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Posts posted by BronxWench

  1. 14 minutes ago, achtungnight said:

    Thank you. I have spent the past few hours posting several stories that were on other sites but not here. Please re-order my stories to their own categories or add codes I missed as you have in the past. More will be forthcoming as they are generated.

    :blink:  It would be a great deal simpler if you were to post the stories in the proper category in the first place. It’s a dropdown menu. The same goes for story codes, although at the moment only staff can add or edit codes. (Our normal process, just for the record, is to issue a formal warning for missing codes, and if the codes are not added, we will hide the story for a minimum of 30 days, at which point we will delete the story for noncompliance.) 

  2. 6 hours ago, achtungnight said:

    Account unlocked. I hope to post the Star Trek story shortly. In the meantime, all fans are invited to seek out my new stories on AO3. Older versions will remain on this site and new stories may be added as time allows.

    Feedback is appreciated.


    Thank you,


    Update- I tried to log in and edit my profile and post new stories. No luck yet. :(

    Two things:

    Did you log in with the updated email address or with the old address? Since I updated the email address for you, you need to use the new one as your login.

    Does your password meet the current requirements? We’ve changed the length of the password minimum and maximum, although we still permit only letters and/or numbers. Password rules recap:  Between 12-18 letters and/or numbers long, case sensitive. NO punctuation, spaces, or special characters allowed. Do NOT use your old password, or let Google make a strong password full of forbidden characters for you.

    As far as editing your profile, we still have some features that are not unlocked. Bear with us while we address those.

    Your Star Trek movie has been posted here on AFF:  https://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095500  I did move it to the correct category within that subdomain, which might make it easier to find.

  3. 6 hours ago, Guest Brittany said:

    Ok so I LITERALLY have tried everything to search for all of the different types of topics I like and I can’t find them. For instance I will go to the search bar and type in Vinland Saga or Yu Yu Hakusho or Naruto and nothing comes up. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and I just want boy love in my life so bad. Please help a poor girl out so she can get some sexy man time in her life. I just need to know the way to finding the stories. I don’t know why I suck at this. You guys rule. Thank you so much. And sorry if it’s completely obvious and I look like a dumb ass. 

    Many of the more popular animes have their own subdomains. If you click on the three bars at the upper left corner of the home page for the archive, you’ll see a dropdown menu.


    Click on “Archives” and another menu will open, listing all the subdomains.


    YuYu Hakusho and Naruto have their own subdomains, for example. If you then click on Naruto, you’ll see more clickable links across the top. Click “Naruto” again there, and you’ll see an option to click on “Yaoi – Male/Male” which would be what you’re looking for in that fandom.

  4. It could be someone who gets together with a love interest, but there’s no firm commitment like a marriage or mating contract.

    It could be that whatever the Big Problem was has been resolved, and for the time being, at least, the MCs aren’t in any danger or at risk, and can canoodle happily until life rears its head and something nasty appears again.

    For most publishers, they would say it means the characters are happy at the end of the novel without any assurance that the happiness is going to last forever.

  5. For me, it depends on what I’m writing. Publishers tend to want happy-ever-after endings or at least happy-for-now endings. So, if I’m going to submit what I’m writing to a publisher, I try for at least the HFN ending.

    When I write for myself, I’m much less inclined to write happy endings. I’m never quite sure life has a happy ending in most cases, although I’m firmly in the camp of life having happy bits throughout. But I think how people cope with adversity that doesn’t resolve neatly is far too interesting not to write it.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Guest Email Validation email said:


    This is me as MeganJeanConsoer. Can you reactivate this account please??


    Your email address for that account is also being listed as “mailbox not found.”

    Could you email me, please, at tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org with the correct email address you are using?

  7. 1 hour ago, Guest Email Validation email said:


    I am not getting my validation email to start my account with you. Can someone help me get my email validation please??


    I’ve emailed you the activation and password links. However, the email was returned to me with the message “mailbox not found.” You will need to email me with the correct email address for the account.

    There is an older account that might be yours: https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296806537 If this is your account and you still have access to the email for this account, I can send the links to reactivate it.

  8. 3 hours ago, Guest Vyper/Vyperbites said:

    I am the author of Getting Lucky.  I have been ill due to medical issues for several years now as a 100% disabled Navy Veteran, so I had to disappear for so long, and I pulled some of my stories to edit them.  I also had a few published stories, but I am returning to fanfiction as soon as I can.  I apologize to the fans of my stories that it has taken me so long to return. A lot has happened to all of us over these years, and things are still difficult for so many people now, but I hope that our future will be better, so I have not given up on this world yet.   I very much appreciate the few fans of my stories who did find me online through social media and on my old website.  I was unable to respond, but I still have the manuscripts for more than one of my stories, including Getting Lucky, which was so popular I was getting emails from places all over the world, so that was very inspiring and brought me so much happiness, so thank you very much everyone. When I get some free time to do so, I will do my absolute best to return the Getting Lucky saga fanfiction here, where so many people enjoyed what I could complete.   I am so grateful that people loved my writing since this is a safe space for many of us.  I must figure out how to navigate this site once more as an author when that is possible again, and I will do my utmost to at least get what I publish here on the original fanfiction website that I was so happy to be a part of.  Because my account was not in use for so long because I was gone for years, I can understand completely why it may have needed to be deleted.  If the moderators wish to help me recover my access to at least the author portions of my old account so I can keep writing, that would be nice.  I have had difficulty getting an answer to how to fix that problem because it has been so many years since I have been an active user, and due to hacking breaches or other issues, it is completely understandable if my account needed to be closed due to lack of use for that purpose.  I worked in communications and networking in the Navy, so I am fully aware of how these things can be.  Please, have a wonderful, safe weekend, everyone. 


    Your original account still exists, with all your stories still there, but after the attack last September, we’ve made some changes. I see you’ve made a new account, with an updated email address. What I would suggest is this. I can update the email address on your old account, and email you the links to activate that old account properly. That way, you have all your stories, and your original join date on AFF. 

    Let me know how you want to proceed, and I’ll be glad to help.

  9. 16 minutes ago, ShadowRaider said:

    if you have difficulties, do what I did, go to your profile page, which you can get to from these forums, and log in there.

    That will work only if you’ve already activated the account, and if you have a forum profile. Guest visitors to the forums won’t have a link to their archive profile available to them.

    I’m always happy to provide links for any member who might not have gotten the email for whatever reason. I do know Yahoo.com decided we were spamming when we sent out the initial blast of emails to all our members, and blocked our emails altogether. It’s entirely possible other email providers dumped our emails into their Junk or Spam filters. But it’s never too late to activate the accounts, and we’re always happy to help.

  10. 3 hours ago, Guest FntsyLvr said:

    Hello –

    I’m trying to log in after a very long time. I got into my old email address, but I don’t have a verification link. I tried to reset my password but it says that’s not valid anymore. Could someone please send me the verification link? I emailed support last week but haven’t heard back so I’m not sure if the email went through. 

    Username: FntsyLvr. (I don’t want to post my email on a public forum). 

    Thank you!

    I’ve emailed you the activation and password reset links/

  11. 1 hour ago, Deadman said:

    Just wondering because I wanted to change my recently completed story from WIP to Complete, but that doesn’t seem to be working.

    Is that because the archive is still having some restrictions?

    Otherwise, maybe I just haven’t figured how to change things on the new system.


    There are a few functions that remain disabled while manta finishes securing the site. The ability of members to add/edit tags, titles, and summaries is still offline at the moment.

  12. 39 minutes ago, sapphicloveeternal said:

    Hi everyone! I just joined this community. My name's Jasmine. She/her/they/them. I'm 30 years old and a genderfluid lesbian. I love to read and I love to write. I write mostly original fiction. Currently I'm writing a science fiction/erotic romance story. 

    I wrote only one fanfiction for the Catch Teenieping fandom but I got writers block so I never finished it or posted it anywhere. Haha.

    But I am really interested in fanfiction. I really would love to start writing fanfiction! I am currently reading The Hobbit. So maybe I will write fanfiction for the LOTR fandom. 

    Besides reading and writing, I love drawing, watching anime, playing video games on nintendo switch lite. 

    I'm so glad that  I joined this website and I hope that we can be friends! :)



    Welcome to AFF!

    We’re generally a very friendly bunch, and obviously writing is our passion here. These forums are a wealth of information, and also a great way to check in with staff if you have any questions. We love questions! :lol: 

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