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Everything posted by ApolloImperium

  1. Prompt: Jackpot Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: Rules Happy Writing!
  2. Thank you so much for your kind words! The site couldn't function with out wonderful people like yourself here on it reading!
  3. *giggles* It's the perfect intro to my TwiBad!Fic... sorta!
  4. From Miles in the originals section: Thank you kindly!
  5. Updates from Apollo Updates from Apollo When DemonGoddess reminded me last night that September was 10 years, I had to pause. Was it really that long? With a shuddering breath I realized that indeed it had been. Now, as you may know, I cannot take credit for all 10 years, but I am glad to be here when we hit such a milestone. For those of you that remember, Ayla Olsen started this site, back on Geocities as a Buffy/Angel archive which was always her favorite fandom, only to respond to the cries of outrage when FanFiction.Net removed all mature content. Her small little archive transitioned from Buffy/Angel to AdultFanFiction.Net into what it is today. So please raise a toast as we celebrate her pioneering original archive this month! In other news, Dragon*Con was amazing. I got to meet some awesome authors that self publish and work with various e-publishers. Hopefully, the trip was a success and you will see more new names popping up in our banners. Please remember that our advertisers allow us to do what we do, so please take some time to click through and help them make a living! 2012 Calendar and 10 Year Anniversary Well, like I said above, this month marks 10 years since the archive originally started in its original form, but next year is 10 years of AdultFanFiction. So we need to celebrate! If you hung around last year and remember the calendar contest, you will find that only the dates have changed. However, you can always find a refresher course here. The logo contest is new though. In honor of our 10 year anniversary, we must have a splendorific logo to go with it. Which is where you come in. If it was me doing it, I would end up putting a birthday cake up with the letters 10 on it. Not very original, huh? Well, yea, I didn't think so either. Unless this sounds appealing to you, get out your thinking caps, your art supplies and get drawing! Or pixilating or what ever medium works for you. For all the details and other specifics, please visit our new page here. AFF CafePress Store Please take a moment to check out our store, featuring our AFF Calendar and other merchandise with the wonderful designs they provided us! If you see artwork you like but not on an item you are interested in? Send me a PM or e-mail and I will see what we can do! Hurry Hurry! Before you know it the 2012 designs will be posted and you won't be able to get the previous years designs! Funding Status Information to exact status is always found on the donations page. Currently, the site has $541.84 stored in PayPal. Septembers's hosting costs are paid and we look good for the coming months! The money we have will be going towards the various upgrades planned and while we have amassed a small surplus that will allow us to do these various upgrades, please keep us in mind if you have some spare cash! Please see the donation page for further information on how. Monthly Writing Prompt Perhaps you noticed a change in the Dribs, Drabs and Doggy Tales forum, perhaps not. However, please take a quick moment to look over our new Monthly challenge. To accommodate those that cannot always write each week, but still wants to challenge themselves we have created a monthly challenge that has a word prompt, a phrase prompt and/or three elements to use in a story. This challenge will be moderated and run by our awesome Assistant Forum Admin Melrick, who first suggested it and agreed to run it so that it wouldn't end up late like the news and other prompts Tech Updates from DemonGoddess Monthly Moderation Update As always, we want to keep you informed of how the site moderation goes. Take a look at the wonderful work that our staff has done in keeping the site safe and open to all! Click Me! Clean up updates All that's left to move from cartoons is the rest of the Teen Titans section. A reminder to buffy/angel readers, you may see empty chapters in some of the much older stuff, as I split the data to avoid truncation, as that has been an issue. This will apply to where one sees stories with "chapters 1 through 8" in one chapter, and etc. Please ignore the blanks for now, I promise they'll be filled up
  6. Prompt: Triplet Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: Rules Happy Writing!
  7. All right - Here's the plan for the weekend. I have a few events planned, but for the most part I will be wandering around exhibit halls handing out cards to potential advertisers, taking pictures and trying to find this mysterious cloak room that William Shatner will be doing autographs in. Friday- Ren Garb. Full skirted black velvet with cream and blue inserts. Black piratish hat with blue and green feathers and a peacock feather broach. Blue velvet back at the waist with my first initial on it (No, I won't tell you what that is, that would be cheating!) If I get to hot, I prolly will just change into regular clothing, but I have no idea yet what I'm gonna pull from my suitcase! 10 am: $#*! My Captain Says in the Hyatt 5:30pm: Star Trek: TNG in the Sheraton 10pm: WriteSex (I own an adult fiction site, how could I NOT go to this!) 1am: If I last that long, I will be at Kiltblowing Saturday - Black leather pants, baby blue leather halter top. Non descript, I know... Sorry folks! 1pm: M/M authors signing, 10th floor lobby in the Marriott 2:30pm: Interview with Sherrilyn Kenyon 4pm: First Ladies of fiction 5:30: Autograph signing 1am: Kiltblowing round 2? Sunday- Taking the day time off to spend some time with my boyfriend who sadly is only an hour away from Atlanta but can't come cause the Army is la dumb (Love the army, just not likin' them very much right now). I'll be back in the evening and wandering Con. Note: I am a smoker, so I will also be spending a decent bit of time on the patio area where all the smokers seem to gather. It makes for good times and free booze! As mentioned above, my badge does say Apollo on it Most likely any updating I do will be on twitter as it's a round about way to get to the FB page on my phone (read next to impossible) so check there first! Hope to see some of you there!
  8. Well the good news is that Apollo made it to Atlanta, is now talking in the third person since she's only had herself to talk to for the last 11 hours and will be heading out to get her badge once traffic seems to have calmed down a tiny bit!
  9. GA bound tomorrow and D*C FRIDAY!!!!!!!!

  10. Hey everyone! I'll be at Dragon*Con this weekend and am willing to meet up with any other Dragon Con goers! While I don't have a full schedule planned out just yet, I'll be posting to this topic with hints on where I am. One place you are sure to find me? Kiltblowing! I love me some men in kilts! A hint that will be continuous? My badge name will be Apollo and if you don't know already, I'm female I have two costumes planned, I'll be in Ren type garb one day, a black velvet dress with cream and light blue inserts, and leather pants with a blue leather halter another. Keep an eye on AFF's FB and Twitter for all the clues! The only thing that I ask is that if you find me and we take a picture that you simply identify me as Apollo if you post it anywhere See y'all there!
  11. Okies - So I know there have to be a few people who are going to Dragon Con this year. Yours truly is one of them!!! I'll be hanging around and doing fun things like kiltblowing and spending a lot of time in the Trek track... Who knows, maybe we'll have a who can find Apollo contest!

    1. kagome26isawsome


      if you meet the woman who does the web comic 'devils panties' please get a picture and i would love you forever if you could get me her autograph! please?!!?!?! Ill send ya $5 for it!!!!

  12. Prompt: Paint Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: Rules Happy Writing!
  13. So, service did not blow up a car, it was an earthquake... IN VA! That I FELT in PA! Who says the world isn't coming to an end...

  14. Prompt: Strikes Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: Rules Happy Writing!
  15. *pounces* Happy Birfday Foe!

  16. They are part of the editable details if you read the FAQ she referred you to.
  17. Distance is not for the fearful it’s for the bold. It’s for those willing to spend a lot of time apart in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It’s for those who know a good thing when they see it, even if they don’t see it nearly enough.

  18. The 2012 Calendar Contest has started! Rules can be found here. The template is also available for download below. temp_11.5x9_print.zip
  19. Prompt: Trio Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: Rules Happy Writing!
  20. They are actually one of our advertisers still. You can find the links in the banners at the top and bottom of the site, or just click http://www.raythereign.com/
  21. Back from GA and wanting to go back already....

  22. Updates from Apollo Updates from Apollo Well summer is almost over, much to my surprise. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was freezing my tush off and wishing it was warm already. I would like to remind everyone real quick that our moderators are volunteers and use the site as well, so if they contact you, please use the contact information left in the review or email instead of commenting on one of their stories. Thanks! 2012 Calendar and 10 Year Anniversary Crap! It's August already! That means there are only 5 months before we hit our 10 year anniversary! So what does that mean? That means that there are CONTESTS! Yes, for all you artistic folk, I am once again asking for your assistance, creating lovely art for out yearly calendar and this time for our logo as well. If you hung around last year and remember the calendar contest, you will find that only the dates have changed. However, you can always find a refresher course here. The logo contest is new though. In honor of our 10 year anniversary, we must have a splendorific logo to go with it. Which is where you come in. If it was me doing it, I would end up putting a birthday cake up with the letters 10 on it. Not very original, huh? Well, yea, I didn't think so either. Unless this sounds appealing to you, get out your thinking caps, your art supplies and get drawing! Or pixilating or what ever medium works for you. For all the details and other specifics, please visit our new page here. AFF CafePress Store Please take a moment to check out our store, featuring our AFF Calendar and other merchandise with the wonderful designs they provided us! If you see artwork you like but not on an item you are interested in? Send me a PM or e-mail and I will see what we can do! Hurry Hurry! Before you know it the 2012 designs will be posted and you won't be able to get the previous years designs! Funding Status Information to exact status is always found on the donations page. Currently, the site has $991.84 stored in PayPal. August's hosting costs are paid and we look good for the coming months! The money we have will be going towards the various upgrades planned and while we have amassed a small surplus that will allow us to do these various upgrades, please keep us in mind if you have some spare cash! Please see the donation page for further information on how. Reviewers Association As most of the authors on the site know, getting reviews is hard anymore for most. With that in mind a group of beings came up with the AFF Reviewers Association. Each month, the members are going through and finding stories in areas they read in with no reviews so that those gems that are under appreciated can get some 'love' too. And they are always recruiting! If you have the time and want to join contact either Shadow (http://www2.adultfan...r/18074-shadow/), Naqaashi (http://www2.adultfan...18134-naqaashi/), MidNigh (http://www2.adultfan.../19230-midnigh/) or Synysterstar (http://www2.adultfan...9-synysterstar/) through their forum profile. Tech Updates from DemonGoddess Monthly Moderation Update As always, we want to keep you informed of how the site moderation goes. Take a look at the wonderful work that our staff has done in keeping the site safe and open to all! Click Me! Clean up updates Nothing new to say, other than the work is continuing. I do apologize for not getting as much done for it this last month. I've been having horrendous connection issues, and FINALLY got to where I stay connected for longer than a few minutes at a time, the weekend of the upgrade. Needless to say, this has slowed me WAY down, as I am not going to try manipulating data and moving it around in the db, while my connection won't stay connected. A REMINDER to all, if you happen to get an email generated that has your login credentials, it's because you had more than one archive membership, and I merged you. You'll also notice in that for instance, a change to registration date, and a few other things. That wasn't your account being hacked, it was me doing my work. Server upgrade As many of you know, our hardware and NetOS were upgraded over the weekend. We had some unexpected issues, but ended up having everything all working, and working WELL within 24 hours. If any of you run into any oddball behavior in any of the applications, please let me know, and give me details so I know where to look. The topic to post this is here. Something I did forget to mention, is that with the change in hardware, DNS changes because of it and whatnot, your old cookies are no longer valid. You will all have to reset the archive cookie. To do this, clear the cookies in the browser, CLOSE the browser, restart it and reset the cookie. Rich text editor The script was upgraded 7/22. The script updates addressed a number of bugfixes for CKEditor. Details are here. I'm still trying to find a workaround for those of you trying to copy/paste from Works. So far, I'm not having any success on that end. I suspect that since the software is EOL and proprietary, that may be WHY I'm having no luck finding a workaround. However, as Works is End of Life, and is being replaced by Office Starter 2010 (which is ad supported, and ONLY works on Vista or above machines), I would suggest downloading Open Office or Libre Office. Either application can open any MS document, edit that same document, and even save in the format. Best of all, they're open source, and FREE.
  23. I have an AMAZING boyfriend - He deals with my insane work schedule and is flying me down for a day just because he misses me!!!

    1. BronxWench


      He is amazing! ::hugz::

    2. DemonGoddess
    3. WillowDarkling


      on a squee factor from 2 to 56, I'd say he's about an 82. *huggles*

  24. Prompt: Earth Please remember to follow the rules as outlined here: Rules Happy Writing!
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