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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2012 in all areas

  1. I won't weigh in, but I will remind anyone that posts to this topic that hate mongering and/or flaming is strictly prohibited. If you are going to discuss, please ensure you remain polite and respectful to all when voicing your opinion!
    2 points
  2. I think it depends on the piece, as Bronxwench says above. I dislike it when I'm reading high fantasy pieces that consistently use ye olde language and then "pussy" is thrown into the sex scene: it's just not appropriate for the time. I'm not a huge fan of euphamisms like "her mossy wetness" but that's what some people want to read...
    1 point
  3. Having grown up reading authors who played with language to achieve incredibly powerful and evocative prose, I'm loathe to limit myself at all. If I'm going to write a Regency bedroom hopping farce, I might use "quim." If I'm writing something set in the 1970's, when we all strove to shock, I'd use "cunt." If I'm writing a scholarly piece on the experiences during a vaginal birth after caesaerian, I'll go with vagina and cervix. It's all mood and the music of the words.
    1 point
  4. darkrage6

    Lindsay And Megan

    Would anyone like to do a fanfic pairing Lindsay Lohan with Megan Fox? Context:Ever wonder why Lindsay and Megan were at each other's throats during the filming of "Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen"? Because they were secretly hot for each other! Then one day years later, they finally give in to they're sexual desires for one another.
    1 point
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