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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2023 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone! I just joined this community. My name's Jasmine. She/her/they/them. I'm 30 years old and a genderfluid lesbian. I love to read and I love to write. I write mostly original fiction. Currently I'm writing a science fiction/erotic romance story. I wrote only one fanfiction for the Catch Teenieping fandom but I got writers block so I never finished it or posted it anywhere. Haha. But I am really interested in fanfiction. I really would love to start writing fanfiction! I am currently reading The Hobbit. So maybe I will write fanfiction for the LOTR fandom. Besides reading and writing, I love drawing, watching anime, playing video games on nintendo switch lite. I'm so glad that I joined this website and I hope that we can be friends!
    3 points
  2. I go for the realism factor in my writing, hence the desire to balance it both ways, some times with toys/aids, other times, without. And sometimes, a carrot, chocolate syrup, or maple syrup works. However, this reminds me of Ash & Buck in my potter fanfic, get a double-ended vibrating dildo made with their cocks; misplace it, and come down to breakfast with Buck’s mother mixing pancake batter with it.
    1 point
  3. Cool and welcome to the growing pool of friends around here Fanfiction is how I got started (Harry Potter). My writing’s evolved as I got into original fiction about a decade ago. Still go back and forth as my muse leads me there. Anyways, welcome to the community!
    1 point
  4. Wilde_Guess

    sex toys in stories

    Hi, all. Good (or even passable) erotic writing, like writing in general needs to have enough resemblance to real life that the reader is willing to read it. Since “marital appliances” really exist, then they enter fiction as well, whether to erotic or humorous purpose. “But X¬˚∆øˆ˙˙, that toy doesn’t work for our species! Don’t worry, kΩ≈ç, it wlll. And, two hours, they realized that it did.” Cheers!
    1 point
  5. Welcome to AFF! We’re generally a very friendly bunch, and obviously writing is our passion here. These forums are a wealth of information, and also a great way to check in with staff if you have any questions. We love questions!
    1 point
  6. I usually have enough sex in my stories that having some variety might be good. (Though yes, usually it’s hands-on).
    1 point
  7. GeorgeGlass

    sex toys in stories

    I'm not always big on using sex toys in stories (I tend to prefer the "hands-on" approach). But if the story is set in a world with magic or advanced technology, I sometimes feel that I'm wasting an opportunity if I DON'T include at least one special toy.
    1 point
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