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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I’ve emailed you new links. You need to activate the account and then reset the password.
  2. I’ve emailed you the new links, and updated the email address for the account. I did edit your post so scammers won’t pick up the email address.
  3. *tries to figure out how anyone could make my most recent MC fluffy* I suppose it could be done, but it would take a lot of work.
  4. We have a dedicated team of necromancers on stand-by, and they’re considerably better than Cersei’s crappy failed maester.
  5. I will have you know that GRR is NOT allowed to die before finishing. (Especially after the incredibly horrible ending to the HBO series...)
  6. Hi! Glad you were able to upload new chapters. We still have a couple of minor functions not enabled yet, but we are largely back in shape again, thanks to the hard work of our marvelous coder, @manta2g.
  7. I’ve emailed you new links for activation and password reset.
  8. I’m pretty sure no one needs fan fic of my darker works. I mean, seriously… Fan fic of the published stuff? Sure. It’s kind of fluffy and mostly HEA. Fan fic of my short original stuff here? Only if you hate sleeping in the dark and don’t mind drinking a lot.
  9. Fair enough. I on the other hand would like to be asked first before anyone uses my original work in any way, including writing fan fic for it. Well, unless It was one of the authors whose work I read compulsively, but I’m pretty sure none of them even know I exist.
  10. There’s discussion referenced in that article about the not insignificant concerns revolving around copyright violations and content attribution for the various AIs, and I have to say, those are my concerns as well. I shudder to think of some AI scraping one of my darker original pieces and creating some sort of fan fic around what I wrote, with no compensation to me as the creator. I reserve ALL rights to my original works, and I’m really not joking about that. I wouldn’t be the first author to spin a short work into a novel, and I have no intentions of winding up in a legal wrangle with someone who used an AI program that lifted my work, and who has decided they now OWN my work.
  11. Inspiration from a book, or a tv show that uses a universal trope like vampires, or werewolves, or the undead, isn’t the same thing as taking literal text from a source and dropping it into a document that you then publish as your work. If the AI program was merely finding a trope, that would be one thing. But once it begins to incorporate things someone else wrote, well, that’s the slippery slope. All of my fan fiction is online. Quite a few original short pieces are online as well. If an AI program were to scour the Internet, and decide to lift sentences or even paragraphs from one of my original stories, I’d be pretty damned peeved, I can promise you, and there would be a DMCA takedown notice going out forthwith. (AFF does actually have a DMCA statement in the archive’s Site Information, as any reputable site should.)
  12. I’ve emailed you fresh links. It seems to work better when you reactivate and then reset the password, so I’ve sent both links.
  13. Well, the, that makes it a bit easier. Cobblefic is plagiarism, and plagiarism is not permitted here.
  14. I’ve emailed you the activation and password reset links.
  15. I’ve emailed you fresh links. It seems to work best when you activate and then do the password reset, so I’ve sent both.
  16. We’ll do that when you join the staff as Review Moderator.
  17. I’ve emailed you new links. You might also need to fill in any missing information in your profile.
  18. Ah, the early morning poking of the undercaffeinated dragon… If I believe reviews are being spammed, the reviewer is subject to being banned. At the moment, no anonymous reviews are permitted, as a security measure, so in order to spam those reviews, you will need an archive account. I would be very happy to have that last another year or so.
  19. We’ve updated our FAQs to reflect the new archive look: Story How-To’s How to Upload a Story How to Add a Chapter If there’s anything missing or unclear, please let us know.
  20. Oh, trust me, the spamming part will get them banned. Fast.
  21. AI generated fanfic is pretty new, and we don’t have an established policy per se, although we may want to think about this and establish one. In general, we do have a policy of asking that all content be the work of the uploading author. Obviously, when writing fan fiction, the universe/fandom and the characters are not owned by the uploading author, hence the disclaimer requirement. But we don’t allow large swaths of content taken directly from the fandom, or the read-the-book stories that were all the rage for a while. So where does AI generated writing fall? I’m not entirely sure. It’s obviously not written by the uploading author, but presumably, the AI program generated content based on parameters established by the uploading author. I’m just not sure it’s really writing in the truest sense of the word. I can’t imagine any AI program could capture a writer’s voice: the way they use language, the cadence of their writing, the unique touches that make their work stand out from other writers. I might use it to generate a rough plot outline, but I think I’m still old-fashioned enough to want the words on the page or screen to be the words I chose myself, if that makes any sense at all.
  22. I’ve emailed you new links to activate and reset your password. We did have some issues with Yahoo interpreting our emails to members as some sort of spam thing.
  23. Yes, it is possible to post new stories. We’re still missing a few functions, like punctuation in titles and summaries, and the Rich Text Editor won’t bold text, but for the most part, we’re working again.
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