seriously, because some things can be disconcerting for readers to encounter unawares, and we certainly hear about it when they do. For example, I’d have asked for Rape as opposed to noncon, which is not a tag we use. (Noncon implies that somewhere, in some parallel universe, lack of consent might possibly imply that it’s still really okay, which it’s not. Ever.) Fingering can occur absent masturbation, so yes, that is a separate tag. Minor is split here, as Minor1 (up to age 13) and Minor2 (age 14 up to 18), and Minor doesn’t provide adequate warning of content some readers would call pedophilia. We try to stick to a standard list of tags to make it easier for readers to search by tag, and we have a list of the tags we use in our FAQs as well as in the dropdown when you first publish a story. As far as older stories not being appropriately tagged, we are well aware of the issue. Our clean-up crew is working through each subdomain, and as such stories are found, they are fixed, since in many cases, the older stories might not be actively monitored by the authors any longer. If you feel we missed something, you can certainly post it in the appropriate thread, but I will not guarantee immediate attention, since my moderators and I work through the new stories and updated stories weekly, and that is a sufficient workload for volunteer staff with real-life obligations. Of course, if you are willing to volunteer to help with archive cleanup, I know DemonGoddess061 is always looking for more staff on the clean-up crew. You can PM her, or email her at admin@adult-fanfiction.org. All the best, BronxWench
  4. Is this a text-only serial, or a graphic novel type thing?
  5. DemonGoddess061 can fill you in on the actual details, but the clean-up crew works with her to identify stories with formatting issues, wordord errors left over from previous database crashes, and other encoding issues from invalid character sets. They also identify misplaced stories, and would probably also deal with identifying whether or not pairing categories are needed, that sort of thing. Some of the clean-up crew does other tasks as well. If you’re interested, you can send DemonGoddess061 a PM, and let her know. She can give you more specific information. I deal with the archive moderation myself, which has been more than enough for me.
  6. We do have the capability, now, to add that. It’s a fairly new development as the archive code is being updated However, we have a while to go before Naruto is going to be worked on. At that time, the issue of breaking down Threesomes/Moresomes into het, slash, and femmeslash can be addressed. If you’re interested in joining our all-volunteer staff as part of the clean-up crew, I’m sure DemonGoddess061 would love the additional help. However, I’m of the opinion Bisexual is not a valid option under Threesomes/Moresomes, since there is no requirement for the same-sex members of a menage to be intimate. It would make story placement even more difficult, since we’d need to determine if there’s actual same-sex sexual activity warranting the Bisexual placement, or if the same-sex members of the menage were only intimate with the opposite sex member or members. If we have to start warning authors for not placing stories as Bisexual, we’re going to get pushback from the authors, and let’s face it, a fiction archive without authors isn’t much of a fiction archive.
  7. Authors can manually tag a story as MMM or FFF or MMF or MFM, or any variation thereof, to clarify what content readers can expect, or they can cover it in the summary field. It’s not something we require, however, as long as the story has the 3Plus tag.
  8. You might want to ask this in the Inuyasha and YuYu Hakusho threads, if you haven’t already done so. It might yield better results.
  9. Links for above: The Sound of Dreams by Zrina
  10. If those are sites like FictionHunt, or another unauthorized archival site, I’m going to ask that you not post links to those sites. To the best of our knowledge, the author has removed this work everywhere they posted it, and unless they have re-posted the work, we will not allow unauthorized story postings to be shared here.
  11. We welcome original stories here on AFF, and have a subdomain just for them: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/index.php We do ask that you disclaim your stories, and tag them properly, but aside from that, adult content is perfectly fine. Welcome!
  12. I really, really tried to like the remake, I did. But Tim Curry, and yes, dem legs!
  13. Aini has removed all but two Naruto stories from the site. That would have been the author’s decision, and we here at AFF respect our authors’ choices. I will also point out that asking for a copy is something we don’t allow. As in, we state that clearly at the top of each “Searching for a Fic?” thread. ”If you know the piece of fiction that someone is searching for is removed from the site, but you retained a personal copy, please do not pass the story around. If the story is taken down either by the Author or Moderator staff there is a reason behind it that must be respected.” Hence, I’ve edited your post.
  14. And now I’m having a Rocky Horror moment… “He’s my satanic… mechanic.” Tim Curry is brilliant.
  15. Hm. Magic/alchemy? Or would that fall under Power? Although the magic and/or alchemy could incorporate immortality without all that bloodsucking. Mostly.
  16. The story, along with all others by someonenotme was removed from the Internet.
  17. So, in the usual format, to make this easier for DemonGoddess061, who actually makes the categories: Category: Wynonna Earp Subdomain: Television Do you have a story for this: Yes Category: Faking It Subdomain: Television Do you have a story for this: Yes Category: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Subdomain: Television Do you have a story for this: Yes Category: Don't Trust the tch in Apartment 23 Subdomain: Television Do you have a story for this: Yes and Category: Riverdale Subdomain: Television Do you have a story for this: No but someone else posted one, and I will eventually have one
  18. Okay, so: Category: Supergirl Subdomain: Comics > DC TV Do you have a story for this: Yes
  19. “English doesn’t borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.” (Terry Pratchett)
  20. Do you have a story for this, and can you put this in the proper format if you do, please? It makes DG’s job easier, thanks!
  21. Do you have stories for these categories?
  22. As a native English speaker, I will admit to not always knowing the exact rule, but I do know how to use the language. I have always understood “change in attitude” to refer to something which occurs over time, perhaps after learning new facts, or experiencing a situation for oneself leading to a revision of previously held opinions. A “change of attitude” has always carried a connotation of immediacy, as in a parent telling a child they had best have a change of attitude right this moment, or else there will be consequences.
  23. BronxWench

    Naruto owns konoha

    Just a reminder: We allow links to other sites where the original author has published a story, but we do NOT allow hard copies to be distributed via AFF, nor do we allow links to other sites where someone other than the author has posted the story.
  24. Have you cleared your AFF cookies, and your browser cache? That’s worked for other users with the same issue. You can find the steps here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/64725-login-issues-due-to-menu-change/#comment-401256
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