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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I'd call "space elves" a fan theory/joke and leave it there, since nothing in canon supports it. Klingon culture was far closer to Viking than biker, to be honest, since they did have a very well defined code of ethics. It might not match ours perfectly, but they understood and respected strong warriors and bravery. Like the Viking culture, females were not confined to purely domestic roles, and could fight alongside men as equals. There was a nod toward Mongol culture in the first series, however, when the "Imperial" Klingons were presented as more chaotic and almost entirely male. Being a history geek as well, the obvious cultural ties are evident. And you didn't lose me as far as comprehension. I followed what you said just fine. I just don't much care for stories where the main job of the male protag is to impregnate all the women. I've been pregnant. I don't need to read someone else's take on it, especially when it's being done for the sexual gratification of it, and not because it's a true biological imperative, or simply a consequence of sexual activity. It's not my fetish of choice, that's all.
  2. Argh, you lost me at space elves and pregnancy tropes... Vulcans and Romulans were NOT space elves. They had pointed ears because it was an easy way to show that they were alien. Given the tech available at the time, it was all props and make-up, and no CGI available. If anything, Vulcan culture was based on Chinese/Japanese culture. Romulans are almost perfectly Roman. Klingons are as militant as the Mongol hordes. And so on... no elves, trolls, orcs, naga or neko there. And what you propose as far as the varied species sounds a great deal like CJ Cherryh's Compact Space/Downbelow Station work. Except for the MC getting everyone pregnant. Geez, you'd think a spacefaring race would have reliable contraception...
  3. If you want to disclaim WotC/FR, there's Rakshasa. Elder Scrolls has the Khajiit. CJ Cherryh featured the hani in her Chanur novels. Your world is largely anime-based, I suspect, and so Neko or some variant would probably work. It's also a generic enough concept that you wouldn't need to disclaim any specific fandom. Just be careful not to use uniquely identifiable content that would take your story out of Originals and put it back into a fandom.
  4. 31174
  5. As far as we're aware, madcow made an effort to remove all stories from everywhere online. Any existing copies hosted somewhere would not be hosted with madcow's consent, so we ask that you not post those links here. Thanks.
  6. 31169
  7. Link for above: Taming Sasuke by Reyn
  8. 31167
  9. 31165
  10. 31162
  11. 31159
  12. Yes, you can put up a challenge for a similar work.
  13. This is the author's account link: psyche_b_mused
  14. Hi, We've had quite a few requests to enhance the ability to search by tag. I know this is something that the coder is aware of, and hopefully will be able to address. While I have no updated information beyond that, we'll keep everyone posted whenever we're ready to implement a code change. Thanks!
  15. 31151
  16. 31149
  17. 31142
  18. 31140
  19. 31134
  20. The very first thing I ever wrote was handwritten, because I just love dating myself here. I put it aside until I had time to type it, and never saw it again. In retrospect, I'm entirely sure it was a mercy killing by the universe as a whole.
  21. 31132
  22. To be honest, I don't think we have any stories for that particular fandom.
  23. It's Release Day! Ghost's Dilemma is available on Torquere Press and on Amazon today. Don't forget the Release Party on Facebook tomorrow, complete with GIVEAWAYS. We're raffling off 5 free ebooks and a $25 Amazon gift card, so stop by. If you haven't entered the giveaway yet, go do it!
  24. 31116
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