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Everything posted by CloverReef

  1. That I can do, thank you BW
  2. So I have a question for those of you with experience with publishers. I submitted to one back in early October. It said to expect a 12-16 week wait, and now it’s been well over 16 weeks, I haven’t got a response, so I’m moving on and looking through other publishers. My issue is that a lot of them don’t allow simultaneous submissions. Some specifically say to “wait for an answer” from previous submissions. Would you submit anyway, or would you try to pester the previous publisher for a definite rejection?
  3. Just googled myself because reasons. And I discovered someone else has adopted the name CloverReef in the last year or so. I am outraged! I thought I was safe with that name! lol. To be fair, I get outraged when someone else has my real name too, and that one’s fairly common. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. swirlingdoubt


      Nooo, it’s good! If anyone gets mad at you say the other one did it.

      (sometimes I wish I didn’t have a unique birth name – google me and there I am)

    3. JayDee


      I can’t believe somebody would do such a thing!


      formerly JayDee.

    4. CloverReef


      Nice try, JayDee. You wrote a tentacle fic; I can never be mad at you. 

  4. I’d personally post ideas like that in the challenges forum, so people know where to find them when they need to. Whether or not it’s ‘alright’ is up to the forum mods, I imagine.
  5. I'm so glad you're in! Welcome back!
  6. Okay, well I guess we’re stuck waiting for someone who knows this system better than I do. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of help.
  7. I suggested a password reset because when I tried to recreate your issue on my kindle fire, putting in the wrong password just sent me back to the main archive screen. It didn't give me an error message either.
  8. Okay, well that sounds frustrating as hell. I’m a very recently knighted mod, so there are people more qualified to help, but I’m just going to stick my nose in where it doesn’t belong and try. Do you have another device you can try to log in on? Or another browser, like chrome or firefox? Which browser are you currently using? You are being amazingly patient. I respect that, thank you. If you are unable to log in through any device or browser, my best guess for your next step would be a password reset.
  9. I don’t know what kind of tablet you have, but in general “Login” should be the far right option on the menu that runs along the top of the site. On a phone these menu items appear stacked, so it could be what you’re seeing midway down the page. Does that last menu item still say “Login” or does it say your username?
  10. The discord server was moved. I realised keeping it open to anyone was a mistake. As much as I want it to be active, I want even more for it to be a safe place for AFF users. It is now invite only. So for anyone who’s interested in joining us, DM me on discord! I’ll update the post on the great wall of… forum. 

    1. Praetor


           What’s a discord?  Is it related to the fantasy setting Discworld?

    2. CloverReef


      It’s a chat room, pretty much. Since it was hard to catch people on the chatbox, discord was easier for some of us. It’s free and you can get the app on your phone. 


    3. JayDee


      “What’s a discord?” – Mario, finding a computer cable in the cupboard.

  11. Sure! After he seduced his opponent the night before the match and dropped a couple horse tranquilizers in their drink.
  12. In my fics, I think the obvious choice is Loja, but that’s because he’s a god and can just rip anyones soul out of their body and stick it in a cockroach. But if we’re talking like human OCs, I think I’d put my money on Blackbird. He’s not the strongest, not the most skilled, but he’s a survivor, and he will fight fucking dirty.
  13. Saw another specialist today. Beginning to feel like I’m a spud in a very rousing game of Medical Specialist Hot Potato. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JayDee


      Yeah, it sucks that you’re getting  passed around so much.

    3. Sinfulwolf


      The glorious medical profession… I ain’t bitter.

      Hope some answers come yer way soon.

    4. CloverReef


      I feel sorry for all the Americans out there who have to go through this shit and then get hit with a bill for the privilege. 

  14. Well, you did pretty damn good for a ‘fledgling’. And I didn’t see any issues with dialogue. It generally fit the mood of the story and flowed smoothly, so well done.
  15. Finally got a review in for your story, @Praetor ! Sorry it took me this long to give it a good read. Thank you everyone who contributed! I had fun hosting. So who’s going to take on hosting duties next year?! Too soon?
  16. Are you referring to the anthology? There is no review process as far as I’m aware. As soon as you put it up, it should show up. If you did put it up and it’s not showing, there might be a problem.
  17. Got my eggnog, got my nutcracker collection surrounding me, got my music playing and my lights off, and a house full of sleeping animals. No responsibilities, no expectations, just me and the silent wintry night. This is Christmas my way. 

    I hope you all get your slice of happiness tonight, in whichever form you demand it. Love you guys <3

    1. Daye


      That sounds super peaceful and relaxing! Enjoy!

    2. BronxWench


      That sounds absolutely perfect! :hug: Merry Christmas! :D


  18. Excellent timing @Praetor
  19. Last year I worked during the holidays so I had a terrible writers block. Though I’m not writing nearly as much as I did around Halloween, it’s not for lack of time, and Halloween is special to begin with. I’m drawing a lot more than I have in years and arting in different mediums, though, so I think that still counts as being productive in our world. So I think I’m nicely snug between the two options.
  20. @GeorgeGlass Aww shame that it was predictable, lol, but yeah I didn’t really do as much of a feint as I probably could have. I would have liked to do less humanoids. The giant started as something else entirely but the flow was off so he ended up a combination of one of those ‘nord' aliens and a cyclops. And I had to do an Elf. Just had to. Anyway, I’m glad it made you laugh! That was really the intention, so there was a little success there! Thank you for the kind review!
  21. @Sinfulwolf I’m glad you had fun with it. Despite that hard turn left that, this story was meant to be exactly that: just kinda stupid and fun, but with atmosphere. To be fair, I understand why someone wouldn’t like Extany. He’s an asshole. A special variety of asshole I adore and find fun to write. Though I try to make them redeemable, ‘redeemable’ is so subjective. Thank you for the review!
  22. I’m so relieved the Christmas anthology is going well. I feel bad for being semi MIA for it last year. You guys are awesome! My gorgeously talented AFF family! 

    Rock on, guys! 

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      This is the second time I’ve submitted two, which is nice :)

    2. BronxWench


      I’m really happy I was able to contribute to both this year myself. I really, really enjoy doing these anthologies! :hug: to you for hosting them, @CloverReef

  23. @JayDee Wouldn’t that be awesome if I thought ahead like that and gave Lacuna’s name some stealth reference? I should do that in my stories now. To be honest, I had another story where there was an Orc named Lacuna raiding/saving a noble elf that I wrote ages ago and never got past the first scene, but it was one of those fic starts where you can’t quite get it out of your head yet don’t know what to do with it. So I stole his name. Kinda a wink and a nod to a story that never was. Jeff and Marsha’s wishes are probably the two lines I’m most proud of. I think you are the only one who pointed them out so you get 10 Clover points for that. Thank you so much for the review! @InvidiaRed Ohhhh that’s such a cool theory, I like that. Maybe I should steal that for the next Christmas story. You’re deep, dude. Like abstract deep. Thank you so much for the review!
  24. Review replies! @Desiderius Price To be honest, I was picturing a khajit too… except bulkier, and better graphics. Thank you for the review! If you ever do decide to do this again, next time my story’s gonna be waaaaaay bloodier than yours, I promise. @BronxWench That’s right, fuck Dickens. He shoulda wrote more gay smut, but shoulda woulda coulda, amirite? I’m so glad you liked Extany. He was the star of the tag challenge I was doing, but I got 4 chapters in and got stumped so it never got posted, but he was so much fun to work with I had to bust him out once more. Thank you so much for the awesome review. You always make me feel like I’m an amazing writer, and I’ll ride that wave of ego well into tomorrow.
  25. Holiday Anthology is up! There’s still plenty of time to write a story and contribute! Everyone is welcome!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BronxWench


      Yay! My chapter is up, and the WAFF warning is in full effect. :lol: 

    3. JayDee


      When I read it, I’ll make sure to have your Halloween stories open in another window in case it’s too fluffy for me and I need a dose of blood and horror.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @JayDee  It’s good to have fluff after my story :)

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