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  1. Sure, I will do things like describe things after the fact while in the present tense. For instance: While I am busy with this, they were doing this. What do you generally find works best in terms of description? I started out separating dialogue and actions in different lines. But more recently I’ve combined dialogue in actions such as: “I really shouldn’t.” she starts, before considering her options, “But maybe I have a better idea.” I figure so long as I’m clear about who’s saying what, everything is fine.
    1 point
  2. Oh...my first fanfic/story, the start of it… pure dialogue in committee style, discussing how to better Harry’s falling marks (because he’d been spending all his time in the owlery writing love letters to his muggle girl.) I certainly wouldn’t write it that way anymore! I’ve grown to figure out way better ways to have done it. I also wrote in PRESENT TENSE, which… wasn’t great either. One trick I learned ages ago for details, don’t describe it ALL. Instead, draw focus to one specific detail, ie, a tear in the green lamp shade, and it gives the illusion of depth without pages of detailed description.
    1 point
  3. 41652 I’m trying to avoid those infinite loops!
    1 point
  4. I totally get that. I kinda started out doing things that way. I just wrote whatever came to mind and my chapters were short. Most of the early chapters were less than 1,000 words long because I always got straight to the point and wrote from First POV, which meant I was focused on whatever was happening right in the moment. Only later on did I add longer chapters. It wasn’t until much later that I started writing longer stuff. Most of it was of the more sexual kind. I had one or two chapters that were in the 10k area because they were very... detailed. Now most of the stuff I post here is in that range. There’s one story that I haven’t posted anywhere in which each individual chapter is 20k words.
    1 point
  5. Some news: --I'm pleased to report that chapter 3 of "Out of Hand" went off to beta yesterday. --I have now caught up on posting the things I couldn't post during the read-only period. So my Big Hero 6 story "Augmented" is now here on AFF. I also posted my Halloween story from last year, “Night of the Were-Bimbos,” to my “Halloween Treat Bag.” –I got a pleasant surprise today when I ran across the list of the top 50 most recommended authors in the AFF archives and found that I was tied for #3!
    1 point
  6. You’ll almost always find something you missed if you go back to it, I know I do. Usually, it’s trivial enough that I’ll tweak it in my local copy and websites. As long as you make a reasonable effort, I think most readers understand...it’s not like we’re getting paid to do this full time. It’s a hobby, I’m an amateur, and so it’s basically second draft quality at most. I actually experimented a while ago… I deliberately wrote short chapters (~2k) and limited myself to ONE proof/edit, overall, I liked the speed the story developed at due to that. However, my main stories… longer chapters let me get more into the meat of the tales.
    1 point
  7. Yeah, I am sitting on a pile of them to some extent but I do worry about getting to a place where I don’t have anything new to post. I have 4 chapters of my Scooby Gang Time series and all 7 chapters of a new complete story that I’ve been working on for several months. I also just posted the first chapter of Kendall and Veronica Go to Kinks Castle which is a 4 part story, so 3 more chapters. But like you said, it’s good to stay on the freshly updated side. If I post these stories that quickly, I end up down the list when new stories get posted or updated. That’s why I’ve been spacing them out. Like you, I enjoy re-reading them to make sure I didn’t do any spelling or grammar errors. There’s been one or two stories/chapters I posted where I reviewed it 3 times over a month before posting, found some errors but then realized after posting that I didn’t catch some.
    1 point
  8. Depends on how fast I write them, which seem to be monthly now… I usually like to wait at least one week between finishing a chapter and reviewing it for posting, that’s balancing the desire to post with catching at least the glaring grammar and other issues. Thought you were sitting on a stockpile of finished yet unposted chapters… I’d do those at least 2-3 days apart, as it’d also stay at the top of “freshly updated” stories for longer.
    1 point
  9. Re: "Paradise" by InvidiaRed As creative and surreal as always, IR. Although I for one wouldn't discount those rumors about rogue sex bots. Aegis mostly just embraced the stereotype when they learned of the galactic council. Sex Bot Rebellions did in fact happen to another species. When AI became self aware and it learned that it’s only purpose was its orifices and usage of said orifices promptly pulled a incredibly vindictive crusade against all life. The galactic council eventually put them down like the rabid animal they’d become. So when The Galactic Council contacted them about what happened to their creators. Aegis made the unanimous decision to reply with a ;3. When you’re the stewards and nursemaids of an ascending immortal race that is your makers you have to learn to lie. Its best for both sides cause if the council had learned the truth and tried to intervene or worst case scenario managed to harm one of said creators. It really would have been AEGIS deciding Its on sight. Better to be thought of as a sex bot than letting any other learn the truth. *Beep! Boop! Just Doing Sex-bot Things* *In the distance other Synthetic Races just watch in outraged WTF Silence*
    1 point
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