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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. I know that feeling, believe me! (Says the wench on her way to spend the rest of the morning trawling the archive… )
  2. Wait, there are “jobs you really enjoy” and you get paid for them too??? I knew I was doing this all wrong. On the other hand, my jobs that I don’t get paid for, for the most part, are pretty damned enjoyable, so… Glad to see you again, JD!
  3. BronxWench

    Help finding fic

  4. BronxWench

    Double Team

    No problem, then. I wasn’t sure, because if it was a search, I could have moved it for you.
  5. BronxWench


    What was the fandom?
  6. We really discourage the requesting of copies of stories here on the AFF forums. While I know you intend to ask the author, it would be very awkward should any readers reply and offer copies, since I’d have to hide those posts.
  7. BronxWench

    Double Team

    Is this a story request, or are you looking for an existing story?
  8. ::squeaks in glee:: Oh, I think you’ll enjoy this one. Lots of naughtiness, lots of things to come.
  9. Thank you kindly. I’m still avoiding all things pumpkin spice, so I thought I’d try and harpoon it in a tale.
  10. Okay, details… Title: Pumpkin Spice Summary: There’s nothing like autumn in New York City, unless you happen to be sitting in a coffee shop and the Otherworld is ringing the dinner bell...
  11. Well, Mom’s home from her visit to the UK, and the daft one’s old boss passed away, so I get to go to a wake tonight. 

    I owe so many people reads and reviews… I’ll catch up, I promise! :blush:

    1. pippychick


      I hope you Mom had fun, and also, I hope this evening will go as well as these things can. *hugs*

    2. BronxWench


      Mom had a great time, although Letchworth Garden City is much quieter than London. :) I think she missed the shopping…

      The former boss was a good one. He had his faults, but he treated his employees like family, and looked out for their families as well.

  12. I’m glad Melrick had the answer!
  13. I don’t use Firefox, but in Chrome, I go to the settings dropdown on the menu bar, select “More Tools” and from there, “Encoding.” Firefox shouldn’t be much different, I think. Edit: Could it be under the View menu? In the dropdown below, it used to say Character encoding, and you could then select the proper encoding.
  14. Hi! I’ll quote from our latest site news: This will fix it for you, and make all those symbols disappear, until DemonGoddess061 is done with the conversions.
  15. Count me in, with details to follow!
  16. Is this you? I’m seeing one story posted: Revenge. Can you give me the name of the other story, so I can check to see if there was an issue?
  17. This is a response to a challenge request. It may not be a story you care to read, and in fact, it’s not even written. If it doesn’t appeal to you, just don’t read it, but your post is really not appropriate unless you are the original issuer of the challenge.
  18. Just because it seems to need repeating, AFF does not permit hard copies of stories to be requested or offered. If a story was removed by the author, please respect their wishes.
  19. Thank you, most profoundly.
  20. To be honest, I’m not sure if that’s something our coding permits, even with the recent changes. It’s something many of our members would like to see, and we’re well aware of that.
  21. Please, do NOT post graphic images in the forums. Thanks ever so much.
  22. It appears the member has removed all stories from the site. All I can say for certain is that the staff did not delete any stories written by this member.
  23. ::pets:: All the best people are.
  24. You are definitely our kind of crazy!
  25. Welcome to AFF! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We’re slightly mad but largely friendly.
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