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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Your link goes nowhere. If you are referring to the Donations option on the archive itself, it is an entirely voluntary way for members who would like to support the site to do so. No one is required to pay anything to be a member of the archive or the forum.
  2. We don’t allow images with adult content in the Forum, and the archive itself does not support images. So, to answer your question, no.
  3. As far as I know, it’s okay. I just had to log in myself, and it went without a hitch. Just to check, the updated password doesn’t have any special characters or punctuation, does it? Those aren’t valid, and it’ll blow up the new password and blank the field. It needs to be 8-12 letters and/or numbers for it to work.
  4. Wishing @DemonGoddess a very Happy Birthday, from one cranky old thing to another! :wub:  :hug:  :bday: :wish: :party:

  5. Hi, First of all, let’s see what went wrong with the password reset. Did you get the email link for the reset? If so, did you get a confirmation that the password was reset? Passwords have a few restrictions. They must be between 8-12 letters and/or numbers long, and can’t include punctuation or special characters. They are case sensitive, so if you use a capital letter anywhere when creating the password, you always need to use a capital letter. Passwords are stored in a restricted area of the database, and I can’t see them to tell you what the current password is, but most commonly, the issue is an invalid character or a password that’s too short or too long. Second, only one account is permitted per member, and the site won’t permit a second account to be made. In order for you to make a new account, I’d have to delete the old account first. Unfortunately, that would also delete any stories posted under the account, along with all reviews and hit count data, so that would be a last resort, I think.
  6. My initial reaction is relief. Pure, utter relief. I’m not sure how long it will take to rebuild the trust we once had globally, or to even heal the breaches in our own country, but we have made a beginning.
  7. 13 letters/numbers might be the issue. I’ve found that the passwords seem to work best when you use a minimum of 8 letters/numbers and a maximum of 12 letters/numbers. The login block in the middle of the page is generally used only for new registrations. If it appears, look for the Login link at the end of the menu bar. That is what you should use to log in.
  8. If you have an email address from a Microsoft client (Hotmail, Outlook or Live.com) there is a conflict with Microsoft’s protocols and our archive code. Our members using those email clients have been unable to reset passwords (or create them). We’ve found that using another email client (Gmail for one) has allowed members to reset a password. Once the account has been established, you can change the email address for the account via the Control Panel of your archive profile.
  9. Hi, I took a look at both profiles, and it looks like they belong to the same person based on information in our records. Given that we only allow one account per member, what I’m going to do is remove the Kirara_Grey account as a duplicate account. I do want to thank you for catching this one. We haven’t finished clean-up in either Inuyasha or Originals, and the older stories are rife with this sort of thing. But we really, really dislike plagiarists here on AFF, so we always are grateful to alert readers! Thank you!
  10. No. The archive is limited to the fonts available in the Rich Text Editor.
  11. So, it’s been a rough few days. My mom is in hospital with congestive heart failure, exacerbated by COPD, atrial fibrillation, and Parkinson’s. It’s been one step forward and two steps back for the past 4 days, but at least I’m allowed to see her for a couple of hours each day.

    So, if I’m a bit more absent, or crankier than usual, I apologize in advance.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      Aw man, I’m sorry to hear this is happening for you.

    3. Sinfulwolf


      Ah fuck. I know I’m not around as much as I should be,  but you got a lot of folks here as well standing at your side. Hopefully soon it’ll be all steps forward soon enough, but stay strong. As has been said, your mother is lucky to have you at her side in these times. 

    4. Anesor


      Moms being sick is so hard, hope he’s getting ALL the good ones!

  12. Hi, Per your request, the account has been deleted. All the best, and stay safe!
  13. Sickly green for Hellfire, definitely. Think 1960s-type neon acid green. It always induced a strong desire to tear my eyeballs out and soak them in a cooling bath, that color…
  14. Is this your account? cashewQueen If yes, it is a yahoo.com email address (I’d rather not post an email address on a publicly viewed forum). In the event you no longer have access to that email address, please email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with the correct email address, and we can update that for you.
  15. Ah, thank you. The non-story is gone.
  16. If you have an email account with a Microsoft client like Outlook, Hotmail or Live.com, we are aware that there is a conflict between our password reset function and Microsoft’s new(ish) security protocols. If this account is yours, then that is the issue. We have been able to sidestep the issue by changing the email address to a gmail.com account. Once you are able to reset the password, and regain access to your archive account, you can change your email address back to your preferred client in the Control Panel. If you want to try this method, we strongly advise you to email us with the new email address for the account. This is a publicly viewable forum, and we all get enough spam without making it easier by publishing email addresses here. You can email us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with the new email address.
  17. In Chrome, there is an extension that will allow you to change encoding to either Windows-1252 or Western, either of which should remove the black diamonds. It is called “Webpage Default Encoding Changer” and replaces the encoding features removed with the Chrome 55+ upgrades.
  18. I have not gotten a Google alert myself, but I am checking with my admin regarding any data breach here at AFF. I do not have access to passwords. That level of access is reserved for our admin only. I do know there has been an issue with the password reset function and any Microsoft-based email client such as Hotmail, Outlook, and Live.com. Members using email addresses from those clients have been unable to access our password reset. A temporary switch to a gmail address has resolved the issue, and allowed for a password reset. If you are using one of those clients, and would like a temporary email address change, I can do that for you. I do recommend that you contact us via email rather than post anything here on a publicly accessible forum. You can reach us at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org.
  19. The story ID is the number at the end of the story url. The author ID is the number at the end of the author profile url. As far as I know, there’s no author certificate.
  20. Are you referring to bookmarking a story? If yes, you can add the story to your Currently Reading section of your profile via your Control Panel in your archive profile. We have a FAQ on how to do that here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63427-how-to-manage-your-current-reading-list/
  21. Well, I didn’t want to post it in an open forum
  22. For the archive, here’s the FAQ with a handy link: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/29620-how-to-reset-your-password/ For the forum, go to Account Settings under your profile, and you can update your password there.
  23. I’ve emailed you at that address, and WELCOME BACK!!!
  24. Trust me, the first time he manipulates a woman, he’ll be deserving of being killed.
  25. It would help if we knew what subdomain this would be created for, like Movies, or Television. Thanks!
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