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Status Updates posted by InvidiaRed

  1. I think everyone needs to hear this <3


  2. I think I got everyone who was gracious enough to review Synth?

    Again, Thank you, everyone :wub:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I reviewed moments ago, having finally gotten around to reading them.  (Back to my potter fanfic.)

    2. BronxWench


      Thank you for participating with us! It was fun! :hug:

    3. InvidiaRed
  3. I was a dead star shone red into the infinite dark I bled

    A dying city my inhabitants long dead

    maintenance kept me just shy of that envied flat-line

    My roots dug deep

    your branches mixed with mine and my roots together entwine with thee and thine

    Until I could no longer tell were you me?

    Or was I mine?

    Did I bleed out? Or did you bleed in?

    A death that lasted yet was not mine

    But was thee and thine

    Here at the end

    Time’s Den

    To see with Dead and Dying sight

    A strange mix of you and me

    and through thine blooded light

    A stranger’s might.

    Impossibly bright.



    1. Strange_idea


      Dying star, burn still bright

      Cling to Life with all your might

      The ampitheatre's long abanroned

      The city's gone and left you stranded

      Your empty audience lies dreaming strange

      You stand, unheeded on it's stage

      But somewhere else your light has travelled

      The darkness that it's touched unravelled

      Some will will drink your crimson light

      Some won't know the subtle light

      But out there, somewhere, your light will find

      Another soul to touch and guide

      Even unseen, your beauty shines

      And will be treasured, by all who find. 

      So stand tall and proud, and enjoy the show.

      Your life has reach you'll never know.


  4. Last meeting with the editor.

    Haha. Now any ideas for a book cover where to look? I want something epic for it none of that bland featureless cover nonsense. 

  5. Latest Addition to the Holiday Canon <3


    1. JayDee


      Good… good… let the festivity flow through you...

    2. InvidiaRed


      Had to do it early since I’m pulling a double on thanksgiving.

  6. Making Progress. Slow progress but a step is still a step by any measure

    @BronxWench you were right It was way more cost effective to buy 10 ISBNS

    I feel like that’s how they suck you in. Well you only wanted one but….

    You got the rest of your life to use the rest of them ahaha.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      Didn’t know that. But for right now going to focus on Ebook first.


      Before I try for print…

    3. BronxWench


      Print is usually much more expensive, and has a lower rate of return for a self-published author. You have to pay the costs of printing, and even when books are only printed after they are ordered. you need to price them in order to recover your costs. My novella doesn’t offer print copies, but my novel sells on Amazon for $5.99 for a Kindle ebook, and $15.95 for the paperback. I don’t sell a lot of print copies… :lol: 

    4. InvidiaRed


      Oh good I feel like I made a good decision by going for E first

  7. Muggletum Finivi updated^_^

    I’ll be gone for a few days. I got muscled out of my deli job by the GM under the “restructuring” and other excuses it went from family operated to soulless business right quick. So rather than have the manager look for an excuse to fire me since he fired a bunch of people on Xmas I resigned. A right to work state sucks.


    I’ll be back so <3

    1. JayDee


      Hey, sorry it went like that but I hope you can get another job soon.

      I’ve got a this and that out with the old to catch up on, just been a little busy! (the mortuus orbis review I did was basically already written as I’ve sent feedback to IBD already! :) )

    2. InvidiaRed


      I got five years of customer service, I’m golden I’m going to take the rest of the month off and visit gramma and have a belated X-mas since I was forced to double shift Xmas.

  8. Nearly done with the last preview. :D


    But here’s a writer question isn’t it a nice thing to do to put your manuscript through spellchecker/grammarly so your editor doesn’t hate you? You know catch the obvious errors first.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      “Sorcerer’s Stone” does run off the tongue a bit better than the Philosopher’s Stone, otherwise, yep, would’ve been better if the Britishisms weren’t removed.

      As to my potter fanfic, not sure where the old disclaimer that I was American went to, apologizing in advance for not being perfect to British.  However, I do try to insert some British where I can, particularly “todger” and “zebra crossing”.

    3. InvidiaRed


      Only have two HP fanfictions when where harry is trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse a scenario were the wizarding world is almost guaranteed to thrive in since wands don’t run out of bullets 

      And a dark lord Harry who AK’d peter in the graveyard, a relatively slow corruption story hahah.


    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’ve only got one potter fanfic I’m working on, now A/U because it was a “continue the story” type of fic that was popular between book releases, and it’s interesting enough to finish.  As it’s technically a sequel to my first “continue the story” fanfic, which itself was “continue the story” based on  another (now abandoned) fanfic, I can’t bring the story itself to AFF w/o filing off the serial numbers which I couldn’t bring myself to do.   However, it’s plenty fun to write with Harry being framed up to be a “suspected dark wizard” and it pokes fun at the Harry/Ginny shipping.

  9. Never try to out dumb idiots.

    They’ll only beat you through experience.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Corollary: Can’t ever make anything idiot-proof, because the universe keeps coming up with better and better idiots.

    2. GeorgeGlass


      Idiot-resistant is the best you can hope for.

    3. InvidiaRed


      Sadly true.

      But this was advanced stupid. Like one step above sticking a fork in an electrical socket.

  10. Note to self check the weather before going on the nightly jog.

    Barely a mile in and I get blindsided with a duststorm. Good old AZ

    Where grit and sand get into places they were never meant to go

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      I can relate. Last year I spent an hour hiding under a bridge because I got caught in a massive rainstorm while biking home. My wife couldn’t even come pick me up because the streets were flooded.

    3. InvidiaRed


      Had to throw the shirt and gym shorts out. It was like the grit had become solidly enmeshed in the fabric and like hell I’m gonna ruin the washer and I’m not willing to have sandy clothes every time I wash.

      Hahah lessons were learned.

    4. Praetor


           One time me and a buddy went for a run without checking the weather and some how missed that there was an active tornado watch in the area.  Halfway into the run, the skies got dark, like might as well have been night, winds were threatening to uproot trees (and us) and it started raining sideways.  We had to take shelter in a nearby building until it passed.

  11. Now if you were a deity vying for control of a world with pantheons(teams/alliances) With the standard alignment axis

    and you only got one avatar(lynchpin to said world. Its destroyed you’ve irrevocably lost your bid for said world)

    With the alliances having access to far greater resources and power of said world. With heroes, monsters and even demigods duking it out over this vast map. Fog of war at play.

    You’re a loner god with no ties to any faction. Where would you decide to place your avatar?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. BronxWench


      Hm. There are so many possibilities…

      I like positions which are easily fortified but which also provide avenues for escape. Mountain ranges with an extensive network of caves and tunnels would work, especially if I could allow my shadow people free rein in those caves and tunnels. “No one who enters leaves without my permission. Now have some pie.” That sort of thing.

      Mountains are hard to assail, and also very useful for hiding things you’ve acquired but aren’t ready to use yet. And there’s just something wonderfully majestic about being on a mountaintop, surveying the world below, ripe for the taking. My gamer brain keeps recalling Flemeth of Dragon Age fame. She starts out in Origins as a cranky old granny in the Wilds, and by the end of Inquisition, well… the Old Gods are never really gone, are they? :D

    3. InvidiaRed



      :D thank you

      Hadn’t considered mountains like that. Delightful space to hide the spoils and to found a harpy’s roost.

      No one is gonna get the drop on you.

    4. InvidiaRed
  12. o.O


    My story Grand Inquisition went full vampire without me noticing. :blink:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      That bite on your neck, must’ve been while sleeping…. (or, it was super-deluxe oral and you were too...erm...busy to notice)

    2. InvidiaRed



      Aaah. Its pretty hard to bite through leather just saying.

    3. Sinfulwolf


      Full vampire is always fun.

  13. Okay Writer question, from what I can tell. A personal website is a thing?


    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. BronxWench


      @Desiderius Price has a point. The editor needs to focus on the elements of the story, rather than act as a proofreader. If you don’t want to do an editing pass, have someone who’s good at it beta-read for you, and listen to them. 

      I rely on my editor for things like making sure I haven’t screwed up the chronology between events and chapters, haven’t left some dangling threads or gaping plot holes, and that my characters won’t cause the average reader to think they’ve stumbled into the literary equivalent of Madame Tussaud’s. My editor also watches for repetitive phrasing, run-on sentences, and other abominations against the language. We both rely on the proofreader to catch any spelling or grammar mistakes we missed (damn those homophones!) and to keep an eye out for anything else that rings false on a clean read-through. But first and foremost, it’s my job to turn over a manuscript that I’ve read, re-read, proofread, spell-checked, grammar-checked, and cleaned up to the best of my ability. If I piss off my editor by being sloppy, or lazy, you can bet the publisher is going to be less willing to take another manuscript from me. Authors are a dime a dozen; good editors are rare, and therefore precious.  :D

    3. InvidiaRed


      :spank: I’m grossly simplifying of course, but at if you want to be an author you do need at lest a couple pair of eyes to catch what you can’t.

      my editor was well compensated and tipped in gratitude.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I always try to respect the hired help, because they’re people too.  (Good plan in life, TBH.)

  14. One more step down.  The cover art is done

    oh lord… I can almost believe its happening

    1. BronxWench


      Seeing the cover for the first time is just… well, there’s aren’t words for it. It’s just like nothing else in the world. 

    2. InvidiaRed


      Yeah. I’m trying not to be blubbering.

    1. JayDee


      I had a southern wind problem. Had to start chewing charcoal.

  15. Penultimate chapter of Ghoulneedle completed.

    *crosses fingers* Please let the finale flow

    1. JayDee
    2. InBrightestDay



      *crosses fingers* Please let the finale flow

      I know how that feels.  Good luck!

  16. PSA

    Public = Plaguebringers and Harbingers of Pestilence.

  17. Random question ruined my writing groove :cry:

    I don’t know when zippers were invented. :bash::behead:

    1. GeorgeGlass


      That’s when you just type “[LOOK UP]” and keep writing. Then look it up later.

    2. InvidiaRed


      I’ll try it Haha

  18. Rationis

    New Chapter up :D

  19. Rationis Completed :D

    Next Up Grand Inquisition. :happykitten:

  20. Recursionate

    is definitely going to be a WIP but I made a promise to myself I’m not going to delete.

    Also did anyone one know.

    Ate- Is the goddess of Foolhardy and ruinous Impulse?

  21. Sequel to Out With The Old

    is ready just waiting for easter Haha <3


    Southwestern Wind :bounce:

    1. InvidiaRed


      After a week of feasting, Logan goes out to get the mail.

      Only to find new neighbors.

  22. Sequel to Southwestern Wind should be ready.


    Offering Sorrow should be ready by Sunday :D

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