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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2023 in all areas

  1. “It’s a foolproof plan.”
    3 points
  2. Hey, all. A bunch of updates: –I've just posted the first chapter of an original story titled "Developed." This is a furry story set in a world where girls reach puberty at age 3 or 4 and become infertile by age 12. Because the window of fertility is so narrow, society gives men and boys the right to fuck "fertiles" whenever they want. The MC is Nash, a 15-year-old boy with an impregnation fetish. I'm planning four chapters. So if you like, check out Chapter 1: Break Time. –I'm also about to send chapter 5 of "Master Plan" off to beta. –I've got 2 other stories in the works that are getting close to being ready for prime time: 1. "Red All Over": This is a Turning Red fanfic. A couple of months after the events of the movie, Mei has an erotic dream about her friends Abby, Miriam, and Priya and awakens in her panda form—and with a penis. Mei decides to seduce each of her friends, and fun ensues. I'm planning 4 chapters. 2. "Cowboys and Indians": While exploring the attic, Tina and her younger brother Ricky find a collection of old (think 1950s) illustrated children's books about the Old West. The two become fascinated with a picture of a handsome cowboy who has a beautiful Indian maiden tied to a post, and the kids decide to recreate the scene themselves, with sexy consequences. The story will consist of two fairly long chapters set 4 years apart. Jomahawk has volunteered to beta "Developed" and "Cowboys and Indians," and Fairy Slayer has stepped up to beta "Red All Over." (FS was also a big help in kicking around ideas for that story.) So y'all should be seeing these pretty soon.
    1 point
  3. Interesting thought. A “next generation” approach might be a good way to change things up. I’ll put that in the idea file.
    1 point
  4. Re: “Master Plan” From Unknown on June 15, 2023 Thanks!
    1 point
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