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  1. The VPN kick is intentional, the hackers we were dealing with kept using VPNs to bypass the site security and wreck havoc on the archives.
    2 points
  2. The semi-final piece of “Master Plan” is posted! Chapter 8: The Ultimate Submission With this post, all three of my in-progress stories—“Master Plan,” “Developed,” and “Red All Over”—are one step away from completion. I will try to get the final chapter of “Developed” done next.
    2 points
  3. So, I’m still sorta figuring out things on the archive and the forum. My understanding is that review replies is a thing and I think that I created one for my stuff posted. But is there things I shouldn’t do? Should I take a screenshot and put it on the forum so people know who I’m responding to? Copy and paste the review? Mention the person or not? Like I said, still trying to figure things out but I had a few reviews that I thought about responding to but couldn’t figure out what the right way to do it is.
    1 point
  4. Yeah, this is why I don’t post before I actually write it out or am very long way into it. I’m not yet writing it because I’m focused on other stories. This one I’m talking about may or may not end up on AFF. It could go either way. Basically, I’ve just written down a bunch of plot points. I think I’ve outlined the overall story. Now it’s about filling in the little details. But how the first chapter ends will affect how the characters will act and how the audience might view the characters.
    1 point
  5. Wishing a very Happy Birthday to our very own @DemonGoddess May it be a wonderful day, and an even better year!
    1 point
  6. I know how it is, trying to figure out a key point to the story, and how that can stall writing until figured out. Best advice is to pick an approach, write it, and if you don’t like it, change the approach and try again. If you can, focus on a few key scenes so you don’t have to write the epic novel only to trash it. I had a similar dilemma stall my potter fanfic for well over a decade, still gives a bit of nerves when I think about it. Consider “A” as a small party, “B” is everybody else. I segregate off “A” from “B”, to the point that “B” considers “A” as totally dead. (I’ve already added some foreshadowing for this bit… still coming.) What I had wanted to do was to show everything purely from B’s POV, because that’d be maximum mystery, also read as a horror as plans keep failing and Voldemort keeps advancing. However, it’d also make the climax/resolution read like the biggest deus ex ever, it’d rob the reader of the schism and conflict that’s brewing in A, the actions of “A”. If I went full “B” first to climax, “A” to climax, every scene has to be built up whenever there’s B/A crossover. Not to mention the head-scratching by the reader to keep things sorted in a multi-million word story. As I’m not writing a mystery, this time around, I’m going to mix the POVs together, like I’ve been generally doing for most of the story anyways. True, while it’ll still seem dire to B, the reader will see A’s side … less mystery, horror aspect still there, but at least I’ll get it written (plan to anyways) Nothing more horrifying than an unfinished WIP!
    1 point
  7. Review replies go in the Fan Fiction section of the forum, in one of the four threads right after “Searching for a Fic”. I use a general thread for my original fiction, and another general thread for my fan fiction. (That’s why I identify the story by name, and then the reviewer name before I quote the review itself.) Both of those live in the All Other Subdomains section, under their own subcategories of Original Writing and Games. So, for your Buffy fiction, you’d post the review reply thread in the Non Anime/Single Fandom Subdomains section, in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer subcategory.
    1 point
  8. Okay, I just want to make sure I don’t do anything I’m not supposed to. Do you use a specific part of the forum? I’ve seen a few people posting on here with the title “Review Replies” along with the title. But I think it’s supposed to go in a specific forum place.
    1 point
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