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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. Fixed the title of the topic for you. Unfortunately I cannot change the Guest-username for you. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  2. Posting the name of the story and the author is quite alright, and even if you have a link to the story where the author has posted it, that’s also welcomed. What we do not allow though, is links to things like the Wayback Machine, or archives that post the story without the author’s permission. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  3. I’ve been thinking about this most of the afternoon, and it happened in 2008, probably somewhere in February or March most likely. If memory serves I discovered anime that spring, more precisely Death Note, and a little while later Bleach. And googling the interwebs to find out the name of the intro-song in Death Note, I somehow stumbled upon fan fiction. Surprisingly enough, the Pit instantly felt all kinds of wrong, so I never ventured there. Somewhere in these aimless wanderings of the dark alleys of the World Wide Web, I stumbled across of all things, a Supernatural fan fiction, and since that was another silly thing I liked, I followed that rabbit and found AFF. I honestly can’t remember exactly how it happened, but I do remember that it had something to do with Supernatural, Death Note, and Bleach, and then in the process I not only discovered AFF but also my favourite band, Nightmare.
  4. The OP of this thread has not been active since 2014, so it is highly doubtful that s/he will see this. Therefore I ask that users not add further replies to this thread, unless it is to announce that they are taking on any of the ideas on offer in this thread and provide a link to the story. If the original OP does return to see this, and does take something on, please remember to add a link to the story in question. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  5. Since it bears repeating, offering and requesting commissions anywhere on the forum is prohibited. Asking for links to commissioned stories is also prohibited. Asking for links to other (non-commissioned) stories with similar or related content is allowed. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  6. I think the problem here is that you phrase it as “...fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world...” That is not enough, since the archive moderators need to see a fandom disclaimer. So, I suggest something along the lines of “This is a work of fan fiction. Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling...” and then the rest as you have it is fine. Willow Darkling, forum moderator. Edit: And I moved this to a more appropriate forum.
  7. As is stated at the top of the search forums: Your post has therefore been edited appropriately. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  8. The archive moderators are going to have to not only allow that to happen since posting for others (especially minors) is forbidden. And if they do allow this, they will need to get an email from the original author giving explicit permission for you to take over the story.
  9. I’m doing my best to send you some rain, @Melrick, I promise. It’s been almost dry here for two days now, so maybe it’s working… ::crosses everything, knocks on wood, shouts, “seven, nine, thirteen!!”:: Stay safe, and I hope my little loves will be safe down there too.
  10. Just so we have it straight. Is this challenge based on the same or similar idea as another story that was posted somewhere else, but was taken down? Or are you asking for someone to take over a story that was posted somewhere else by someone else and then taken down?
  11. Honestly @Melrick if I could, I would mail you some rain. I’ve got people I love very much down there in NSW, and I swear every time I hear that there are brushfires down there, it makes my heart sink. But this weather is just getting ridiculous all over the planet.
  12. You are all very welcome to take some of the rain… I’ll trade you, as many rainy days as you all want, for a week here and a week there, and a frigging warm autumn! Honestly, we are not famous for our fabulous long balmy summer days up here (other than, you know the sun never fucking going the fuck down, so in that sense, the summer days are the longest) seeing as how 34°C (I thinkz) is the highest temperature on record since we began recording, and that was hit somewhere up in buttfucknowhere-mountains. But for fuck’s sake, summer weather is not supposed to be WET… and I mean that in the most literal sense of the word. It’s either raining or just wet… too light to be rain, but too dense to be fog, so just fucking wet… And I swear, if the rain follows me to NYC, I’m sacrificing a baby goat or something… ::exits stage left, and grabs the wine on the way out::
  13. The short answer is Yes. We set no rules on how many writers can take on a challenge, just as long as they do not copy each other’s work. So, the only thing to watch out for is to not end up writing something that could be taken as a copy of a previous story. Of course, if a poster of a challenge or a request clearly states that only a certain number of people can take on the challenge or request, then we ask that people respect that, but we do not actively monitor such requests. Those are at the original poster’s responsibility. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  14. So…. I haz BA degree in English, now… :happykitten:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Melrick
    3. BronxWench


      Congratulations, baby! I am SO proud of you! :hug:

    4. Guest




  15. The only way to change the title is to edit the first post, but guests can’t edit their posts, if I’m remembering correctly. So, I changed the title for you, as per the second post. Unfortunately it is not possible to change the Guest-username on a post. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  16. I’m going to step in here and tell you two to take this to PM. You are 32 pages deep into this thread and there is no link to a story yet. So, please take this discussion to a PM, and come back to this thread once you have a story to discuss. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  17. Oh, Bronxie probably went through a couple of versions of that, before she got to the polite response, Melrick And I’m moving this to GSQ, since it doesn’t belong here…
  18. I need more Lee Pace in my life!!! ::grumbles angrily:: stupid, lousy VOD services… 

    1. WillowDarkling


      Can I ask for more Lee Pace in my life for Christmas? Or my next birthday?… ::sighs:: 

    2. BronxWench


      Of course you can, baby! We’ll send him emails telling him to get to work and peddle his pretty ass for you. :D


    3. WillowDarkling


      Just tell him to wait for me in New York :D  :licking-cat:  early Christmas pressie :D  

  19. Links are allowed, as long as you put some kind of a description before them to explain what they contain. It should be enough to put something like “Fully clothed” or “NSFW, partial/full nudity/revealing clothing” in the description and any other details you think could be necessary. We are still working out what exactly would be needed in a description of a link, but for now it’s enough to just mark it for NSFW – nudity content. As long as you are in the process of writing a story and intend to post it in the Archive, then it’s alright. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  20. Images are not allowed anywhere except for the Art Forum. And this is supposed to be a forum for discussing stories that are already written, or in the process of being written, not for challenges. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  21. Guest kage, this is a thread asking someone to write a story based on the premise given in the top post, not a thread to ask for a story. Therefore I have hidden your post. If you want suggestions for stories, I suggest you post an inquiry to our Searching For a Fic? forum, in the appropriate subforum. Any further search posts added to this thread will be deleted. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  22. I’m going to step in here, and remind everyone that this is supposed to be a thread for a story that is already written and posted, so please, at least get the story up before you start to suggest additions and changes. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  23. Brilliant, George If you need help with anything of that sort, just let me know. And it looks like someone posted a comment for your thread on this thread.
  24. As Bronx said the Aimless Babble forum is restricted to members. But you can create a thread for discussions in the appropriate Fan Fiction forum like Melrick pointed out, just label or title it as such. I’ve seen a number of our users do this. If you already have some kind of a discussion going in your Aimless Babble forum thread that you would like moved to the new thread, just let us know and I can move it.
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