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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. 28121
  2. 28117
  3. 28115
  4. 28113
  5. 28111
  6. For First Step: Thank you! Those two arrived quite unannounced, and wanted their story told, so I had to oblige. But I do like that element of the unknown, and I've been in so many places that made me feel a sudden chill. Hidden rooms are a plus, when I can find them.
  7. 28109
  8. 28104
  9. 28102
  10. For Punch Line: Thank you! Honestly, the monthly prompts are way too much fun, and I'm enjoying them immensely. I'm glad I can entertain and surprise you!
  11. 28100
  12. 28098
  13. 28094
  14. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Punch Line Review Replies: BronxWench's Review Replies - Original Fiction Prompts Used: All Type of Fic: Flash Fic Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Original > Paranormal/Supernatural > Het - Male/Female Warnings: AFFO, ChallengeFic, COMPLETE, MCD, Nec, Oral
  15. The policy here at AFF is for staff to refrain from redirecting users to other sites. You could, however, search the author name on other sites yourself, and see if they pop up, or even Google the author name. As I tell my own college student, research is a very useful skill in life.
  16. 28092
  17. Just a reminder, everyone... We DO NOT permit requests for hard copies of stories that have been removed from the site, whether by the author or by staff. If a story has been removed for whatever reason, we ask that you respect those reasons. I refer you to this topic regarding the story in question.
  18. 28090
  19. 28087
  20. 28085
  21. VIKINGS!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      Probably not a bad precaution... :D

    3. Anesor


      Hide and leave the last mead out on the stoop.

    4. BronxWench


      And then I can grab the one I want... excellent! ::rubs hands gleefully::

  22. 28083
  23. 28081
  24. Oh, believe me, I completely understand. Some neighborhoods are wickedly underserved, and it's infuriating. Fresh food should never be a luxury, not in this town. I'm actually a native of Manhattan, but I've spent the past nineteen years in the Bronx, hence my pen name. I'm old enough to remember shopping in a dozen neighborhood stores, because each one specialized in something. There was the fish store, the butcher, the greengrocer, the Italian grocery for cheeses and canned puree or plum tomatoes, the delicatessen, the bakery for fresh made bread and rolls. Food was fresh, and good. Not only that, but all the shopkeepers knew my grandmother, and remembered my mother when she was little. Now, it's all prepackaged, full of things I refuse to even try to pronounce, and we pay insane amounts of money for it to boot. I actually caught myself lecturing firemen the other day because they were talking about buying premade pasta sauce in a jar. Ugh! It takes no time to make a fast marinara sauce from canned puree and paste, some garlic, onions, olive oil, and a few spices. Add a bit of red wine and some browned ground beef, and you have Bolognese sauce, in under half an hour, and it's healthy and tasty. Fortunately, the firemen are all very sweet and good sports about being lectured by crazy people.
  25. 28079
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