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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. As you might have seen in an earlier post, we are going to be moving the archive to new server hardware, scheduled at the moment for July 1. Because this is a physical change, there will likely be some unavoidable downtime for the archive. So please, if the archive does become inaccessible, bear with us and we promise, we'll be right back! One of the advantages of our new server will be stronger security measures, and we expect the recent spate of missing validation emails to go away once we've completed the transition. Right now, the registration problem is confined to anyone using a gmail address to register. (Our wonderful coder, manta2g, managed to fix the issues we were having with Microsoft email clients.) For the moment, new registrations are being manually updated, to bypass the need for the validation link. It can take 24 hours or so to process the manual updates, and we thank you for your continued patience.
  2. Haunted bodegas? It’s been done to death. Now, sin eaters… I can work with that, I think. *rubs hands together and ponders*
  3. As long as it’s a fictional character, and the story is tagged, we do allow it. We have one author who uses fictional characters under the age of 6, and he tags appropriately. It is unpleasant for most readers, honestly, but it’s not illegal. I’ll quote the policy set by the site’s owner: So, there you have it. That’s what I go by, until site policy changes.
  4. If they were, you’d have heard about it, so if I haven’t poked you, you're fine. We wrote our Terms and Conditions in plain English, unlike the nearly incomprehensible mess of legalese and general obfuscation that most sites use. (I’m looking at YOU, AO3. It’s sad when I have to explain to the Legal Department the meaning of what they wrote, or copied from somewhere else, more likely.) So, what we expect isn’t a mystery. When it comes to Minor1 content, you tag if there’s even an offstage mention of sexual activity involving a character under 13. Period. And you can never, ever, under any circumstances, write anything about real persons under the age of 18 in the Celebrity subdomain. Aside from that, we are fairly tolerant, and we’ll support the author if a reader complains about content that was properly tagged. And @Desiderius Price? If anything on this site starts blinking like a New York City bodega, I am going to offer someone’s liver on the altar to the Morrigan. NO BLINKING!
  5. *peeks, shudders, and debates fleeing* Some days, there is just not enough brain bleach on the damned planet. But since we’ve decided to necro this dead thread, I’m going to take a moment to thank @Desiderius Price for his diligent application of the Minor1 tag. This prevents a great many upset emails from reaching the site’s email address, and it saves me having to answer, over and over again, accusations that we’re running some sort of fiction archive equivalent of a pedophilia ring. Whether or not you enjoy a certain sexual practice, as authors or as readers, tags are there to alert people who don’t share your tastes to avoid the content. Tags for trigger content, such as Minor1/Minor2, or Rape, are not optional. Your personal take on Minor1 content isn’t going to do a damned thing to help when someone who was abused as a child stumbles across an untagged Minor1 work. That harm is real, even if your character is a cartoon.
  6. This might be a better area if you want to use German: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/forum/450-german/
  7. You would need to reactive your account first, since the archive code has been updated since you last logged in. You can find the FAQ on hos to do that here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/29595-existing-users-logging-in-for-the-1st-time-in-the-new-system/
  8. Passwords are stored in a part of the database with strictly limited access. I don’t have access to that information. I also can’t change your email address, as I said earlier. I’ve notified my tech admin about that issue, but have not heard back yet. I’m going to assume you no longer have access to that old email address?
  9. We do not permit any mention of Patreon accounts, or allow authors to solicit Patreon contributions on AFF. Fan fiction exists in a grey area of the Fair Use provisions of copyright law, and one of the requirements is that the author makes no money from material copyrighted by someone else. Should the owner of the copyright choose to do so, the author could be sued for monetary damages, and the site would be required to at the very least remove the author and all works, or could be served with a cease and desist order preventing ANY fan fiction involving that copyrighted material entirely, or could be sued along with the author for copyright violation. You can read the relevant discussion of fair use here: http://fairuse.stanford.edu/Copyright_and_Fair_Use_Overview/chapter9/9-a.html So, while we all want to support authors, we cannot allow any Patreon or other funding sites to be mentioned here, or for authors to offer to write fan fiction for commissions.
  10. Can you give me a link to the story or stories in question? It would help if I could see them, since we did make changes to the archive code to make it mobile friendly. It might be an issue that also repeats on other devices, in which case I’d have more to show our coder. Thanks!
  11. I don’t know your password. I can’t see your password. What I can do is send you a password reset link, but it will expire in about 30 minutes, so unless you get to it quickly, it’s not going to work, and I have to send it to the email address we have on record.
  12. If anything, it would be the Hentai Foundry member who would have either posted there under another name, which is not likely looking at both profiles, or it was the HF member who plagiarized the AFF member. The AFF member posted the story in 2011, whereas the HF member did not post it until 2013. We always appreciate vigilant readers. However, this does not appear to be an instance of an AFF member committing plagiarism. I will, however, reach out to our member and alert them to the post on HF, should our member wish to pursue it with HF.
  13. I am unable to update your email address. The address of record is laurathomas086@gmail.com. Please use that to log in, and you should then be able to change the email address yourself in the control panel.
  14. Just as a reminder, any exchange of money for the writing of fan fiction is illegal. This seems to bear repeating, but AFF will not permit any works of fan fiction that have been written for compensation to be posted on our site. Anyone posting work that has been written for compensation can face removal of the story at the very least, and their account if we deem it necessary to keep our site in compliance with legal restrictions on the fair use of copyrighted materials.
  15. There is no update that affects your ability to log on to the archive, although you DO need to use the email address that’s linked to your archive profile, and that address is NOT what you have listed above. (I won’t post an email address to an open forum, where any passing spambot could see it.)
  16. The story on AFF was posted here over 2 years earlier than the story posted to Hentai Foundry. As much as I dislike plagiarism in any form, I can’t see any reason to suspect that the AFF member has done anything improper.
  17. I can’t tell you what your forum email address is because I can’t find a forum profile for you, but your archive mail address is a gmail account, although not the same one you’ve indicated above.
  18. Our coder is looking into the problem. For the moment, it seems to be gmail registrations that aren’t getting the activation emails. We’re really sorry about the hiccup, because usually it’s gamil accounts that have no problems, and Microsoft email clients that have issues. I’m thoroughly confused myself. And yes, if there’s no activated archive account, the forum registration is going to fail as well.
  19. When we upgraded the archive to PHP 7, it might have reset the notifications. Try turning them off, saving that choice, and then turning them on again via your Control Panel. That should reset the function, but if it doesn’t let us know and I’ll pass it along as a bug report.
  20. Do not place temptation in my path…
  21. Hi! To log in, you need to enter your email address and your password in the fields at the top right corner of the archive home page. There should be a menu item that reads “Log In” which if you click it, opens a dropdown with fields for that information. Enter it, click the grey button marked Login, and you should see your pen name appear in the upper right corner where it read “Log In” previously.
  22. The ratings trolls were unacceptable. It was incredibly discouraging, and far too many people were chased away by them.
  23. Author: BronxWench Title: Masking Intentions Summary: Newly masked and permitted to walk among the Court of the Seaborn Crown, Kdis is given his first assignment. He must guard one sprog, a youth who stands on the cusp of a terrible manhood. Kdis did not expect to desire his charge, despite the games the sprog enjoys and the potential cost to Kdis. Forfeiting his own life might be the sanest course for Kdis, but sanity is as rare as mercy in the halls of the Palace of the Sea. Feedback: Yes, please!! Fandom: Original Fiction Warnings: Abuse Anal BMod Bond Fingering Minor2 MM Oral Rape SandM Tort Toys Violence Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600109395 Review Reply thread: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/25864-bronxwenchs-review-replies-original-fiction/ (This was originally published on 3/24/16, and has undergone some editing to clean up some of the more egregious shite. I don't know if I've made it better, but I certainly hope so!)
  24. I’m mostly a writer of original fiction myself, so I know what you’re saying. I don’t write what seems to be the generally accepted genres of original fiction, either, and that’s okay. I’m playing in my sandbox happily. I actually miss the Shoutbox. That was a really neat way to stay in touch with other authors, and having it at the top of the forum homepage meant it was always visible for me. It’s not as much fun stuck in a separate tab/window, to be honest. But it did feel like the site was more active in the past, and I’d love to see it liven up again. I will say that letting authors ask for reviews is fine. There were a few former members who took it too far, however, and would call out reviewers in their author’s notes for not leaving enough reviews, or for not reviewing fast enough, or for being critical, or for complaining about late updates. I’ve never felt like I needed a certain number of reviews to post a new chapter—I’d never post anything if I did that—and I also never felt the need to call out reviewers for what they had to say about my work. And trust me, I did have a few people leave hate reviews on my stories because of my moderating duties, which was both childish and ineffective. I’m still writing, albeit very slowly, and I’m still moderating. I’m a native New Yorker, and I don’t scare easily.
  25. You’re absolutely right about the recommended reading feature in the archive—there’s no way for an author to know they’ve been recommended. The same thing applies to the archive currently reading feature. Authors remain clueless about who listed their story, and readers have to check manually to see if there’s been an update. Some of our authors have very lively review reply threads, and readers find out about new updates there. The forum does allow for email notifications if you follow a thread, like a review reply thread. It’s sadly the case that the forum allows for a great deal more interaction than the archive itself. If I had the time, I’d look into learning the archive code myself, honestly. I’m already volunteering my time here, and it would be nice to feel a little more productive, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. In the meantime, brainstorming like this helps bring to light things members would like to see in the archive, and that’s always a good thing. If our coder and tech admin can make it happen, I know they’ll try their best. After all, none of us want to see AFF disappear like so many other archives have done.
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