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Everything posted by EveKnight75

  1. Fully ambidextrous here. I've already mentioned that in the other thread. Is it just me, or should this poll be combined with that thread? Either way, my elaborate answer is in the other thread.
  2. AFF has been known as the Über-Pit for a while now. It's not because we were originally a part of "that site". It's because AFF has the largest collection of adult bad-fic and squick-fic. Then again, AFF has the largest collection of adult fanfic, period. Godawful Fanfiction refers to this place as the Über-Pit. However, the majority of those who do are members of AFF. They don't hate the site, and are willing to acknowledge that there's good stuff on here. Basically, we're known as the Über-Pit because of the worse side of AFF that we're willing to acknowledge and often lament ourselves. It's about the immature tripe posted by underagers or those who don't know the first thing about writing, much less writing adult material. Admittedly, many of us say the same thing about the "other site". It's full of crap, but there are a few good writers and fics that make it worthwhile. Same with us. I nearly forgot: individual fics are referred to as voles, not the members themselves. Plus, it's UD. Every definition you read there has to be taken with a grain of salt.
  3. I've had Type 2 for about 7-8 years now. Fortunately, I don't have a history for Type 1. Either way, I'm with daz on this. I've been fed so much bullshit about upcoming cures for different disorders that I really don't care anymore. And another thing: I've been a patient at the Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto. That was some of the worst treatment I have ever gotten in my entire life (including a third-world country) and I'm not alone in that. The majority of fellow patients that I've met have made the same complaint. Especially for diabetes, cholesterol, anemia, and hormonal disorders. They basically drew my blood 19 times in one day, then asked for a 20th sample in the evening because they needed to test for one more thing. Never mind the fact that I was as pale as a sheet with an odd gray pallor, and I couldn't stand up without assistance. I refused to give another sample, and my parents backed me up on that. The last sample had been taken half an hour before, so it should have been sufficient (I wouldn't know - my parents are the biochemists). My parents also refused to give consent for overnight observation. After that, they kept talking down to me from the get-go as if I were an idiot and they mocked my fear of needles. Makes you wonder how older teens tolerated the first and younger children dealt with the second. Sorry about ranting. It's just that my history with them is an extremely bitter memory. I truly do hope that they find better treatments for diabetes, but every time they're stupid enough to mention the word "cure" as in the ultimate one, or mention how "wonderful" " Sick Kids is, I just wanna scream. As far as I'm concerned, don't bother mentioning the word "cure" until after you've proven that it works on more than one human.
  4. Wonderful! Just give me your address and I'll ship all of our turkey legs to the other side of the pond. Better than letting them go to waste.
  5. I actually shocked my opthalmologist by knowing that. I've been wearing glasses for more than 10 years, I have a thing for languages, and I plan on going into law. The chances of me not knowing that were slim to none. Ah, the ancient Romans. Damn lefty-phobic drunken sexual deviants whose main attire happens to be bedsheets or leather miniskirts for men... Just kidding! I find ancient Roman culture interesting. Besides, they weren't the only ones who had serious issues with us lefties.
  6. Provided that everyone actually likes the taste of turkey leg. Most people I know don't like the taste and prefer the turkey breast. Either Lisko is idiotic, or the society he handed the deer over to is idiotic. Bad enough he ate the freak deer. What I'm wondering is why the deer wasn't kept alive/preserved for examination like the majority of anomalous creatures found in nature, like that hermaphroditic crab which was half-blue, half-green. The fisherman handed it over to some ecological society and it was kept alive so that a bunch of marine biologists could study it carefully. Then again, the fisherman was in south-east Asia, not the American midwest. That might have been part of the difference. The other part of the difference is that whatever mutated the deer affected the humans as well so that they're more stupid than average. In which case, it doesn't matter if Lisko ate the deer, does it?
  7. EveKnight75

    ...They forgot?

    OK, now that cleared a lot of confusion. I'm even more convinced that Briar has a scrambled memory when it comes to fanfics. As for thrnbrooke, the only positive thing I'm going to hold on to is my remote theory about an attempt at improving reviewing skills.
  8. EveKnight75

    ...They forgot?

    You think that's annoying? What about the serial reviewer? You know, the one who reads a fic, then posts an individual review for each chapter back-to-back within the same day. Every single review is exactly the same, or nearly so, and none have any relevance. I had a reviewer like that over at FF, and I PMed him asking him not to do that. He stopped. Really, it's annoying, clutters up the review board, and serves no good purpose. I do have reviewers who post multiple reviews for one fic, but they're significantly spaced apart time-wise, and each one says something constructive or useful. Usually, the second review is given after at least one new chapter had been posted since the last review. Even then, the review is specifically about the later chapter(s). The former type of reviewer pisses me off more than a flamer ever could, even if each and every review is a squee. The latter is one of my favorite types of reviewer. It means that the reviewer is a big fan of the fic, has stuck with it no matter how slow I am, and reviews each time to give me honest feedback and encouragement to keep going. Honestly, how can one not like that type of reviewer? Looking at your examples, I'd have to say that Briar had forgotten that s/he not only read the fic, but reviewed it already. Both reviews say pretty much the same generic thing. It's one thing to forget a previous review you've left if it was left a long time ago, but quite another if you read the exact same fic a second time around and don't recognize the beginning. Exception: the second time you're reading a heavily-beta'd version. I can't say I see a problem with thrnbrooke. The reviews aren't exactly the greatest, but the second one reflects that s/he has at least actually read the chapters and paid some attention. Maybe if I go through your review boards I'd get a better idea of what you mean. Unless... there was no update on SiWC within those 18 months. In which case, there's also a remote possibility that thrnbrooke did read his/her former review, felt it wasn't good enough, and decided to add a better review (not much better, but I encourage attempts at improvement).
  9. My relevant post has already been added. Nan, I've just edited the poll and added two new choices. The last one is the one you forgot to add but wish you had. Judging by the responses so far, they'd also have been the two most popular choices if they were available at the time. Carry on.
  10. Jessica Rabbit is the most obvious answer. I prefer Maude Flanders and Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon (part of the reason I can spell that is because of my ethnic background) over Marge. I think Daphne's pretty, but Velma's got a hot body and I find intelligence sexy. What about sexy male cartoon characters? I like Ned Flanders' body, but I'm not into Bible thumpers. Bruce Wayne/Batman is a comic book character. Classic Fred Jones is a bit too perfect for my tastes. Bamm-Bamm Rubble as an adult! Adult Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm are featured in two different Flintstones movies. Bamm-Bamm is tall and has this huge muscled body (which is to be expected with his super-strength), but he retains his boyish features, down to the slightly messy hair. He's sweet, sensitive, thoughtful, and attentive (being raised by Barney must have done it). Can't say he's smart, but he's certainly not stupid. All in all, an amazingly sexy package without being overly perfect (as Fred tends to be). This is ridiculous! I have watched plenty of cartoons and I'm not even swinging towards a sapphic mood right now! Yet, I can't seem to come up with much in the sexy male cartoon characters department.
  11. You're a noob, so you have only one chance to get it right.That was it. After that, we sic the mod on you. I'm watching you! I'm not sure I can add much more to what the others have said. I don't want to sound rude, but my first piece of advice would be to learn proper spelling and grammar. Capitals, punctuation, that sort of thing. Then start writing and applying the advice the others are giving about fandoms and characterization. If English isn't your strong point and you know it, then get a beta reader to look over your fic before posting. I needed a good laugh. Thanks! Now to take a page out of your book. I'm going to sit back, relax, and watch the thread.
  12. I don't like to shop online, period. G/NG: Pretending to work while actually reading porn-fics.
  13. G: I'm a GAFFer. I also liked getting revenge on those who taunted me all throughout high school and then tried to hit on me in the last year. G/NG: Pretending to study for your finals while actually shopping for gifts online.
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