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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2023 in all areas

  1. BronxWench

    Reclaim account

    I’ve emailed you the activation link and a fresh password reset link.
    1 point
  2. The only thing I can think of is that the password doesn’t meet the requirements, or was perhaps not a new password. Password rules recap: Between 12-18 letters and/or numbers long, case sensitive. NO punctuation, spaces, or special characters allowed. Do NOT use your old password, or let Google make a strong password full of forbidden characters for you. If that’s not the case, let me know, and we’ll look into it further.
    1 point
  3. I’ve been a little slow about getting “Weakness” out there, but that should happen this weekend. Also, I just got chapter 4 of “Out of Hand” off to beta.
    1 point
  4. I’ve sent you a new link via email. Hopefully, this one will work for you.
    1 point
  5. I definitely don’t think it would make sense to do that. What happens in Chapter 2 doesn’t make as much sense without Chapter 1. In fact, the end of Chapter 1 sets up Chapter 2 and the next ones. It’s just a question of how to fix my lack of work on the early part of Chapter 1.
    1 point
  6. Yeah, maybe that would be a better way to go about it. I do think there is some rather obvious reasons why it happens in Chapter 1. I probably want to add a few more sentences to Chapter 1’s tackle scene. It’s not the only point where this comes up but it is the most obvious way in which it could be a glaring difference. Give a few details on the circumstances but not do a whole page on what happens.
    1 point
  7. Given that the tackles in both chapters are done with different motivation/intent, you don’t necessarily need to make Chapter 1 more detailed to match Chapter 2. That’s my opinion, anyway. But if you want to add a bit more detail to indicate the mood, that might help set the stage for the next chapter by making the differences in the tackles clearer.
    1 point
  8. My potter fanfic… yeah, chapters 1-5 of the previous edition, are now at least chapters 1-174 (haven’t quite finished where the old chapter-5 ended).
    1 point
  9. I appreciate it, although maybe I should be a little more clear. I just did a review of the first chapter a few days ago and added some stuff to it. But here’s where it becomes an issue. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 both have a scene where one character tackles another. In chapter 1 it’s more antagonistic, whereas in chapter 2 it’s more playful and fun. However, in Chapter 1, the tackle/struggle is less than a quarter of a page long and the description of basically amounts to “Buffy tackles Harmony and they struggle. The struggle is broken up by Spike.” with some dialogue involved. In Chapter 2, the tackle/struggle is over a page long and details what arm was used by which character to play with each other. It’s quite detailed about how they do what to each other. So I look at the difference between the tackle/struggle in chapter 1 and the tackle/struggle in chapter 2 and I wonder if I should detail out the tackle in chapter 1 and how much more detail I should do. I get that it’s partly just a question of choice.
    1 point
  10. Hi Extreme, the site is back up and running normally (hence the first new chapter in many months). In terms of the next chapter, work's been really busy and the whole family came down with gastro, so I haven't written anything for two weeks, but I'm hoping to get back on the grind once I have the time and energy.
    0 points
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