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Everything posted by CloverReef

  1. I’m convinced there’s some epic, heart-wrenching dramas behind those titles.
  2. Have a great independence day, my unfortunate neighbours South of the border! :wiz::birthday::sex: just close your eyes and imagine you have Idris elba or bernie Sanders or whatever your particular flavor of politics is as president for the day. 

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Think I’ll celebrate by looking at p...I mean doing story related research to verify that the body proportions I write are reasonably in line with hordes of reference material.

      To everybody, whether it’s a holiday for you or not, have a wonderful fourth of July!  (After all, July 4 is a valid day for everybody, with or without the fireworks.)

    2. BronxWench


      Thank you!

      I’m going to have a lovely day of fantasy, I think. Political and otherwise… :lol:

    3. Arian-Sinclair


      The fireworks at the neighbors weren’t to bad last night, but I’m worried about how it’ll get tonight since it’s now the 4th. I’m hoping it won’t get to being Sensory Hell for me. The colours are pretty, but I can’t bear the noise.

  3. My cat found a christmas bow. Like the kind you stick on presents. I have no idea where he found it. He’s not an outdoor cat. Our christmas stuff is packed away in the attic only accessible through a closed off staircase in a closed off closet that he has no way of getting into… and he’s been playing with it nonstop for three days. 

    1. GeorgeGlass


      More evidence that all cats are capable of teleportation and/or phasing through solid objects. 

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Take plenty of pictures and video!  After all, there aren’t enough cat videos on the internet.

    3. BronxWench


      Cats are not subject to the same physical laws as mere humans. Gravity cannot hold them, either. :lol:

  4. Okay, I’m going off to play Dragon age, inquisition for the hundreth time, and it’s all @JayDee and @BronxWench’s fault. <3 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arian-Sinclair


      I’m like that with Adventure Quest. It’s my own fault. :lol:

    3. JayDee


      Inquisition wouldn’t run on my old potato PC, but I admit I did come close to re-loading Origins and re-living my Oghren/Wynne OTP fantasies after the same posts.

    4. CloverReef


      I lent my origins and DA2 to my dad months ago. Not sure I’ll ever see those again lol. But I got Inquisition on my ps4 because my PC can’t run it either. And it’s a new PC! Whhhyyy did I focus on RAM and not think about graphics?! Noob move, me, noob move. (Try saying that three times fast.)

  5. omg, that is the worst! Just seems so incredibly inconsiderate to me to ask someone to put hours or days or weeks into working on something and not even a friggin thank you.
  6. I would like this comment a thousand times if I could. I fucking love Dorian. To me, there’s shit on this site that is totally perfect. Especially the vulgar stuff. Thanks to the subjective nature of our craft, we get to redefine perfection every friggin second for ourselves. If your story is gripping, you have characters I root for and it’s not bogged down with way too many excess words, to me, that’s perfection. (Oh and the mains have to be gay kuz I don’t stan a cishet dude. Just saying) And vulgar helps. Of course when people don’t review, I start to get in my head about what’s wrong with it until I go crazy and see issues that might not even be there, even though I reassure my friends all the time that review counts and dragon prints have nothing to do with quality. And I whole-heartedly believe that claim. It’s just the crazy happens.
  7. I respect that. I guess I get squirrelly at the thought of someone’s first impression of my writing being something I’m not 100% proud of.
  8. I’m not nearly as prolific as a lot of writers, and most of what I write never sees the light of day, so my unreviewed things were years ago, and I took them down because of the lack of interest. Though I do have a recent one where I got just one review that pretty much just sounded confused, so I don’t know if that counts, lol. I’m not sure why readers are more vocal about some stories than others. I mean, sometimes I think that they’re less vocal about the more masturbatory stories because they just cum and go, but then I stumble upon smutfests with hundreds or thousands of reviews and it blows my theory out of the water. More often than not, the stories I see getting very little attention are among the better written. Maybe they don’t cater to the particular audience here? But that wouldn’t explain the mass of dragon prints some of these unreviewed stories collect. Maybe it’s just not cool to support authors anymore? I don’t know. It drives me crazy. You guys are awesome writers. I personally think I’m a fucking awesome writer, and even if we weren’t, the time and energy we put into crafting free content certainly deserves a word or two.
  9. I think it’s important to do fan fiction your own way. And being that this is really your first official foray into fanfiction that I’m aware of, if you want to ease yourself into canon characters or never really utilize them at all, that’s perfectly valid. It’s your story. It’s your decision. That being said, when I was a reader in the Tekken or Star Ocean fandoms, I never read fan fics where the main character or the love interest were OCs. I went into those fandoms for the characters, the universe was only a small part of the appeal. So a story without the canon character would defeat the purpose for me. Of course, it would be a little different if I was looking for fics in game fandoms where the main player character is an OC by design, like neverwinter and DA. With MMORPGs, it would be more about the universe and the cultures. That sounds more fun to write in than read in, for me though, since there wouldn’t be much in the way of established characters to draw me in. But for rich RPGs like DA with a semi OC main, that lies somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. I would probably still kinda avoid OC fics, but would be much more open minded. I understand not wanting to limit yourself with canon characters, and that’s perfectly valid. If I go into it expecting to be reading fan fiction, I’d probably have a problem with it, but I go into it expecting original fiction so it doesn’t bug me.
  10. Had a liver biopsy. In a ton of pain. So I can’t do anything but sit here, so come entertain me people. Or pity me. I’ll take both. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. CloverReef


      For some reason, when you say it, it sounds pervy, DP… he was kinda cute. 

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’m sure there’s a plenty of porn starting off with the premise of playing “doctor” :P

    4. Tcr


      Porn?  Damn, I thought I was a doctor tv series...  Well, shit, that explains why I've been told I need help.  Lol.

  11. F*ck this song, by Schaffer the Darklord.
  12. Comments like that piss me off. Honestly when someone says that to me, and they have, I spend the next 2 days bitching about it to my friends and taking their review apart. If they're going to come to me in a disrespectful way, I'm under no obligation to reward their dickishness by stroking their egos and letting them feel like they’ve helped me. I try to politely tell them to Fuck off, because even if I’m pissed, I’d prefer not to be a dick too. If I get critiques that are respectful and specific, however, I'll usually think about them and, when possible, compare it to other feedback. If two or more people are touching on the same issues, I start to make fixing it a priority. Someone nicely told me to change my style when I was like 14. I took all their suggestions and ended up with a way too poetic, long winded mess. The kinda book I can't even read. So I don't listen to that kinda advice anymore.
  13. Stupidest reason I have ever had for killing off a character, was because my beta at the time thought the character was irritating. It was the main character… And I killed him like chapter 2. lol, story took a maaaaajor shift in another direction right there, and not for the better. I don’t recommend it.
  14. OMG I have 666 community reputation! No one’s allowed to ever like anything I say ever again!… But I crave approval so… Goddamn it! 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Arian-Sinclair


      It definitely means something to me~ Sweet 666 by H.I.M. is one of my top favourite songs~

    3. CloverReef


      I'm just going to believe that it means I'm the chosen one of some AFF specific demon. 

    4. Arian-Sinclair


      That’s an awesome thing to believe, in my opinion. Haha~

  15. I think every non-canadian on this site should write a Canada Day oneshot. New Zealanders are exempt from this half-assed challenge. Because they understand. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      US acquires Canada in search of better leadership.

    3. CloverReef


      I’m proud/disappointed in both of you. Not one mention of beavers or maple syrup. 

    4. JayDee


      I’m not allowed to use those two words in the same sentence without an Oral warning code.

  16. Man I wiiiish I could plan ahead like this! But then I know what’s going to happen and I lose interest, like ridiculously quick. My deaths are usually thought out 1-3 chapters ahead. Every now and then when it feels right, it’ll just happen in the moment. This sounds like I’m killing off characters left and right, lol, but I’m really not. I don’t kill off characters all that often. Maybe it’s weird, but I kinda wish I killed them off more often, but those perfect moments don’t happen nearly enough.
  17. Elegant solutions are totally a good way to go. I think it takes a certain kinda writer with a sense for that kinda thing to keep them meaningful and interesting, and I envy that. My mains are very rarely the elegant solutions type though, so the proverbial blunt-weapon-to-the-head solutions tend to happen. My favourite type of book is the fast paced, thriller, so I tend to lean in that direction in my writing. When at all possible. For some reason when I try to get too poignant and meaningful, my readers get confused lol.
  18. Well it is a good way to get rid of a boring character lol, provided you don't care if the reader cares about the death. And provided the death serves a purpose. Might jarr your reader out of the story if it comes in the middle of a kittens and rainbows WAFF fest. I can't say I've done this to boring characters though. I try not to feature the boring ones. I don't know about shock value. If you write horror or thriller I think a little dose of shock is necessary. Sometimes the intent is to just outright shock or horrify them. Gratuitous violence can be fun. Campy B horror anyone? Other times it just cheapens things so it depends on what I'm writing or reading.
  19. I grow very attached to my characters, in the sense that, even when I get detached from a story and decide to drop it, the characters haunt me for months, sometimes years to come. As we speak, Blackbird is fucking taunting me. But even though I’m so attached to them, oddly enough, I don’t have any problem killing them off. If I got it planned right, like it comes at a pivotal moment and accomplishes something important, I get excited about it. High emotions, high tensions, those are some of the easiest scenes for me to write. When I killed off a main char in Blackbird, that scene took me an hour when most of the scenes in that damn story took me weeks, sometimes months. How I kill them off varies. I like to make it dramatic and bloody, but I tend to favour what’s best for the pace of the story. I’ll only really do an off-screen death if it needs to be a mystery to the reader… or if the character and their death isn’t all that important.
  20. I know I already said this, but it feels like a public announcement kinda thing. Happy Birthday @Tcr!!! :chook:

    1. BronxWench


      Happy birthday, @Tcr! I hope the day was wonderful, and the year to come will bring only good things! :hug:


    2. Desiderius Price
    3. Tcr


      Thanks, all of you.  And you know I can't wait for yours, @CloverReef.

  21. I agree 100% @yukihimedono. The advice in that thing, I found to be pretty damn counter intuitive. I was just completely blown away that a professional would advise writers that way.
  22. I love writing tips. Like I LOVE them. I can spend hours on google searching for specific tips and soaking in every little ounce of advice I can get my greedy little paws on. 

    Then I abandoned facebook and joined twitter. There I discovered a treasure trove of editors and publishers posting practically hourly, and I was so excited! 

    And then I discovered that 90% of the writing pages I’ve found on twitter are full of shit. Full of sweeping generalizations, no concept of word economy, conflicting advice within the same article, or just baseless friggin judgments. SMH. I feel so disillusioned right now. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CloverReef


      @Praetor I attribute a good part of what I love about my own writing skill to a healthy exchange between writers. Twenty years of exchanging stories to beta and giving each other advice is the way I chose to evolve. It’s what works for me. It’s why I’m active on this site. Of course it wasn’t all good advice, but you learn to pick and choose what to take and what to shrug off. Doing your own thing is absolutely important too. I just prefer a balance of both. 

    3. Melrick


      I wrote a bunch of tips here actually, speaking of which, although I couldn’t remember where they were so I had to go hunting for them.

    4. GeorgeGlass


      Not only is there all that BS, but there’s also the massive variation in what works for whom. I recently went to a panel discussion in which 5 writers talked about, among other things, hashing out story ideas. Some of them absolutely needed someone to discuss ideas with; some just needed to say them out loud, even to a rubber ducky; and one said that articulating his ideas made him lose all interest in them. 

  23. Omg it looks amazing! Congrats!
  24. It’s the big day! Biopsy of the lung via bronchoscopy! I’m so freaked out. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CloverReef


      They doped me up. I don’t remember anything about the procedure and my memory is pretty spotty over the last 24 hours too. But I guess it went okay? Since no one told me otherwise, that I remember? lol. Recovery’s moving quick though

    3. BronxWench


      I still have everything crossed for you! :hug:

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @CloverReef  Hey, you survived.  …  We won’t tell you what you did for those last 24 hours :)

  25. @Anesor Beautifully said… But seriously, buttermilk is gross.
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