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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2023 in all areas

  1. You’re probably sick of me creating so many topics by now, but here’s another. Been putting some thought into an upcoming story, featuring a female character working out at the gym. What is interesting though is the actress who plays the character has been posting videos of themselves working out at a gym. I’ve been sorta making notes without the influence of the actress’ social media feed for most of it. Yet now I’m wondering if I should take a look at the various videos or photos and use them as reference points. Have any of you done something like this? Why or why not?
    2 points
  2. InvidiaRed

    Halloween 2023

    Once again, the harvest comes to fruition! The deep ones come ashore with ichthyic yearnings at the behest of elder things. Pacts are forged with things yet unnamed for bargains one doesn’t know what is lost till after it is gone. The scarecrows migrate in greater numbers And slumbering things stir beneath seals older than memory to a semblance of waking. Come one, Come all to annual festival! One Shots Under 45K Include all appropriate tags at the beginning of the story Horror/ Halloween theme Original Fiction The moon calls and we harken back to primal dark, and though we’ve conquered our world and dwell mighty in our cities… All it takes is one power outage to remember, the monsters that dwell there still! So eat drink and be merry! For not all monsters are evil… Nor all man good! So dream a thousand dreams and wonder… If we still think of them perhaps they in turn think of us in turn! Sweet dreams ;D Don’t let the Poitín go bad its meant to be drunken!
    1 point
  3. Might also depend on how specific you make the details. With the way I describe, even if you came across the inspirational photographs I use, in the wild, doubt you’d recognize them. If you’re getting too close, find another person’s videos—plenty of “squat” type of videos out there from others, or whatever exercise machine you’re wanting. I mean, worst case, if you have access to a gym is to do the exercise yourself with a selfie-camera… though if I tried that, think we’d lose an author here instead.
    1 point
  4. Yes, it’s definitely something they’re posting on their own social media. Which they obviously intended to get out there. But yeah, I see them using a particular exercise machine, or lifting certain types of weights, and I think, that would be an interesting way of describing the scene.
    1 point
  5. InvidiaRed

    Halloween 2023

    Yes! I’m doing this early =p So every body has time 🥰😎
    1 point
  6. Nah, helps keep the forum lively. Much better than the spammers united. It’s totally alright to draw inspiration from real life photos & videos as a whole. If said actor is freely posting those videos themselves, public settings (ie, it’s not taken from by a jealous ex-lover or overly excited paparazzi photographer), I’d feel those are okay to reference. I’d avoid going hyper detailed, but a general “doing squats” and then “doing pullups” for the routines? A water bottle? There’s so many of those videos out there, trouble nailing it down to any specific one. For some of my originals, I’ve found… ”nature photos” of models online, used those as a loose reference from time to time, which helps with adding some fleshed out details to my characters.
    1 point
  7. Most of my characters are based on either books or CRPGs, so I don’t get a lot of real person reference points, but I can see it as a valid way to flesh out the character.
    1 point
  8. And now I’ve had my colonoscopy without anesthetic. The procedure itself wasn’t a problem at all; the hours of horrific diarrhoea before it, on the other hand, now that was nasty.
    0 points
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