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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2023 in all areas

  1. There are many reasons people delete their stories online. In some cases, they no longer wish to be associated with a fandom, or decide that they prefer not to have their email address associated with an adult fiction website for reasons of employment. We’ve also had people remove stories and accounts because they are now being published and the publisher has requested they remove any online content. Whatever the reasons, our policy is to respect the wishes of our members with respect to their own works.
    2 points
  2. Definitely doling it out over time. Might do a winter in march for 2022 since what happen did interrupt our annual writings if anyone else is up for it.
    2 points
  3. Gangbang is usually #v1, Usually the goal is one of the two(three for the lucky lady) holes of the main attraction/ main actor with lesser emphasis on the hands and everything else for what you can reach. Some folks can share the above while others are strictly one hole one goal. Orgy is when everyone is partaking of the fun/festivities at the same time. Orgies can involve multiple of the above. Since orgy seems to be the most general term while Gangbang is the more nuanced specific one.
    2 points
  4. No worries. We have them separate basically so that the promotion of the story and chapter upload announcements don’t drown in the chat between the author and their readers, basically. You are even allowed to put a link to the Review and reply thread in an author’s note in the story, so users who don’t have a forum profile can also chat with you there. The Review and reply threads are exactly what the name suggests, a place where you can interact with your readers and other users as freely as you wish. You can thank reviewers for their reviews, and/or chat with readers who want to know more about the story, or whatever, no limits. Except just, you know, no story content Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
    1 point
  5. 41572 (Virgie, KY)
    1 point
  6. Whenever The Pit decides to enforce its mature content rules, we get bombarded with new members, and hundreds of new stories daily. The archive can handle it, and I’m going to be exploring recruiting additional moderators since I seem to have misplaced most of the current ones. (And now @Desiderius Price hurries to find a good hiding place… )
    1 point
  7. BronxWench

    never used eyes

    My theory is the eyes would be cloudy at first, but would rapidly adjust and be capable of focus. If the mind retained all the knowledge of the original person, then there would be a frame of reference for what the clone was seeing, and they would be able to recognize things as they became clearer. Since this is all theory anyway, you could elect to have the vision clear as fast or as slow as your plot demands.
    1 point
  8. BronxWench

    never used eyes

    I think what you’re more asking is how they would interpret what they’re seeing, the cognitive aspect. Their eyes will function as well as any infant’s eyes, with focus sharpening rapidly. However, like an infant, they will have no frame of reference for what they’re seeing, if that makes sense.
    1 point
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