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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2023 in all areas

  1. Whenever The Pit decides to enforce its mature content rules, we get bombarded with new members, and hundreds of new stories daily. The archive can handle it, and I’m going to be exploring recruiting additional moderators since I seem to have misplaced most of the current ones. (And now @Desiderius Price hurries to find a good hiding place… )
    3 points
  2. my coach is so fricking mad because my Team lead approved me for tomorrow and friday off to help my mom with her first eye surgery. my Team lead tried to get me to come in tuesday but i said no! so I got 4 days off this week, and then deal with 3 days of work cuz of inventory then vacation! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    2 points
  3. I try. I wasn’t so much saying that the mods should somehow intervene. It’s more wondering if it makes sense to be judicial about things. If 200 people login the second it’s available, all of them posting at the same time, can the archive handle that? Probably not going to happen but it might be good to think about.
    2 points
  4. Maybe I’m being optimistic about writers and their ability to get things done, but this occurred to me. Because the site has been down for a while, some of us have written a bunch of stuff. We might have a lot of content to post. There’s the possibility that a bunch of people will want to post new stuff. Should we try and not to add too much for the site initially?
    1 point
  5. Thank you so much for that, Donkingkong. I know that before all of these attacks we had a donation link in the Archives, and all donations went towards hosting costs and such things. But I don’t know what the status of that is at the moment. We’ll have to ask @DemonGoddess or @manta2g or @BronxWench about that, I’m afraid. But I am certain, whether it be now, or after we’re back up and running, all donations would be so greatly appreciated. We’re all volunteers here, so all donations go towards the site in full. We do not get paid for maintaining the site.
    1 point
  6. Writing fanfiction was the “gateway drug” that got me hooked on the fun creative writing, which did lead to creating original works. Now that I’ve returned to fanfiction (with the explicit goal of finishing my unfinished fanfic) my experience with originals has allowed me to make that fanfic better. As an example, I’ve added some extra characters that are really better rounded IMO than canon, and allow me to have a viewpoint that was missing before. (Also the willingness to dabble more in smut helps )
    1 point
  7. I’d be happy to get the hit counters going again… mine haven’t budged in months, leaves me wondering if anybody’s reading or not.
    1 point
  8. just found out that David Crosby passed away at the age of 81!
    0 points
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