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Status Replies posted by BronxWench

  1. All right, this one my phone didn't learn from me: When I typed "friends with," its first suggestion was "benefits."

    Okay, yes, that was actually what I was going to type, but that's beside the point. :)

  2. I’d like to salute the folks here who are doing NaNo this year. I’m still trying to finish the novel I started two NaNos ago, but I hope to be back in it with a new novel next year.

  3. almost caught up for NaNo…

    I reall hate Nano dumped my buddies list.  These are people I contact through their boards only and have no other way. the Nano site has lost almost all value if we cannot trust them not to dumps our friends links...

  4. so just wondering whats everyones costume for Halloween/Samhain?  I am going to be a crazy, old lady.

  5. so fantastic news that i wish i could post to facebook but I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE FOR REAL! my blood sister is 10 weeks prego! cant post on facebook because my sister told me not too but i am bouncing off the damn walls!!! 

  6. Earlier tonight, my story, Billion Dollar Harem reached 200,000 dragon prints! I can hardly believe just how incredible this is! When I started this story a few years back it was just to practice my writing and for my own personal pleasure. Now, today, I share that experience with nearly 7,000 people each month! It just blows my mind every time I think about how big this story has gotten. So I just want to take this time to once again thank all my fans and readers, those of you who check the archive once or twice a month to see if I’ve updated and especially those of you who’ve taken the time to offer me encouragement with your comments and questions here on the forum. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Remember this is your story as much as it is mine and I hope that I can continue to prove myself worthy of your viewership as I begin Billion Dollar Harem’s final chapters. This time next year I expect it to be finished and I hope you will all continue on that journey to its end! Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing from you all in the future. P.S. Chapter 45 should be on its way in the next few days!

  7. I have received a final grade of 8 (out of 10) for my BA thesis in Japanese language and culture. So I will be graduating with a BA degree and a grade point average (is that what it’s called in English?) of 7,75. :happykitten:

  8. My birthday is tomorrow, and it’s a big one. Why didn’t I move to a planet with a larger orbit?

  9. :bash: Why

    :bash: can’t I

    :bash: start

    :bash: reading 

    :bash: at the start 

    :bash: of semester!!! 


  10. Hello, it says you're an admin who was recently active so I thought you should know AFF has had a data breach and user passwords are compromised. :(


  11. Operation GetFired  is not going well.  I must up my SnarkGame.  :)


  12. ok so i need prayers, my mother has stage 3 kidney disease, and my uncle had a stroke last night. i swear someone put a curse on my whole damn family. bad things keep happening! i wish i knew who did it or a counter curse or a way to break the curse! this is starting to piss me off!!!

  13. It’s been over seven years since RUSH released Clockwork Angels, and nothing has changed. I still fall into an all-encompassing, skin-prickling, lung-stilling, and soul-rending state of ecstasy every time I hear “The Wreckers.” The problem? My hubby has crazy-narrow tastes in music and can’t comprehend how I can love that song so much. It’s true, but I feel like telling him “it makes my ears jizz themselves” would be poorly received by someone who only enjoys music with screaming in it.

    Seriously. My ears need a smoke after the song’s over. It’s that freakin’ good.

  14. Struggling with a chapter since March, RL and block, not unreated.  I finally *gasp* wrote out most of an outline, that’s how stuck I was.

    And nasty paperwork too.

  15. Mrs. Toni Morrison, may you rest in peace. :cry:

  16. So I’m working on Part Nine of The Woman in the Statue (the goal is to be done around the 18th), and I wanted to describe the lobby of the Van Dijk building, but how big is it?

    Now I could just bullshit this...but you all know I won’t.

    So the building is about 300 meters tall and is a regular octagon in cross section (meaning all eight sides are the same length).  If the lobby in which Chloe, Luzurial and the assault team fight hybrids takes up one entire side (“edge” in geometric terms), how big across is it?

    Well, if we assume the building has a base diameter of one sixth of its height, then it’s 50 m in diameter and thus has a circumradius (the radius of the circle connecting all eight vertices/corners of the octagon) of 25 m.  Each eighth of the octagon can be described as an isosceles triangle with two sides 25 m long (since those “sides” are the circumradius) meeting at an angle of 45 degrees.  So now I have to find the missing side.

    Just to remind everyone that I am not a math major, I literally had to use Google to be reminded that an isosceles triangle is just two right triangles smooshed together, which I really should have remembered from 9th Grade Geometry.  Anyway, since the sine (0.3826834323650897717284599840304) of one angle (22.5 degrees) of a right triangle is equal to the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the hypotenuse (25 m), and then we multiply that result (9.56708580912724429321149960076) by two to get the end of the isosceles…

    So the lobby is about nineteen meters wide.  Why do I do this to myself? :rolleyes:

  17. A very Happy Birthday to pippychick, a dear friend and brilliant writer! Hope the day is incredible, and perfect! :wub: :hug: :birthday: :congratualtions:


  18. Oh this is hilarious. I’ve once again buggered the buzzard on posting chapters and have reached out for help...and the ad on the thread, last I checked, is for something called Ghost’s Dilemma.

    My pen-name varies from site-to-site due to various site restrictions on logins, but the name I go by online is Ghost Chance. Thanks for the publicity but I kinda feel called out. :rolleyes:

  19. Oh this is hilarious. I’ve once again buggered the buzzard on posting chapters and have reached out for help...and the ad on the thread, last I checked, is for something called Ghost’s Dilemma.

    My pen-name varies from site-to-site due to various site restrictions on logins, but the name I go by online is Ghost Chance. Thanks for the publicity but I kinda feel called out. :rolleyes:

  20. ...When you scorch your mouth to death, because the fecking taters are piping hot, but the meat is barely lukewarm… You’d think I’d remember by now… 

  21. ...When you scorch your mouth to death, because the fecking taters are piping hot, but the meat is barely lukewarm… You’d think I’d remember by now… 

  22. Things which literally never happen to me:

    1. Hearing Nuvole Bianche without mentally melting into a blissful rapturous puddle
    2. Seeing “Woozle” snoring with his mouth open and his little tongue hanging out without snickering
    3. Smelling an old book without the urge to huff it like a lunatic regardless of who’s watching
    4. Tasting a well-prepared quality tea without being thankful for life in general
    5. Feeling Heiferlump step on me with her pointy little toes without shrieking in pain then apologizing for startling her.


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