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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2023 in all areas

  1. Dear gods. You need to report this to WebNovel: dmca@webnovel.com I recommend including links to the stories here on AFF as well as your profile links showing dates of initial posting of the stories in question. He’s got your damned name on the “cover” of his story, ffs. He’s not even shy about being a thief. I’m not finding that pen name here on AFF, sadly, or I’d kick his sorry ass off my archive.
    3 points
  2. I’d say MFF then, since they’re going to be intimate.. The proximity of the letters usually warns people ahead of time the nature of the dynamic, that’s the way I and everyone I know interprets it, and I’ve never read something where they use terms like that interchangeably.
    1 point
  3. From my experience: MMF (implies there will be m/m sexual contact) while MFM (implies there is no m/m contact). I have two throuple fics, one with m/m interaction(labeled MMF) and one without (labeled MFM) so I’m think it would hold the same connotation for your category: MFM (if there is no female/female sexual contact and they’re merely sharing the male) or MFF (if the two women will be sexually interacting). Go with whatever you feel is appropriate of course, this is just my anecdotal opinion, but that’s how I’ve always read the order and I don’t think I’ve ever read a threesome that didn’t follow that pattern. Never read a MFM that had M/M and vice versa.
    1 point
  4. Someone was nice enough to add a review to a piece I posted in the brief time the site was out of read only mode. Because of this, I figured we should start a list of stuff you’ve been reading while you haven’t been able to leave a review. What’s something you’ve read and do you plan to leave a review?
    1 point
  5. Congrats, that’s good work to write 800k! Single digits...that’s my rate
    1 point
  6. I know I had offered at one point, however, that faded and I’ve been focusing more on my own world-building software assistant (ie, database + wiki + cool analytics). Not asking for new features, simply illustrating how I use the existing features to try to crack that same question. That is a can of worms, I’m not of fan of canceling/scrubbing-from-history of things I don’t agree with. I’ll err on the side of over-tagging instead of under-tagging. Though I’ll now categorize the tags in the opening of the story, noting which ones are more (CYA) and which ones are “features”/main-themes. I’d love to say I write fine in a vacuum, but I don’t. I do need that occasional pat on the back, the kudos, to keep the motivation. Otherwise, I’ll drift away with “got better things to do at the moment?” which morphs into “why bother?” and I move along. Thus, I record my dragon prints every so often, which helps, to a degree. What *does* help is that as I’ve been squeezing on the finances, it keeps other distracting hobbies at bay.
    1 point
  7. For me it wasn’t one story, it was more gradual. Like eventually my fan fics started getting more and more distant from the canon and I couldn’t quite bend the characters the way I wanted to without making them completely out of character. I think I kept trying to steer things back into the fandom (It was a while ago, so my memory of it isn’t all that clear). And I tried jumping from fandom to fandom, because though working within someone else’s universe is somewhat limiting, I found it very comforting. It comes with its own fanbase already installed that you don’t necessarily get with originals. It comes with people who know and understand the characters, and those limits it imposes make planning just a little easier (That’s my experience, I can’t speak for others.) But I did eventually give in and start chasing those plotbunnies down the proverbial rabbit hole. For me it was scary, but it was the right move. I’ve never looked back. Honestly I think you should follow your inspiration wherever it needs to take you. If you’re pumped for this, and it sounds like you are because wtf, 30 page timeline?! Bring that world to life!
    1 point
  8. This jerk stole 2 of my stories and a few others from AFF and posted them on Webnovel. Lady Freelove (author of one of the stolen stories) alerted me, and I’ve alerted the other authors. https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4304588891?appId=10
    0 points
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