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Everything posted by EveKnight75

  1. I already run the NE forum so I might as well take a stab at translating this. Hi! I mostly write rape fics. Um, OK, almost all of my fics are rape fics. BUT they all have fluff! But almost all of my sex scenes are the same. And if you haven't noticed, my spelling sucks. Well, is there any advice you can give? I would truly appreciate it. Thank you! Signed, Kitty I didn't say it would be a perfect translation. Well, I think you have problems with grammar too, Kitty. You already realize this and you want to try to fix this. That's a good start. I think that maybe you should take a break from writing and spend more time reading books. Not online fiction - printed books. The thing is, books are guaranteed to be proof-read before they're published, so you can trust the spelling and grammar. The more you read, the more you'll pick up, the more you'll improve. Once you feel that your English has improved, you can try again. Meanwhile, it wouldn't hurt to search for a beta reader to go over what you've already posted to fix spelling and grammar mistakes. And yes, I actually do understand how there can be fluff in a rape fic. Not easy, but not impossible. It has to be done carefully or it's just insulting.
  2. I'm 5'2", so 2 inches off your height would do it for both of us Cabaret. As for the results: You scored as Morticia Addams. You are Morticia. You love to tango with your husband, and the thought of being 6 feet under with your husband in matching coffins, you love your kids and death and pain. Have a spooky yet beautiful day! Morticia Addams: 90% Pubert Addams: 85% Gomez Addams: 50% Pugsly Addams: 50% Uncle Fester: 45% Wednesday Addams: 45% Granmama Addams: 40% Lurch -The Butler: 15% Apparently, this isn't working. We're still getting too many Morticias.
  3. I know that nearly every woman wants to be Morticia. I thought I had volunteered to be Cousin Itt because he's cool and he's not taken yet. If we're going to cross over into the Munsters, I want to be Lily. Sure she looks all nice and normal, but she's a Munster where it counts. Come to think of it, I think Lily is a good representative for us. Cabaret, do you mind lending me a few of your inches in height? I'm frustrated with being short!
  4. Comment does not compute... sifting through memory data banks... Comment still does not compute. I'm a former Muslim (can't control which religion I'm born into), and this doesn't match what I've learned about Islam. I think this article is one of the clearer and more objective explanations that I could find (not easy, considering that we're talking about religion). Capital Punishment in Islam One of Islam's taglines could be "Mercy is divine.". According to the Koran, Muslims are allowed to serve the death penalty to murderers, but it's not encouraged. Rather, they're supposed to show the murderer whatever mercy is humanly possible, and try to go for a lesser punishment. Indeed, the death sentence is supposed to be used as a last resort. In a case such as manslaughter or a defense killing, the death penalty shouldn't be brought into consideration at all. Whoever passed the sentence used Islam to justify it, but that's twisting the religion for personal purposes. It's sad but true all too often. In fact, the Islamic death penalty is supposed to be used on rapists! On a lighter note, everyone I sent this to has agreed to sign and have told me that they're passing it on to the rest of their contacts, including several people who have relatives living in Iran. I usually don't send out chain letters but this was for a good cause.
  5. I wanna be Jasmine! I look like a gypsy, and one of my friends named her daughter Jasmine after me because she kept pronouncing my name that way (even though that's not my name). The jasmine also happens to be one of my favorite flowers because it has a nice scent and it's a night-bloomer. If I can't be Jasmine, Genie is my second choice. Iago happens to be one of my favorite characters because of his sarcasm. I don't know which member of the Addams family I want to be. Cousin Itt, perhaps? I nominate red to be Uncle Fester because of all the crazy scientific experiments he probably performs.
  6. US cable company red-faced over blue movie This is an updated article on the incident, also from Yahoo!. My favorite quotes are these: If you watch a typical Disney movie, you'll see that the majority of the animated classics are based on sexually disturbing tales. However, it's disguised well enough that a child wouldn't be able to pick up on it, so I wouldn't say that they warp the mind (much). You might experience a brief shock in adulthood when the subtext hits you, but by then you're mature enough to handle it. That being said, kudos to Mr. Dunleavy. He tries his best to be a good parent in terms of assessing media, and that's important. Parents should at least be able to take a breather when they tune in to a kids' channel. Personally, if I want to associate Wilmer Valderrama with porn, I'll watch That 70s Show, thank you very much. If I want to go further, I'll see what I can do about getting my hands on his interview with Howard Stern, where he talks about how huge his penis is. One last thing: I'm just surprised that they didn't use a stupid excuse such as "Playboy, Playhouse. It's an easy mistake to make!"
  7. Think of us as your other family. At least, that's how I regard this forum. You guys are my on-line family of sorts. Then again, I don't have issues with incest . Group hug!
  8. The Naked Truth: A History of Pornography That's right, folks. I found this on a teen mag site. Gurl is the teen version of iVillage. I used to visit it - still do actually. It's interesting to see what kind of advice they give out nowadays and I'm the one who has to monitor my sister's web activity anyway. Who am I kidding? It's a guilty pleasure and I have a good cover. Anyway, I found this there. It's a time-line on the history of porn. If you click on each bubble, it gives you a brief synopsis for that era. Obviously, it's relatively clean considering the subject matter (it has no choice). Still, I found it interesting and thought this would be the kind of thing that you guys would find interesting too.
  9. This is the result of a bunch of madmen twisting Islam for their own purposes and making the soul of Muhammad cry. I think I can get about 50 signatures for this straight off the bat.
  10. I've changed the thread title and description. If you want something longer and more specific, here it is: This thread has been expanded to now include ideas for all fics. If you need help writing a torture/humiliation scene, you can come here for advice. Please keep in mind that this thread will deal with graphic content, perhaps at the NC-17 level, and is disturbing by its very nature. Please don't read this if you are easily disturbed by this type of content, and please do not post any flames. If you choose to report this thread for any reason, please make sure that there truly is a rule violation. If you are filing a complaint merely because of the disturbing material in the thread, your report may be disregarded.
  11. How can you become a better writer if you don't want to have your work read? No, I get what you're saying. You don't want people to simply read your work and not provide an honest opinion, whether good or bad. There are times when the scathing concrit just speaks to you more than the gushing praise.
  12. This is actually one of the worst birthdays I've dealt with actually. I had to take an exam at 9 in the morning, so I had to wake up at 6 in the morning. I tend to fall asleep around dawn, so it was tough. I also had a sore chest, was coughing constantly, and my voice was half-gone. And it was a foreign-language exam. Honest to god, I think I failed the oral exam because I wasn't loud or clear enough, and the coughing was distracting to everyone. Some Friday the 13th that turned out to be. They usually give me extra-good luck, not the opposite! BTW, is part of leaving your teens dealing with popping joints, sore muscles, and a chill in your bones? I thought that was supposed to come much later! To top it all off, the only people who wished me a happy birthday were you guys and my aunt. My aunt was disappointed because I wouldn't come to the phone, but she knew there was something seriously wrong because my mom told her that I kept turning down chocolate. I haven't really had a chance to read through the threads until now. My exams are finally over! Seeing this thread actually made me feel tons better about my bad week. Oh well. Exams are over, I've stopped coughing, my voice is mostly back, my sister has a PA day, Mom has a long weekend, and it's summer outside this weekend. I'm going to go out, enjoy myself, and put this week behind me.
  13. I think the majority out there prefer gushing praise over concrit, so you're obviously not alone. Unfortunately, I'm not in that camp. As far as I'm concerned, it all comes down to how you deal with your reviews. If you prefer gushing praise but you don't rudely dismiss or whine about honest concrit, then it's all good. Obviously, you're free not to take advice since it's your work - all I'm saying is that you make a quiet and polite/neutral dismissal of the review. If you prefer gushing praise, and you attack anyone who gives concrit no matter how well intended it is, then it's not OK. Still, when all is said and done, the gushing praise does give you a nice fuzzy feeling when you need it.
  14. What about the natural redheads? There are some occurrences of Asian people having reddish hair (auburn, but still), and it's not uncommon for elderly people to have their hair "rust" in the graying process, including brunettes. I remember my school in Bangladesh giving me shit over my coloring because it was apparently against school policy to wear contacts or dye your hair. The fuckers lay off when I dyed my hair dark brown and wore heavily tinted glasses. Apparently I had to break the rules in order to blend in and satisfy them. What China is proposing is blatant and unfounded discrimination and I'll support the cabbies who choose to fight this unjust rule.
  15. You could say that. I have to go in at 9:00 A.M. on the 12th for some university-related work. My first exam is at 9 A.M. on the 13th. The next ones are on the 14th, 16th, and 17th, all at 9 A.M. The last exam is on the 19th at 7 P.M., but it's 3 hours long. Then I have another doctor's appointment at 10 A.M. on the 20th. Either way, the bus is always behind schedule. I've never been a morning person. I've been nocturnal my entire life, which is precisely why I always avoid morning classes at all costs. Now look! And to top it off, the first two exams are for Spanish and French consecutively, and they include an oral section. The indecisive weather is making me sick. I'm losing my voice, I'm short of breath, and my bones have been creaking the past few weeks. Happy birthday to me! Where's the sarcastic smiley?
  16. Just to be clear on this, you will have to sign the form the first time you enter the archive. It can't be helped. If you log in and out successfully, you shouldn't encounter the form the second time you try to enter the same archive, even if more than 24 hours elapse since your last visit. If the strategy doesn't work, check your browser settings to make sure that cookies are enabled for the site and that your browser stores the cookies instead of deleting them. If there are any other problems after that, either echtrae or DarkAvenger should be able to help you here.
  17. This is how the cookies work: If you sign a verification page, the cookie will only last 24 hours. Even then. it only applies to individual archives. If you log in as a member within an archive, the cookie will last for an entire year for that archive. This means that you won't encounter a verification page for a certain archive provided that the cookie remains intact. This period of time will refresh itself if you log in again before the year is up. You don't need to give up. Just log in at each archive. It doesn't matter if there's nothing you need to do there. Just log in, log out, and voilà! No more annoying forms for a year!
  18. One thing that I really hate is a thread that veers wildly off-topic like this one. I haven't deleted any posts yet because we seem to be steering back to the original post. However, if this thread starts going significantly off-topic again, I might have to consider deleting individual posts and sending out warnings, if not deleting the thread itself. Now that I've done the mod rant... There have been a handful of people who didn't catch on to the Erised/Desire thing right away. Just because they didn't notice something obvious right away doesn't make them complete idiots. Maybe they just plain stink at word patterns/games. Still, I can't blame you for blinking at the review. You'd think those who didn't catch on at the beginning would know by now. I don't think I've received a review where someone managed to overlook an important canon detail that ties in my fics. In fact, it's been the opposite so far, and that pleases me. Then again, people who are involved in a small fandom tend to be a bit more obsessive over the canon material. Now to piss of the mod: I'm a Ron/Hermione fan. The ship makes sense to me in that there's a definite strong attraction in the books and their personalities play off each other well despite the arguing. I see a strong sibling vibe between Harry and Hermione in the books for the reasons Scribe has stated. As far as the movies go, there was excellent chemistry in the air between Grint and Watson in the first two movies, but is shifted to Radcliffe and Watson in the second two movies, partially because the majority of the portions that concentrate on Ron and Hermione's developing friendship/relationship in the books is cut out of the movies. What's really screwed up is that GoF is supposed to be the pivotal point where we see R/H begin to cross the platonic line, but the movie fails to focus on that by having Harry be more astonished than Ron during Hermione's ball entrance scene. It's not just about the acting and the chemistry, it's about editing and the finer points of direction and camera angles.
  19. At first, I also thought there was a thread for this. Apparently, there isn't. We were both thinking of the Erotic Thesaurus thread, which contains a lot of useful links. I've pinned this thread because it's obvious how important a list of writing resources would be.
  20. EveKnight75


    I can relate. My dad was diagnosed with pulmonary embolism. He gave up smoking cold turkey. Two months later, they diagnosed him with lung cancer. Two days later, he died. At least he managed to quit in the end, even if a lot of people considered it too late and belittled that accomplishment because of it. My mom actually goes up to strangers and starts yelling at them when she sees them smoking. I'm still disgusted and slightly angry when I see people smoke. But the thing is, it has to be their choice. They know it's bad for them, but it has to be their decision to attempt to rid themselves of their vice. Nothing I say or do can change that one fact. All I can do is support them while they try their best to quit. I can manage to be friends with smokers, provided that they're courteous enough not to smoke in front of me or hold a discussion comparing cigarette brands while I'm obviously within earshot. (One of my former friends actually did the latter then called me an oversensitive prude for walking out of the room. Needless to say, that friendship is over.)
  21. EveKnight75


    I'm with Agaib on this one. This whole thing is a caricature. This cartoon was made before the public knew smoking was bad for you, before "fag" became a bad word. I know it still means "cigarette" in the UK if not in the US. It does a poor job illustrating the bad effects of smoking then makes it seem as if the effort of quitting just isn't worth it. And yes, I realize that it really is that bad for someone who's trying to quit. Back then, parents would have considered this safe for children to watch. I wouldn't be surprised if a kid tried to smoke after watching this. But then again, parents didn't know it was bad for your health. Now, this wouldn't be considered safe for children. The sad part is that the ban would be based on the use of the word "fag" rather than the message the cartoon may be inadvertently conveying. I'm probably taking this too seriously and sound like a conservative. Still, that's my opinion. Partially a result of being raised in a generation where we're taught to closely scrutinize every little thing we see in the media, partially a result of the fact that my dad died of lung cancer because he smoked so now I'm a bit sensitive about the topic.
  22. You wouldn't be referring to Timeless by Solstice Muse, would you? I read about two chapters of the fic then decided not to continue. The thing is, I haven't read the book yet but I really want to. Once my exams are over, I'll put it on my reservation list with the library. If I happen to find it on the shelf, I'll pick it up. (Then again, the books aren't usually in their proper place). I have read a lot of fanfics where the person just takes the characters of one fandom and makes them act out the entire story of another fandom. I personally consider that one of the worst type of crossovers there is. Why bother reading the fanfic when I can just read the original story? It doesn't matter how well written the fanfic is, it still shows an appalling lack of creativity. I won't be able to judge Timeless on the basis of creativity or how well the universes were melded together until I read The Time Traveler's Wife. Man do I really want to read that book! From what I've heard, it may be one of the few out there that'll hold on to my interest long after I read it.
  23. I bought my laptop about 2 years ago and it's still working great. I have no intention of upgrading or replacing it anytime soon. The desktop has been around for 6 years. After I fixed it last year, it's been running smoothly. My sister and I agree that if we buy a new one, we'll avoid Microsoft. My mom knows nothing about computers but even she can tell that Microsoft needs a swift kick in the ass. That's how bad it is.
  24. I always type in green anyway so don't mind me. My friend's birthday was today but I forgot. It doesn't matter because later I remembered that he asked not to celebrate this year because of a piloting exam and our upcoming finals. I've already told him before to be thankful his name isn't Patrick so my work's done. I didn't really get to celebrate today. I wore a lot of green and watched the Macy's parade, but I only got to have a Tirasmoothie at The Keg, which tastes really good but it ain't enough to get a gal tipsy.
  25. I choose not to comment until I hear from Mr. Boyd's psychologist.
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