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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Which browser are you using with Android?
  2. As far as I can determine, Lucifael never posted his work here on AFF, sorry!
  3. I’m only showing one account associated with that email address: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296981186 Your older account, http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296834681, uses a different email address, which would be why you’re having an issue resetting the password. Our system sends the reset to the email address we have in the database, which is currently a yahoo address. If you are able to log into the older account, we can simply have the new account deleted for you. If you no longer can access the older email address, our tech admin can change the email address on the older account as well as removing the accidental new account.
  4. Azela removed all stories from AFF some time ago, I’m sorry!
  5. Links for above: Mine by Jelp
  6. Links for above: Icha Icha Paradise: Masquerade by MrFreaky
  7. BronxWench

    Werewolf Fic

    Link for above: Just Submit by AgainandAgain Also the sequel: Just Submit 2
  8. On occasion, an author doesn’t realize they’ve left the story open for others to add chapters. There’s no clear statement asking others to add chapters, and no round robin set-up for this one, so I would suggest no one actually add anything without the author’s consent, please.
  9. We have a PM feature here on the forum, but it would require both you and the author to have forum accounts. Other than that, unless the author has made their email public, or provided a Twitter or other contact method in their profile, we don’t release any contact information.
  10. Since cloning of humans is still not a done thing, you have leeway to play a bit. You could invent a way to use electrical stimulation of muscle groups to assist in the proper development of the adult clone. Since you’ve already said the clone will possess full awareness from the original, they will have the experience of walking in their brain already, and should have the proper neural pathways established. So, it becomes a question of readying the muscles. Perhaps there’d be some initial unsteadiness, but the memories are there, and if the muscles are not atrophied, and have been kept limber and healthy, it should pass as quickly as a couple of days.
  11. I’m sorry, at present that’s not a searchable field.
  12. Did you try clearing your cookies, browsing history and cache as I suggested in my reply to your earlier post? (I moved this one to the correct thread, since your issue is an archive issue, and not forum related.) If yes, please give me some more details as to error messages, or the steps you are taking and what the site is giving as a response. I need something to work with in order to help find a solution.
  13. It sounds like an issue with your login if you can’t edit from your story manager. The obvious questions would be: are you logged in, and are you in the correct Story Manager? Assuming the answer to both is yes, you may have an issue with the site cookies. You can follow the procedure for clearing your cache, history, and cookies as shown in this FAQ. Be sure to fully close the browser to ensure all changes take effect. Restart the browser, and log in to AFF, and you should be able to edit that summary.
  14. My theory is the eyes would be cloudy at first, but would rapidly adjust and be capable of focus. If the mind retained all the knowledge of the original person, then there would be a frame of reference for what the clone was seeing, and they would be able to recognize things as they became clearer. Since this is all theory anyway, you could elect to have the vision clear as fast or as slow as your plot demands.
  15. I think what you’re more asking is how they would interpret what they’re seeing, the cognitive aspect. Their eyes will function as well as any infant’s eyes, with focus sharpening rapidly. However, like an infant, they will have no frame of reference for what they’re seeing, if that makes sense.
  16. Ten to twenty inches of snow? Really? It’s a week until spring, for feck’s sake...

    1. DemonGoddess
    2. BronxWench


      We squeaked past the blizzard warning for the city proper, but where I am, it stayed snow a bit longer. We have about 8 inches of heavy wet stuff, and it’s still sleeting lightly. We expect more snow overnight and into tomorrow morning, so we may hit a foot.

  17. Hi, That was indeed the issue, and thank you for taking care of the correction. I’ve restored the story to visibility in the archive once again.
  18. We only bite if asked nicely.
  19. It might be a corrupted cookie string, which happens from time to time. What we recommend is the following steps. Clear your browser’s history, cache and AFF cookies. We have a FAQ here on how to do that. Close your browser completely. Restart your browser, and you should be able to log in normally. When you reset your password, keep in mind it needs to be at least 8 letters or numbers long (no special characters allowed), is case sensitive, and as Pittwitch has noted above, can’t be the same password as you;re replacing. That just blanks the field and creates the need for a new password reset.
  20. There’s actually no requirement that stories here have sex, or violence, or anything racy. We’re open to all sorts of fiction and fan fiction.
  21. It’s snowing. Why is it snowing? Did no one bother to note that spring is a mere ten days away? To whom do I complain, please?

    On the bright side, my computer has finally decided to update to the latest version of Windows 10, after I manually updated Windows Update.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tcr


      Not going to start a fad?  Wearing the cocktail dress and snow boots?  Might be the next greatest thing to start around…  Then all the Hollywood elite will start wearing them to the red carpets and you’ll have started a whole new…  No?  Not likely?  Okay.

      Yeah.  I’ve had some minor issues on mine, but overall, I don’t mind it.  Granted, I’ve come to the conclusion I know more about my laptop than the…  techs that actually work at the repair shops around here…  So, either I know it or I ask someone who does…  lol.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Every OS has its virtues, some things can be easier in one or the other.  Privacy/security being different between the two.  Once I know how I’ll pay for it, I’m thinking about creating another desktop, so I’d have separate dedicated windows and a linux machines.


    4. Melrick


      In answer to your question: because the weather system is fucked.  And computers are often wonderful, sometimes bitterly frustrating chunks of metal and plastic.

  22. Links for above: Out of the Silent Planet by ianthe_waiting
  23. The story, An Unwilling Submissive, along with all others by someonenotme was removed from the Internet.
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