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Everything posted by EveKnight75

  1. I'm not enough of a fan to read the extraneous books. My sister may read them online, but she'd never resort to buying them. (Honestly, she's a penny-pincher). Half of the time, I'm sorted into Slytherin. The other half of the time, I'm sorted into Ravenclaw. I'm willing to be in either house. Honestly, as long as it's not Gryffindor I'm happy because the impression I get from the books is that Gryffindor is the arrogant house rather than Slytherin. Having a headmaster who was biased in their favor didn't help. I got sorted into Hufflepuff just one time. I didn't really mind. Hufflepuff may be overlooked often, but it sounds like the type of house where you'd be able to get along with all of your house-mates well no matter what. Come to think of it, I was rather shy and quiet as a child and a teen, so red may be right in his assessment.
  2. Usually, if the subject is masculine, you'd use mon. If the subject is feminine, use ma. The general exception is: if the noun itself begins with a vowel, use mon as a possessive no matter what the gender. So in this case: My beloved (female): Ma chérie My beloved (male): Mon chéri My love: Mon amour The thing is, you can use mon chéri to refer to a female and get away with it. It's kinda like saying "Hey guys!" to a bunch of girls. If you want to refer to a female as "my love", you can also use ma vie to give it a more feminine flavor. If you add an adjective in there, you can change mon to ma, such as ma belle amour. Now for the other sentence: “Même sans la douleur, tu tiendrais mon amour…” You would hold my love even without the pain. You do realize that you flipped it around when translating, right? "Même sans la douleur, tu tiendrais mon amour..." Even without the pain, you would hold my love... You would hold my love even without the pain. "Tu tiendrais mon amour même sans la douleur." In English, "hold my love" and "even without" sound slightly awkward. "Même sans" sounds normal to me. "Tu tiendrais mon amour" is grammatically correct, but it sounds a little odd. If you want the word "hold", try détenir instead. Tenir refers to grasping physical objects, but détenir refers to grasping abstract objects/concepts like love. How about "Tu détiendrais mon amour"? Then again, French is a second language to me as well. If you can wait until September, I can try to locate this guy from Armenia who likes to scribble romantic poetry in his spare time. If not him, there's guaranteed to be a French poet on campus somewhere.
  3. And multiply that with the lucky 7 to encompass your years.
  4. Someone came to the Reviews forum before, asking about how the PM system could be used to respond to reviewers. Apparently, s/he was confused and thought there was a PM system on the main archives. Actually, having a PM system on the main site might not be such a bad idea. Members want to reply to each others' reviews, but aside from replying on your own review page and hoping that the reviewer sees it, there really is no way to contact another member to respond to a review because there's no way to view the e-mail address. It's just a suggestion, and I don't consider it much of a priority. Still, it could be useful provided there's an ignore/block function. It would help prevent the clogging of review boards and it would be useful if a member wanted to send a private review or review response.
  5. ^Correct. On the older version of the forums, you needed to purchase a special pass in order to access the art forum. You no longer need to do that, but there were still people with the item who couldn't use it for anything. The solution: a new member title. The lemming was created in response to a member with the "artist" title who no longer wanted it.
  6. Sure he would. He'd still strike terror in the hearts of others, but for completely different reasons. Scratch that. Batman is supposed to make them shake and piss their pants, but out of fear, not uncontrollable laughter.
  7. I do pay attention to clothes. Especially in this one fic where the characters didn't pack their own clothes so they have no idea what's in their suitcases. I think clothes are an important aspect of a character. In real life, people get an impression of you based on what you wear, so why shouldn't this apply to fictional characters? The type of wardrobe a character has can tell us a lot about the character. Same goes for deviations in wardrobe. I don't think I care about fashion on quite the same level as you do (though I do care). Still, I think that your fashion background can add a pleasantly unique dimension to your writing, and this reviewer has proved that. I've also noticed that a lot of people don't take much time when writing about the removal of clothing. In fact, some skip that step altogether. As they see it, that's a given so it's not something they think anyone will take interest in. They either try to get to the scene as quickly as possible, or they concentrate on other aspects of foreplay which are deemed more important, such as atmosphere and actions.
  8. Ah yes,,, the temper stereotype. Oddly enough, I've never been subjected to it. I'm usually very quiet, and I come off as mild-tempered for some reason. I'm not exactly mild-tempered, but I don't get angry that easily either. I do get some odd jokes if I'm running a fever because my skin turns bright orange. I also have reddish cheeks during extremely hot/cold weather. That despite my skin tone. Must be a redhead thing. I don't have freckles either, but my mom does. I get my red hair from her. (Her skin is slightly darker than mine). My sister is a blonde, but her skin tends to freckle AND tan, just like Mom's.
  9. Please read the Forum Terms of Service. Those are the main rules that apply to this forum. I must assume that you had understood them. Otherwise, you wouldn't have joined. The French and Spanish translations are pending.
  10. Cheers! We still miss ya 'round here.
  11. JK's uncomfortable with reading adult/teen pairings, so I don't think she'll be writing Harry/Snape. However, she did say that she likes to read HP fanfics. Here's hoping she took a break from that hobby while writing DH (unless she springs that Lupin's insecurity with dating Tonks stems from the fact that he dated Sirius first, but he's bi rather than gay). One can only hope. Neville going on a homicidal rage... he is slightly off-kilter, but he's established as a sweet person despite his tragic past, so I think he'll just end up killing a few DEs rather than going on a rampage. Or is his shy and quiet nature a cover that he passes off as sweetness?
  12. I have an LJ which I use to explain reasons for not updating as well as posting whatever updates there are. I also talk about my forum activities a bit. I have to include a little bit of what's going on in my life so that whoever reads it understands why I'm not writing much at that moment. Still, I would never write an actual personal diary in the form of a story. The LJ is one thing - the archives are another. I do keep a journal here on the forums, but it's more like conversation because I do feel that comfortable here. I think I might write a journal for a fictional character or a Mary Sue journal, but I wouldn't write a fictional journal of my life then pass it off as real and try to get reviews for it. That's uncomfortable, not to mention dishonest.
  13. I'd have to agree with that. An author can control a copyright while s/he's alive. Who takes care of the copyright while the copyright owner is dead? It just seems a bit iffy to me. Personally, I'd want to own a copyright while I was still alive, then sign it over to someone else in my will. It would have to be someone I trusted or an honorable organization that would treat the copyright well. I still say Barrie went the right way when he turned the copyright for Peter Pan over to a children's hospital (though I wouldn't do quite that because of my history with children's hospitals.)
  14. For me, it was partly based on my ethnicity. Nobody ever believed I was of Indian descent. A lot of Indian people attacked me with "white" slurs. When living in Bangladesh, people constantly stared at me and pointed because I have red hair. I was suspended from school there because it's against school policy to dye your hair. Of course, they only let me back in after I dyed my hair dark brown because I finally had a "natural" hair color. Please let me know if that makes sense to you, because it doesn't to me. I have dark red hair, so I don't get "carrot-top" grief. Still, I wish people would leave me alone about being a red-head. I might have U.K. ancestry dating back from the early 1900's but I can't confirm anything so I wish people would stop asking "Are you sure?". I'm not a Gypsy, but I don't mind playing one. I do have a cousin living in Calcutta who gets a lot more grief about it. He does have an orange tinge to his hair, and his skin is a darker beige than mine. He's been constantly teased for it and has encountered trouble at school and work for it. Even when travelling to Europe and North America, he has to put up with gawking. LEAVE US ALONE! RED IS BEAUTIFUL!
  15. GAFF has an LJ community. This one is actually legit, because SG is the comm admin. The latest news was posted on the 10th. The servers have crashed.
  16. U.S. Copyright Office How long does copyright protection last? Copyright Act Cornell University Law School: US Code Collection: Title 17 - Copyrights -------------------- Copyright Board of Canada: Copyright Act Canadian Intellectual Property Office: A Guide to Copyrights: Copyright Protection University of Ottawa: Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic: Copyright Law -------------------- World Intellectual Property Organization: Index for Berne Convention Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works -------------------- I know that some of you may be tempted to use and but don't forget who holds the here.
  17. I know this is a painfully obvious one, but... Get Ron and Hermione together already! You've been beating around the bush forever! Neville happens to be one of my favorite characters. I'm actually hoping that he has another confrontation with Bellatrix and comes out the victor. I don't think he has enough hate in him to AK her, but one never knows. Snape was the main complex character in the series and I hated seeing him simplified according to Harry's notions of black-and-white. I don't care which side he ends up on as long as he's fleshed out again. Draco looks like he could end up a complex character, and I want to see how finally growing up has affected him. I also want to see Voldemort win, kill Harry in a cruel manner, and tap dance on the corpse before taking the corpse apart to prolong his own existence. (I'm not sure if I'm kidding about that).
  18. The Canadian government spends its' tax dollars on other foolish things. It's better than the American one at this point in time, but no one said it was smart. Either way, I inevitably end up paying taxes in both countries, have bank accounts in both countries, and travel frequently.
  19. Woman, 70, clashes with police over 'neglected' lawn. And here's the excerpt relevant to this thread. I'm still looking into New York and Ontario.
  20. I don't think I really have a limit. I'm willing to expand my horizons and write just about anything, even if it's not something I'd usually enjoy reading. For example, I don't really enjoy reading about sex between minors (by that I mean under 15). That didn't stop me from writing a one-shot about it. I don't like necrophilia or cannibalism, but I wouldn't be opposed to writing it. For me, the challenge is in how well something can be written. The more disturbing the content, the more challenging it can be. That's not to say that I'd pick a subject area that squicks me merely for the sake of challenging myself. I'm saying that if a theme that disturbs me can enhance a fic, I'll use the theme but I'll be careful with it. I'd even be willing to write something deliberately bad, provided that the readers can tell that it's a mockery. What I wouldn't be willing to do is write something deliberately bad merely for the sake of irritating readers. There's a fine line between a mock-fic and a troll-fic.
  21. This is after we torture them with road trips, right? RIGHT? Actually, a pre-punctured life raft would be good. They'll have to take turns blowing air into it to keep afloat. Wait a minute... that would be murder, wouldn't it? Back to the drawing board. (What about those steamships immigrants used to come to North America back in the days of Ellis Island? That was always a really crappy experience from what I've read, and it would be poetic.)
  22. I'm with Agaib on this one. It would be too complicated to impeach Bush. As it is, straightforward impeachment cases are complicated and take a lot of time to process. The elections are coming up soon as it is. We've suffered him for 7 years. We can suffer him for one more year. After that, we don't have to deal with him as president ever again (except in the history books). What we'll have to deal with is trying to put an end to the wars, hostility within the nation, and repairing our reputation in concern to the rest of the world. Perhaps we as Americans should learn from this and work extra hard not to make the same mistake again. When I say that, I mean the nation collectively, not us as individuals. I know for a fact that everyone on this board has sound sense.
  23. I'd already voted a while back, but I'm going to articulate now. Please bear with me, because this is very personal and I may end up rambling. I chose female on the poll. But I've come a long way to determine that I am well and truly female. I have PCOS, and it's a nasty case. One of the side effects is that my body produces extra testosterone. When I started going through puberty, I started growing heavy facial hair and my voice was so deep I sounded like a guy. I had to put up with a lot of teasing, including jokes about growing a penis. One of my drama teachers insisted on me taking on a major male role in a play because "I had the voice and the beard for it." I was 13 at the time. That comment hurt, and I was pissed off because as the teacher, she should keep her mouth shut about stuff like that. Still, I took the role because it was an exercise in creativity, and I stole the show. After that, the teasing never seemed to hurt that much. How could it? I have a hormonal disorder and I live with it. I've taken both male and female roles in plays and I enjoy it. Maybe I should be thanking that bitch of a teacher. Now that I'm past the teen stage for the most part, my hormones are balancing out. The facial hair has slowed down. My voice is still deep, but it's definitely feminine, and a lot of guys claim that it's sexy and a huge turn on. Comparisons include (looks at right) Selina Kyle/Catwoman. It turns out that I have a pretty face too, once the acne and facial hair clears up. I also have a great alto, but I can do soprano pretty well thanks to the fact that I always tried to make my voice sound higher when I was in junior high and high school. Not to mention the fact that I'm quick on picking up voice imitations. I'll always have PCOS, and my body is still developing because the disorder has slowed down the entire process. Still, in the end, it has taught me a lot about where I stand when it comes to gender. I've struggled to keep convincing myself that I am female and nothing is going to change that unless I want it otherwise. It has to be my choice. Frankly, I'm comfortable being female, and a I am a bit girly at times, so that's where I'll stay despite the fact that I enjoy exploring the other side of the fence and not being a typical female most of the time. So yeah, I voted female. At the same time, I have no issues with transgendered people. Hell, one of my friends is transgendered. Another friend is considering a sex-change operation in the future. On some level, you could say that I'm a "cross-dresser" because I play male roles and I have a fetish for strap-ons and pegging. I think it's important for everyone to be comfortable in their own skin and I honestly wish others would accept them just as they are. Now onto the hermaphrodite thing. I was actually born with an extra digit on one of my hands. This digit split off from another digit at the base. The doctors were heavily encouraging an operation to have it removed. My mom was bending but my dad refused to. He told the doctors to wait a few months while he thought about it. His research revealed that it's highly likely that the patient would suffer nerve damage as a result of the surgery. As far as my parents could see, the digit was fully functional, and it wasn't impairing my mobility or causing me any pain or discomfort. My dad's final decision was that I wouldn't have the surgery until I was legally old enough to authorize it myself because he sure as hell wasn't going to. I was his perfect little angel. My mom was still worried about the effects it would have on my social growth, but dad told her that I'd be fine. I did get teased a lot in elementary school, and I kinda resented him for it. But as time passed, I learned to like my extra digit. In fact, I can do cool tricks with it now and I'm fully ambidextrous. When my attitude changed, so did everyone else's. Now, a lot of people think it's really cool, including little kids. In the end, I'm glad my dad didn't listen to the doctors. I don't plan on ever getting rid of the extra digit. Perfection is overrated. If I end up having a kid with an extra appendage, I'll do the exact same thing. This includes intersexualism. I know that my child would have a hard time growing up. I know that my child wouldn't be able to fit in or make friends easily. I know that my child would hate the condition, hate life, and hate me above all. I also know that my child would grow up to be a strong and amazing individual. I know that my child would eventually accept the condition. I know that the few friends my child would have would always be true friends. I know that one day my child would understand and forgive me. I know that no matter what, I would love, support and encourage that child. I'd also have the added advantage of having some idea of what that child is going through because in a way, I went through it myself. Kinda sappy and ironic coming from me, considering the fact that I don't plan on having children. P.S. I think the third-gender term you were looking for is "androgen". An androgynous person has a physical appearance that combines male and female characteristics in such a way that the person ends up with a look that isn't specific to either gender. This is common in the facial features of boy/girl twins before they start going through puberty. That's just an example - there are other people who end up looking neither male nor female specifically.
  24. I write fanfiction and I view fanart and fanvids, so it would be extremely hypocritical of me to not allow the same for any of my fans were I to get published. In fact, if I were a pro and an interviewer asked me about my opinions regarding fanfiction, I'd admit the fact that I wrote fanfiction but I'd also tell them that I've never published any for profit and I'd never give them my username or tell them which sites I'm on. Then I'd sit back for the wankery to begin. To be fair, I'll jump in and defend my views instead of hiding after stirring the shit. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. I know that fanworks play a huge role in keeping fans and attracting more fans. I think that I would have a few conditions. - I'd want to know where fanwork based on my stuff is being posted. If a site hosts fanwork based off my stuff and failed to inform me after a certain period of time, I'd take action. Go ahead and do whatever fanwork you want - I don't have to like it - but let me know that it exists. (The reason would be because I want to see it all for myself, but I'd never admit it!) - I wouldn't allow fanwork to be posted online on any profit site. It'd be important to me that no "outsiders" make money off my work. The only exception would be for renditions into another medium, and even then I'd insist on some say in the matter. I've never liked professional fanfiction written merely for profit. If someone else wanted to professionally publish something based off my work, they'd have to convince me that they're not doing it for the money or they'd have to wait until I'm a corpse. I'd probably write something into my will giving copyrights to an honest foundation (I still admire Barrie for that). Come to think of it, I haven't really thought this through. I do know that I'd allow and encourage fanwork despite the fact that I know I'll end up objecting to a lot of it. Still, I don't think I'd be fully comfortable giving absolute free reign. The control freak in me would insist on being aware of as much as possible, but it wouldn't insist on banning personally objectionable content. And that would be because I have personal experience in the fan realm.
  25. I've already mentioned in the second post that the issue seems to have resolved itself. I'm going to put deliberate spaces in the URLs to avoid hyperlinking. The problem I was having before was something along these lines: The link when typed out would read: http:// justjared. buzznet. com/2007/06/28/sp...s-reunion-2007/ That's normal. BUT when you scrolled over it, the status bar would read: http:// justjared. buzznet. com/2007/06/28/sp...s-reunion-2007/ instead of: http:// justjared. buzznet. com/2007/06/28/spice-girls-reunion-2007/ and when you clicked the link, there'd be an error message because the address bar would contain: http:// justjared. buzznet. com/2007/06/28/sp...s-reunion-2007/ instead of: http:// justjared. buzznet. com/2007/06/28/spice-girls-reunion-2007/. Do you see where I'm going with this? It hasn't happened again but if it does I'll let you know. Meanwhile, I'll let the Twilight Zone theme play in my head.
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