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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I think M/F writers run the biggest chance of having characters labeled as Sues. It’s far too easy to fall into the tropes.
  2. Our tech admin has been swamped with RL work, but I have it posted for her. Please be patient with us, since this requires database access, and that is strictly limited to ensure the database’s integrity.
  3. Yes, you do have two accounts registered for your email account, and the system is rejecting the login. You have: trueshot and dxslayer Let us know which account you want to have as the surviving account, and we can merge them for you.
  4. Hi, We do exist, but you’d need to PM this author directly to see if the story is still up for adoption. If she agrees to turn the story over to you, she can post that here, and then we can work on transferring ownership.
  5. Hi! Is this your account? Athlantis Since you last logged in, the archive code has been updated a couple of times. What we need is for you to re-validate the account as described here. (The images are not available, but the text is pretty clear, and the links work.) I strongly recommend making sure you clear all old AFF cookies first, however, since we’ve also had a domain name change. You also need to use the email address which was used to create the account. If you can’t access that account, let us know, please, so we can update that first. You should be able to reset your password as part of the re-validation process, since the new requirement is for 8 letters/characters. It’s still case sensitive as well. If you have any problems with the re-validation process, let us know so we can help you resolve those issues. And welcome back!
  6. I fell in love with words when I was small. My parents told me I loved to use big words, and I actually can’t remember learning to read. It just happened, I think. The symbols made sense. So, because I love words, I decided to try writing, and I was gods-awful. I mean, really, truly dreadful. But I loved it. Real life kicked into gear, there was work and being an adult, and then… I played a CRPG, and I hated the plot holes. I’d played earlier games in the same ‘verse, loved them, but this one? Craters in the plot. So I started to read fan fiction which tried to fix those holes, and fill in the blanks, and one day, I decided to write a fan fiction of my own. It was dreadful, really, but one reader asked, “What happened next?” and that was it. I still love fan fiction. I do. I always will. I write original works now, but there are those fandoms that will always feel like home for me, and I will never be ashamed of writing fan fiction. There is a distinct art, a skill in taking someone else’s world and asking “What if…?”
  7. There are also authors in the small press venue who’d be considered established, and by that, we would mean submissions get accepted quickly, senior editors handle those manuscripts, the author has a large number of books and/or stories in publication, and has an active fanbase. But by and large, the term has come to mean the authors whose books are labeled “Bestseller” on the shelves of brick and mortar stores.
  8. Large house/traditional publishing can be harder if you don’t have an agent as well. They tend to not accept unsolicited manuscripts, although certain houses in the SF/Fantasy genre will accept manuscripts from authors without an agent. Generally, ebook sales are more profitable all around. Most small publishers will pay anywhere from 30-45% of the royalties to the author for ebook sales, depending on whether or not the ebook was purchased from their website or from a third-party seller like Amazon. Third-party sellers charge a small fee to the publisher, and that’s passed along to the author in the form of a slight dip in the royalty, but many people prefer buying via those third party sellers. Physical books generally pay a percentage of the net royalties, after the cost of printing the book, and that number is much smaller.The press I’m working with now pays 12% of the cover price, less returns. My prior publisher paid 25% of net royalties. It will vary by publisher, but ebooks tend to bring in more money for the author. That’s been my experience, anyway.
  9. Eh, I suppose not. But as a female, the notion of naked play in snow doesn’t strike me as all that arousing. I guess that’s why my headwaiter’s little joke came to mind, and why I did say it was entirely unhelpful.
  10. This is entirely unhelpful, but I was reminded of my college days when I was waiting tables in a bistro. We had a cat (in utter violation of the regs, but the rats were a bigger violation, and the cat kept those away) and she had a habit of wandering into the walk-in refrigerators. The headwaiter posted signs for us: “Don’t lock the cat in the walk-in. Cold pussy doesn’t do anyone any good.”
  11. I can only speak to my own experience, which was being published via a small press with a targeted readership (LGBTQ). The original owners of the press are tremendous people, authors themselves, and I absolutely adore them. They sold the press, though, and the new owners were not as dedicated to readers or authors. The press is gone now, and I’m the process of having my stories republished with another press. I have never self-published, so I’ll let those with more experience speak to that, but I can tell you why I went the small press route. First, identify the publishers in your genre. Don’t pitch a slash romance to a het-oriented publisher. Keep in mind most publishers won’t touch pedophilia, incest, rape for titillation, necrophilia, bestiality, or stories that discriminate against a particular group. Some won’t want graphic sex. Most want happy-ever-after or happy-for-now endings. One of the keys to being successfully published is a polished, edited, proofread manuscript. One of the biggest mistakes people make is thinking they can self-edit, or that their dear friend who beta-reads their fan fiction is going to make a terrific editor. What you need is a professional editor, especially when you’re new to publishing, and it can get expensive out of pocket. A good editor makes sure you don’t leave loose ends, that your chronology makes sense, and characters don’t change names mid-scene. Same thing with the proofreader, who looks for the technical stuff like punctuation, verb tense agreement, and all that good grammar stuff. They aren’t as expensive as editors only because they don’t spend as much time with your manuscript. There’s cover art, and the ISBN numbers, which aren’t very expensive if you buy them in bulk, but most of us aren’t going to purchase them that way. Ten ISBNs can cost $125, and you need a separate ISBN for ebook and paperback editions. Many publishers will send books out for review, and maintain relationships with review sites and blogs for their genre, and some even take out banner ads. But most small presses expect you to help market your book actively. Publishers provide those services for you, and in return, they keep a portion of the royalties from each sale. Given that the publisher’s just spent good money on the gamble my book will sell and return their investment, I’m very happy to share royalties, and tweet my ass off, blog, and even buy a banner ad myself. Just read your contract carefully, and don’t be afraid to ask about anything that isn’t clear to you. Are you contracting for ebook rights only, or print rights? For how long with the contract run? Most are two to three years. Make sure you understand how to have your rights revert to you, if necessary. Investigate how royalties are paid, and how often. Third party sellers pay the publisher, who pays you, and that means those monies lag compared to a direct publisher website sale. How often do you get royalty reports? How are you paid: by check or Paypal or other means? Get in touch with other authors who publish with that small press, and ask how they like the publisher.
  12. So, whilst at the lake, my laptop decided its hard drive was gone. Not that it was much of a laptop to begin with, but a braindead laptop is nothing more than a paperweight. Time to buy a nice new hard drive, and grumble a bit about annoyingly inconvenient technology...

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      On HDDs, I have more issues earlier with Seagate too, though WDs have failed on me.  Most of my SDDs are Samsung, good luck so far.

    3. Melrick


      I went for 20 years without a single HDD failure.  20 years.  I get SSDs and 3 failures in less than a year, all different brands, all top brands.  At least they were only used as starter drives so none of the important info was lost, which was just as well, because when SSDs fail, you rarely recover any data from them.  Still a pain in the arse though.  SSDs will get better and more reliable in time, but at the moment they’re far from ‘bullet proof’ or ‘fail safe’ like sales people keep trying to tell us.

    4. Anesor


      I lose at least 2 HDD a decade and one took a good chunk of writing when I was doing parody more. I’d been thinking SSDs were better, but I never had anyone who could save files for me. I lost a 40k chunk as I didn’t know much on how to. I still miss that angsty story, but recreating it just did not flow. Guess I’ll stay with my HDD/cloud backup. Ineed to figure how to save my email boxes and custom dictionary.

  13. Oh, my goodness! Let’s hope it’s nothing dreadfully serious, no surgery is involved, and we have you back feeling much better.
  14. We can merge those for you! The newer account will be the surviving account, and I’ll get this posted for our tech admin. She’s been insanely busy with RL work, so b patient with us, please.
  15. Links for above: KoRn Koncert in Kohona by Raven Silvermoon
  16. It happened to authors on FFN who I truly liked and respected, and while I know my protest hasn’t changed anything there, it was something about which I felt strongly enough to take a stand. I think what bothers me the most is the notion that it’s a victimless crime, whereas nothing can be further from the truth. It saps one’s confidence, and wears away at one’s spirit, and that is utterly unacceptable to me. We need to support each other, especially when we find the courage to put our writing out there for sale, when we create an original work and offer it. We’re not going to get rich, and most of us know that, but it is still so incredibly satisfying to see something for sale under our name, isn’t it?
  17. Do PM me or email me. It’s always good to have that sort of information on record, in case we get a complaint about this person. For the record, we do investigate even subtle instances of plagiarism, and we do take action if we find there is sufficient reason to think someone’s intellectual property was used improperly. My personal belief is that even fan fiction, despite not being something a writer can profit from, is still very much the writer’s hard work and property aside from the copyrighted aspects of the fan fiction. I’m very sorry you’ve had to go through this. It’s unfortunate when fiction archives don’t treat plagiarism like what it is—theft of intellectual property, and a crime.
  18. If this person has plagiarised in the past, odds are whatever they have posted here isn’t their work, either. As lead archive moderator, I’d greatly appreciate knowing this member’s pen name. If you don’t want to post it here, and it’s entirely understandable if you don’t, you can email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org, or you can PM me over on FFN as well (since guests can’t use our forum PM system). I’m BronxWench over there, too.
  19. The category and sub genre shouldn’t come up in the Currently Reading fields. Those only apply when uploading a story. But, what you’re describing as happening could also be caused by cookie issues. AFF uses cookies, and sometimes, over time, those cookies get corrupted. You can clear your AFF cookies in your browser, as well as your browser’s cache and history, and that acts as a reset. You’ll create a fresh cookie when you revisit each subdomain, and your profile, which may resolve your issue. In case you need the information, we have a FAQ on clearing your browser’s cookies, cache, and history here.
  20. And once again, please note the statement at the top of the search thread: We are really not joking about this. Do NOT come to our search threads to solicit hard copies or email files of stories. Do NOT come to our search threads to post links to pirated copies of stories. We don’t mind you sending our readers to other legitimate archives, despite not being affiliated with any of them, but we draw the line at promoting theft of an author’s hard work, and that’s exactly what passing around copies is. If the original author did not post it on the Internet for all to read, it doesn’t belong on our search threads.
  21. The reviews are harsh, yes. They don’t quite cross the line into flaming, but in case ANON decides to peek in on this thread, I’d like to ask one thing as lead moderator: ANON, you’re reading a fan fiction about game characters based on an anime. In other words, the story revolves around cartoon characters. Why on the good green Earth are you looking for sensibility? Can’t you just suspend belief and try to enjoy? If the answer is no, then let me point you to some other subdomains where you might encounter a larger dose of sensible reality… wait… oh! Perhaps the Non-fiction section of Originals. Aside from that, we’re all about the fiction here, sensible or otherwise. We’re also all about being adults, and the phrase, “Wow, what a retard” is hardly an adult way to begin a conversation. If you care to debate that point, PM me, Anon. I can do this talk all day long. I have a 22 year old and a 19 year old at home. Trust me, the topic is a hot one around here. Hide_My_Sins, I strongly recommend setting your account to block anonymous reviews in future to avoid future visits from those who don’t have the courage of their convictions and won’t leave their pen name with a review.
  22. BronxWench

    Invalid Story ID

    Check the very first field, for the subdomain. I just tried my own Currently Reading, and it reset a Lord of the Rings story to Anime. It’s a dropdown field, so you can scroll through the list to the correct subdomain. For the record, I have NO idea why that changes on an edit, but that was what I saw on my account.
  23. I’m always happy to read a chapter for you!
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